
by Asrana

Disclaimer: The characters Fox Mulder and Walter Skinner and the show "The X-Files" belong to 1013 Productions and Fox. They are used here without consent from either company. I receive no material gains from this story, so please don't sue.

Archive: Only at the Persuaders archive, thank you.

Rating: R for discipline scenes

Pairing: Skinner/Mulder

Summary: Mulder gets it wrong. Again. Skinner tries to persuade him to get it right next time.

Author's Notes: First and foremost, i have to offer sacrificial worship to the altars of Samantha and Gaby. They are the reason this story ever got finished and not just deleted around six months ago, when i hit the first bump in the road! Since then, they have offered endless encouragement, nagging and wonderful betas. Thank you, guys, The second note is that I KNOW "Come-uppance" is a word, but I can't find it in the dictionary! So if it's spelt wrong please tell me how to spell it! Thanks :) and now on with the story....

The roar made him jump, and made all the heads in the room turn his way.

"Mulder! Get over here!"

Mulder winced. He knew that voice. He hated that voice. It made him squirm. Figuratively of course, but judging from the tone, in a while it would be very literal indeed. The worst of it was, this being his first day back at work after a hospital stay following their latest case, he had a fairly good idea what Skinner wanted him for. This was NOT fair. Couldn't he have even one day of relative peace and quiet, before being fed to the lions?

Lower lip protruding in a sulky pout, he heaved a theatrical sigh and raised his eyebrows apologetically at Scully, jerking his head in the direction of The Voice.

"Sorry to skip out on you, Scully...."

She smiled at him warmly, looking slightly worried. "Don't worry about it, Mulder. I'd get going if I were you; he definitely sounds.... put out."

Mulder snorted. "'put out?' More like 'royally pissed off', to me!"

Scully shrugged eloquently. "You're the expert," she grinned.

The look of hurt he feigned was so over done, she had to stifle her giggles. Relishing this small victory over his normally solemn partner, he got to his feet. He sighed again, this time with resignation, and started towards the door, trying to ignore the stares he was receiving from the others in the bull pen. Trying to appear undaunted by the seething mass of pure fire that glaringly waited for him in the doorway.

Stopping warily just out of reach, he tried for civility: "You wanted to see me, Sir?"

The answering growl made his stomach do swan dives and his knees go weak as a massive arm clamped down on his shoulder and he was frog- marched out the door and along the corridor. Blushing bright red at the other agents' obvious delight at his being manhandled, Mulder tried to twist out of the vice-like grip, feebly voicing his protests, "I can walk by myself, you know!"

He could have sworn Skinner snarled at him as the grip on his shoulder tightened and he was propelled into the A.D.'s office. Finally he was released as Skinner shoved him through the door and turned to slam it shut - and lock it.

Mulder swallowed convulsively. This was NOT going to be good. Not even Scully would be able to kick the door down before Skinner had strangled him with his bare hands.

He stood fidgeting nervously as his one-time boss swung round to glare at him. Under the force of that glare, Mulder looked at the floor, at the ceiling, at the desk, out the window - anywhere but at Skinner, who looked as though he was about to explode like a volcano under pressure. Skinner continued to glare at him, the heavy silence stretching between them as Mulder became more and more nervous, until finally his shoulders had hunched up, his hands were plucking nervously at his trousers, and his eyes were firmly fixed on his own shoes. This calm before the storm was killing him.

Unseen, Skinner smiled in grim satisfaction. For someone with a degree in psychology, it was sometimes ridiculously easy to out-psych Mulder.

And then Mulder's head came up. "I-" he cleared his throat and tried again. "I'm sorry." It came out as a squeak.

"For what," was the low growl.

Mulder's mouth opened, but no sound came out as he finally looked at Skinner, confusion and trepidation showing in every line of his body.

"I asked you, `for what'." Skinner seemed to loom even bigger over the hapless agent.

Mulder mutely shook his head and resumed his fascinating study of his shoes. Maybe opening his mouth hadn't been such a great idea. He started to feel sick again.

