Experiment Outline
Immune System analysis of children with Kabuki Makeup Syndrome (Niikawa-Kuroki)
Stephen J. Byrne; Microbiology Undergraduate Student, California Polytechnic University at Pomona.
                 -father of Elena Byrne, 2 years old with KMS
Purpose:    KMS immunodeficency may be a result of mutant(defective) proteins in lymphocytes.  Such a mutation may be causing malformed immunoglobulins, or reducing their concentrations in blood plasma.  The mutation could possibly affect the growth and proliferation of B & T cells, or macrophages as well.  Results will give us insight into the nature of any mutant proteins, their dysfunction, possible treatments, and the location of the mutations that cause KMS.
Experiment Procedures:
-  Survey
-  Laboratory Testing
   -  Complete Blood Count w/ Differential
   -  Immunoglobulin Panel
WebMD Test Descriptions

CBC w/ Differential

Immunoglobulin Panel
- KMS child between the ages of 2 and 10 years old
- No blood transfusions within 6 months of testing
- No serious infections for 2 weeks prior to testing
     -  Colds, ear, or skin infections exempted
- 40 participant spots available
- California, or Southwest USA Residents preferred

Testing Dates:
- Series 1 - Early July 2005
- Series 2 - Early August 2005

Costs vary depending upon participant's insurance.  Talk to your primary physician before enrolling, as prescriptions are required for each test.

2 - CBC Tests w/ Differential Counts
2 - Immunoglobulin Panels

White blood cell total
White blood cell type %
Red blood cell total
Hematocrit %
Hemoglobin Concentration
Platelet count
Blood smear (appearance)
Immunoglobulin A Concentration
Immunoglobulin G Concentration
Immunoglobulin M Concentration

Experiment Conclusion:
The experiment will conclude in August with the final analysis of the results and submission of the paper.  For those families in Southern California, a meeting will be organized in early September to discuss results and possible follow-up experiments.  For those families living elsewhere, all information from the meeting will be mailed.  Participants will have priority in later experiments.
Click here for Application
Click here for survey sample