And Skinner exploded.

"How can you not even know what for?! You had Scully worried sick, half of your superiors are calling for you to be sacked, Kersh is backing them up all the way, and you are THIS close to being tossed out on your ear. And I'M the only one who has any investment in saving your goddamned ass, AGAIN!!!"

Mulder swallowed convulsively, while the cheeks of said ass clenched in fear. He had a feeling he knew where this was going, but he tried one last ditch attempt at pacifying the older man; "I really am sorry."

The words were like a red rag to a bull. "SORRY?!" he boomed. "You cause as much trouble as you did, act with total irresponsibility, even for YOU, nearly get damned well DROWNED, have to be rescued by Scully AGAIN, complete with overnight stay in hospital AGAIN, and all you can say is `sorry'?! And not only could you not tell me what for, but it didn't even sound sincere!" He paused for breath.

Mulder cringed. Skinner was almost foaming at the mouth, and his words seemed to reverberate off the walls. He was sure everyone in the building could hear the dressing down he was being given, heck, probably everyone in the darned city could hear him. He prayed that the inevitable sentence would be said softly; he was in big trouble if THAT was overheard and misinterpreted around the Hoover!

"My apartment. Tonight. Eight o'clock. Don't. Be. Late." The last three words had been ground out through clenched teeth, but Mulder heaved a sigh of relief anyway. Yes his ass was toast, but Skinner had spoken quietly; no one could possibly have overheard.

"Yes, Sir."

"Get out."

Mulder paused. That was rather obviously his dismissal, but Skinner's pacing had finished with him standing by the door. Mulder would have to walk past him in order to escape, and he wasn't sure if it was a good idea to get within reach of Skinner when he was this mad. Even with the promise of punishing him this evening, strangling was probably still somewhere high on the AD's list of `things he'd like to do to Mulder'. Hesitantly he stepped diagonally towards the door, angling as far away as he could from Skinner and still be subtle about it. It didn't work. Before he could touch the doorknob, the iron grip was back, this time around the wrist of his outstretched hand. He looked up fearfully. Skinner was staring at him intently, all traces of anger gone.

"You're that scared of me?"

Mulder ducked his head and scuffed his feet against the carpet, certain that if he opened his mouth Skinner would only blow up again. He nearly had a heart attack when he was suddenly engulfed in that strong, warm hug he loved so much. Now he was totally confused! Skinner didn't usually hug him when he was mad. He ranted and raved until he wasn't so angry anymore, then he whaled away at his ass until he thought the lesson had been driven home, and only THEN would he give Mulder the gift of one of his glorious hugs. And Mulder had never seen Skinner as angry as he had been a moment ago. This was all wrong. But still, it felt good. Mulder swallowed the sudden lump in his throat and buried his face in Skinner's shoulder, holding on as tightly as he could. Maybe if he stayed here long enough, the rest of the world would go away.

Finally Skinner gently stepped back and set the younger man on his own feet, noticing that all the tension seemed to have drained out of both of them. He chuckled and gently caressed the side of Mulder's face, allowing his voice to mirror his actions. "Go on, then. I'll see you at eight."

Mulder nodded briefly, wordlessly, before opening the door and walking out on only slightly unsteady feet.


The word danced in his head even as he accelerated away from the scene of the crime.

Well, there was no way he could have gone back into the bullpen after THAT, and there's only so much time one can pace around the men's room, Mulder argued with himself. He just prayed Skinner wouldn't think to check that he'd gone back to work, as he'd obviously been supposed to.

Damn, it was an age until eight o'clock, and he wasn't going to do anything but stew over it until then. He couldn't even distract himself with anything from work, since he'd left everything behind when he'd fled.

Damn. Well then, he'd just keep driving.

When he next took note of his surroundings he found himself outside Skinner's apartment block. As much as he longed to go up and make himself at home, he didn't think he'd be able to stand being at the place of his impending doom for the next - he checked - five hours.

Besides which, his key was in his desk. Along with his cell phone. Oh God! If Skinner tried to call him, he was doubly dead. Walter's obsession with his cell phone's location and condition - fully charged and on the agent's person was his preference - was well known to him, after repeated lessons acted out on his bottom. Mulder was quite certain he did NOT need a reminder of that particular lesson tonight, especially not on top of what he was already due!

That thought decided him. Locking his car, he made his way to the security office, just off the lobby. He knocked on the glass.

"Hey, Jeff."

"Mr. Mulder!" he smiled back. "Nice to see you again. What can I do for you?"

Mulder pulled his most chagrined and apologetic face. "I'm afraid I left my keys. Would you mind...?"

Jeff's smile broadened. "Again? Sure, I don't mind letting you in, but you know, one of these days I'm not going to be here, and then you'll be in trouble!"

Mulder reflected to himself how much trouble he was already in and winced. "Yeah, I know. Listen, I'll try to do better, but for now, can we go please?"

"Sure, Mr. Mulder."

As soon as Mulder entered Skinner's apartment, had thanked Jeff and shut the door, he made his way across to the phone. Dialing the number from memory, he hesitated before pressing the last button, and then stood tensely, noting with wry amusement his moist palms and accelerated breathing. Damn, he was only calling the man, for chrissake! How much damage could Skinner do over the phone?

He soon found out. "Skinner." God, he still sounded pissed off.

"Um, hi." The words suddenly left him in a rush; "Listen, I'm sorry, I know I'm supposed to be back at my desk but I couldn't so I left and then I found myself driving up the street outside your apartment and then I realized you didn't know where I was and I thought I should call you so I asked Jeff to let me in and I know you're mad at me and I'm sorry but I thought I might - I might -" His brain ground to a halt.

The pause was killing him.

Skinner finally spoke, choosing his words carefully. Trying to let his concern show through as much as his annoyance. "Mulder, I know you're scared. Frankly I don't blame you, I don't think I've ever been that mad at you before-" a small whimper escaped from Mulder, "- but don't worry about it. Kersh phoned me and said he was happy that you'd been given a dressing down that probably had more impact on you than his did-" that got a muffled snort of laughter from his listener, "-and I think I can excuse you this time for not having your cell or being at your desk."

Mulder let out his breath explosively. "Thank you, Walter. And I know it probably doesn't mean much to you at the moment, you're probably still too mad at me, but I want you to know, I AM sorry for what I did. I think pursuing them like that might have been the wrong thing to do."

Skinner's delighted chuckle was like music to his ears. Maybe he wasn't so mad after all. "Thank God! If you're finally beginning to see where you went wrong, then maybe all this hasn't been in vain!"

Mulder quickly decided not to correct him - he'd meant he thought he'd scared Them off and now They'd be more difficult to find, not that he thought he was wrong. If Skinner wanted to think that, that was fine by him! His attention was quickly brought back to the phone. "Mulder," Skinner was all serious again, "since you have so much time on your hands, when I get home around six thirty this evening, I want certain things to be done, okay?"

He quickly agreed; anything to keep this from getting worse. But as he listened to Skinner's instructions, he realized with a sinking heart that there wasn't much worse that this could get. Oh, this was just too cruel. Finally the line was silent again as Skinner paused. "Mulder - I know you hate this. That's why it's a punishment. But once it's over, it's over. You know that. That's why we agreed to this; once it's paid for, it's finished. Right?"

"Yes." It came out as a whisper.

"Okay then. Get busy, and I'll see you soon."



Mulder dragged his heart out of his shoes and gave it voice, "I love you."

The smile could clearly be heard down the line, "I know, love. I'll see you soon."

Putting the phone down, Mulder grimly got to work, determined not to think but just be robotic about it. Put the belt and hairbrush on the dresser. Check. Put a glass of water and wet washcloth next to them. Check. Arrange the pillows in the middle of the bed. Check. Lower his jeans and shorts to his knees and spend the rest of the afternoon like that as a reminder.

Mulder's hands hesitated at his belt buckle. Skinner wouldn't be home for hours, and he still had to make dinner, do the laundry, and scrub the bathroom. No way was he going to do all that with his jeans at his knees! He knew exactly why Skinner told him to. The exposure would embarrass him, even though there was no one else around to see, and would also serve to remind him that he had punishment coming tonight. But that didn't make it any easier to go through and DO it!

He quickly decided. He'd just pull them down later when he went to stand in the corner. Skinner would never know. Mulder smiled to himself. Score one for him, he thought.

An hour later, Mulder wasn't so sure. He hated laundry!

Especially since Skinner had specifically instructed him to wash all the towels and sheets. And then iron them. They were so awkward and unwieldy! Sighing at the injustice of life, he quickly ran the iron over another sheet. Damn, but he was never able to get all the wrinkles out of them, and this time was no different. Well then, it would just have to do. And anyway, if he got through the laundry quicker, he could prepare a nice meal for Walter, since he was bound to be hungry. Mulder shied away from the thought of just HOW the AD would be working up his appetite this evening.

Finishing the laundry haphazardly, he moved to the bathroom. Another chore that he hated. And it wasn't fair that he'd never seen Skinner scrub the bathtub! Although given that he was in trouble most weeks, he guessed that it didn't really need much more scrubbing than that.

And somehow Walter managed to NEVER get into trouble. Running the old toothbrush around the taps, Mulder rethought that last. It wasn't strictly true; Walter frequently got into trouble with his superiors at work, but it was almost always because he was defending Mulder. He was rarely in the position of having to be disciplined by Mulder, because most of his more questionable actions were in Mulder's defense. Suddenly Mulder's chest felt tight. His lover spent so much time trying to take care of him, and he didn't even appreciate it.

Bent double over the bathtub, Mulder suddenly felt horribly guilty. And he knew what he should do about it. But... but... he wrestled with his conscience. He would be half naked soon enough, no need to prolong it! But his conscience won out.

Standing up with a sigh, Mulder quickly undid his jeans and slipped them together with his shorts down to his knees, his buttocks constricting as the cool air wafted over them. Bending back over the tub to get back at his scrubbing, he was acutely aware of his butt sticking out. He could almost feel Walter standing behind him, taking a swing at him already. Picking up the toothbrush with a growl, he scrubbed fiercely at the stains around the drain, determined to quit thinking about his impending punishment. But his violent actions with the brush were making his ass cheeks jiggle, and he couldn't spread his legs properly for balance, so he had to stick his butt further out to compensate. Oh, this was awful. Maybe he should just - No. Walter had gotten into so much trouble because of him, the least he could do was follow his instructions just this once! With a sigh, Mulder attacked the tub with renewed vigor, determined to finish up as quickly as possible. He still had dinner to prepare, and he was supposed to be standing in the corner when Walter got home.

The click of the lock and the swish of the door opening brought Mulder out of his reverie as his whole body tensed. He heard the usual sounds of Walter arriving home from the office. Hanging up his coat, slipping off his shoes - so why was his body still so tight?

Suddenly Mulder realized one crucial sound hadn't registered yet: the sound of the front door closing. Stifling his moan of acute misery as his face burned with humiliation, he buried his forehead in the corner and willed Walter to shut the door before someone walked past and saw him, a grown man with jeans and boxers around his knees and his nose in a corner. Maybe there was something to this telepathy thing after all, because at that moment, he heard the door swing back into the frame, and the lock click.

Save for a gentle squeeze of his shoulder as Skinner walked past, Mulder was completely ignored as the other man walked through the apartment, checking that everything was in order. Hearing him walk into the spare bedroom, Mulder knew he was looking at the slightly crumpled, not folded, sheets, and more crumpled towels, and winced. He'd not had time to finish them. On the other hand, he argued to himself, since when did sheets or towels need ironing anyway? The only people who would see them would surely not make judgments about something that was so insignificant in the grand scheme of things. Or then again, maybe not, he sighed to himself.

Skinner walked back out into the living room and headed towards his corner. "Okay, would you like to come out of there now?" he asked, running a hand caressingly down Mulder's back and buttocks before gently raising his underwear.

Mulder pulled up his pants and fastened them as he turned around with a grimace, before opening his arms to receive the offered hug. "Not really." He buried himself in his lover's chest, humming his contentment.

"Why not?" Skinner drew away slightly to look at him.

Mulder sighed. "It means the rest of my punishment is that much closer, and let's just say I'm, `less than enthusiastic', and leave it at that, okay?"

Skinner pulled him back into the hug again and started running a hand soothingly over his back. "I know, babe. But you know by now that all you have to do to avoid this is to follow the rules."

Mulder made a face at that comment and then leaned into the hug, feeling so safe in Skinner's arms. This was why he loved the man. Sure, the sex was great, and they generally had a wonderful time together outside of Bureau hours. But the man's ability to make him feel so secure was what he cherished most. Right here, in Skinner's arms - the best place to be in the world.

Mulder grinned to himself at the sentimental drivel he could spout when in his lover's arms, and then turned to smack a loud kiss on his cheek. "Come on, big guy, we have to eat before the food turns to rock in the oven."

Skinner smiled back and allowed Mulder to proceed him into the kitchen. It always amazed him how a simple hug could have such an effect on Mulder's emotional state. He made a mental note to hug him as much as possible. Maybe that was the key to keeping him on an even keel? He turned the thought over in his mind as he got out the cutlery.

Dinner turned out to be as delicious as usual, but Skinner regretfully had to restrain himself. No matter how much he might gorge himself on Mulder's wonderful meals - in fact, he was beginning to worry he might have to let his suits out a bit soon - he had a vigorous workout ahead of him. On a full stomach, that was guaranteed to give him indigestion. He saw Mulder glance over at him and he must have read his mind, as he suddenly started picking at his food. Damn.

Taking Mulder's fork away and covering his hand with his own, Skinner looked across the table. "Well, you're not eating any more, and I was finished. Would you like to leave dessert and the dishes until after? You look like if you have to wait any longer, you're going to start climbing the walls."

Mulder's answering nod was so relieved it was almost comical, before the two men rose and headed for the bedroom, hand in hand.

Mulder watched as Skinner settled himself on the edge of the bed, and then moved to stand between his lover's legs. There was nothing erotic about Walter's hands in these sessions. Those wonderfully large and expressive hands could have him begging for release after mere minutes, but he knew that this time he was only going to be begging for them to stop. Noticing Skinner's eyes on him, Mulder looked at him questioningly.

"Ready, babe?"

Mulder nodded, throat dry, and then closed his eyes, feeling his face flush as his lover went to work undoing his belt and jeans. He hated this. It was so impersonal, methodical, disinterested. And this from a man who usually expressed such delight in being able to touch him! It just made everything worse. He placed his hands lightly on Skinner's shoulders for balance as he raised one leg, then the other, and was left standing naked from the waist down, face burning with embarrassment. Encouraged by the hand at his lower back he slowly bent over the waiting left thigh, hiked well forward so that his head was nearly brushing the floor, and his bottom was tilted sharply towards the ceiling. Feeling Walter's right leg lock firmly in place over both of his, securing him in his jackknifed position, he huffed a deep breath, trying to relax. He felt his shirt moved out of the way as Skinner's hand moved soothingly over his lower back and bottom, waiting for him to loosen up. Here, now, with the spanking so imminent, Mulder was finally able to let go of his worry over it, letting all the tension drain out of his body. It was going to happen and there was nothing he could do about it. The relief he felt was surprising in its intensity.

In contrast, Skinner was steeling himself, hardening his heart against what he was about to do. Whenever he'd been punished during his childhood, he'd always thought his father's saying, "this is going to hurt me more than it hurts you," was beyond ludicrous. Since he and Mulder had come to this arrangement however, he had learnt otherwise. All his protective instincts cried out unceasingly for him to stop, while he knew at the same time, through bitter experience for both of them, that if he didn't deliver a very thorough spanking Mulder was likely to pull the same stunt again next week.

Fortunately, as they both continued to learn and grow, these sessions were becoming more infrequent, and the really big screw-ups, like this one, were even less common.

Schooling his emotions and raising his hand, Skinner asked the ritual question and simultaneously landed the first SMACK of palm on bare skin to the bottom raised over his lap. "What is this spanking for?"

Mulder gasped. The first swat, no matter how prepared he thought he was, always took his breath away. "For breaking the rules!" he quickly replied.

There was no indication whether the answer was correct or not, just another smack, to the opposite cheek, accompanied by the next part of the ritual. "List them."

Mulder sighed, feeling the imprints of the two separate spanks as though they were engraved in his skin. This was likely to take a while, and the real punishment wouldn't even start until this part was over. Quickly gathering his thoughts before Skinner might give him an encouraging extra slap, he began, leaving a pause after each item for the required five swats; one to the lower part of each buttock, one to the top of each thigh, and one that straddled the center.

"Not filing a 302." And the first set of five rained down.

"Not telling you where I was going." The second set of five, landing on top of the first, and the sting increased.

"Breaking and entering." Another five swats, and Mulder wriggled slightly. That last one on his `sit spot' really stung!

"Getting caught-" he put his head down and groaned as more swats landed on his smarting skin.

"Nearly drowning - ah!" two particularly fierce blows landed on his thighs, telling him, as if he didn't know already, that Walter was particularly unimpressed about that one.

"Ending up in hospital!" he yelped, squirming.

"Worrying you and Scully!"

"Scully and I are two separate people, Mulder," Skinner replied calmly, "I think we should be addressed separately, don't you?" and proceeded to land ten deliberate smacks on the now rather pink rump before him. Thankfully the question was rhetorical; Mulder just managed to check his retort as he gasped and wriggled at the added smart in his rear.

Pausing to think, he wondered what else, since Skinner was obviously waiting.

Not fast enough. Another swat landed sharply, dead center, as he was prompted, "What else?"

Mulder wracked his brains, trying to ignore the sting in his backside. Another `helping' smack landed, causing him to blurt out, "I don't know! Just- being bad!"

Immediately the descending hand was checked and came down instead to rub gently and soothingly. "No, Mulder, never think that. You're not bad. You can be impulsive and disobedient at times, naughty, but you are NOT bad. Got that?"

Mulder whimpered softly. The rubbing may have been intended to be soothing but it was only making him more aware of the sheer vulnerability and helplessness of his position, and the additional punishment yet to come. Burying his head in his arms he answered Skinner, who was still waiting patiently, with a mumbled affirmative.

"Okay then, Mulder," as the hand continued to move in gentle circles over his bottom, "I'll tell you the last one. It's for not finishing the laundry properly." And he proceeded to land the final five smacks on his lover's glowing bottom. "And since you didn't remember it yourself, and because I like round numbers-" and one last crisp stinger landed on his sit spot. "There, a nice round fifty," Skinner said with satisfaction, giving the nicely warmed backside a fond pat. Mulder's breath hitched as he felt the fierce sting concentrated on the lower half of his buttocks. It felt like there was a line drawn across the center, the top half still cool and the lower half slightly more warm than was comfortable. Unfortunately, that was about to change. Oh, why had he ever thought it had been a good plan?

He'd been so sure no one would find out! Feeling Skinner reach across for the hairbrush he groaned his misery and then tensed as he felt the cool wood resting against his bottom.

Seeing Mulder's ass cheeks clench, Skinner frowned. "Mulder, don't tense up. You know it makes you bruise more and that's not the aim here!"

But he didn't seem to be able to tell his muscles what to do any more, his body was frozen in agonized anticipation, ignoring the commands from his brain. However the sudden explosion of the first stroke, hard and fast to the crease where butt met thigh, quickly remedied that, as Skinner had known it would. All the air left Mulder's lungs in a shout of surprise and pain, as he felt the impact followed by the familiar sting of the brush, and then the radiating heat a moment later. "SHIIIT!!"

Quickly another hard smack followed to land on the exact same spot, making him hiss and writhe. "Do I have to remind you? Don't swear!"

"No, Sir, sorry, Sir," he gasped, as the brush proceeded, with slightly less intensity, to paint bright red splotches all over his bottom.

For some reason, Mulder always called him `Sir' when he was being punished, although when Walter had asked him about it, he had evinced surprise. Mulder had reassured him that he knew it was Walter who was punishing him, and not his AD persona, but privately the older man wondered about it. He was determined that their relationship outside the office be an equal one, but he certainly didn't call Mulder `Sir' when HE was being punished.

Deciding he'd bring it up again later, he applied himself to the task at hand. The brush was large, made from a heavy wood that was varnished and cut in a broad, oval shape, and Walter knew first hand how fiercely it stung on impact. Skinner's method was to cover the entire bottom, right down to the crease where bottom met thigh, with a single layer of red, before starting over again. One round of spanks was painful enough, to Mulder, but as the second rounded started his yelps and wriggles became louder and more pronounced. The part of Mulder's brain that was still working railed at the injustice of the brush. It laid down a layer of pain, but when the second smack came on top, the pain did more than just double; it seemed to increase exponentially and, as always, Mulder was sure he couldn't take much more. Unfortunately, that decision was not his to make.

Putting his head down, he tried to focus on Skinner's left hand planted on his lower back, as the third round of spanks started. It held him down - as if that was needed; with his legs pinned in place he could hardly move - but also anchored and grounded him. It helped him to remember that despite the pain he was in a safe place, that this had a purpose, and that it would be all over soon.

The fire in his butt was building though, and he tried feebly to kick away. However he was only able to move his feet a small distance; his legs were firmly trapped. Clasping his hands together and dropping his head low to the floor, he let his legs and hips continue their instinctive twists and kicks for escape, although his upper body remained relatively still. He knew from experience that if he seriously tried to get away, or to protect himself with his hands, Skinner would just tuck his arm around his waist and spank even harder. This was hard enough, Mulder thought. He felt the tears gathering in his eyes begin to fall, as more blows to his unprotected bottom forced cries of pain from his lips.

He was openly crying now, starting to sob as his struggles became more desperate. The brush was continuing to land on his deeply red and burning cheeks, reinforcing the folly of his actions, until he felt like his backside had been doused in petrol and set alight. Oh, he was never going to do something so stupid ever, ever again! Never never never never never.....

Skinner, meanwhile, was wondering how long he could keep this up. His lover's wails of painful misery were tearing at his heart, and he was beginning to curse himself for ever starting this. It wasn't right.

Mulder was a grown man, with every right to make his own decisions, even if he didn't agree with them. Who was he to stand in his way?

Certainly he shouldn't be dishing out punishments, especially ones so humiliatingly childish. His deliveries began to lose their snap and bite, although this wasn't noticeably appreciated by the squirming body in his lap, as he became less and less certain that he was doing the right thing.

Suddenly, Skinner remembered just exactly why he was doing this. Mulder nearly drowned. He nearly DIED. His love, his soul mate, the person he cherished so much, was so cavalier towards his own personal safety. All at once, Skinner found his purpose again - to make sure that the two of them would be able to have a life together, something that could only be done if Mulder was prevented from actively courting his own death. Taking a firm hold around Mulder's waist, Skinner redoubled his efforts, delivering the spanks with harder and faster, snappily peppering the shiny red cheeks, determined to finish this soon and make sure it didn't happen again for a long, long time.

Mulder's crying increased as he felt the hand on his back move to encircle his waist. It meant Walter was stepping up his attack, and his fears were well founded as the brush suddenly caused a fiery explosion across his bottom. Mulder shrieked at the sudden impact. His backside was throbbing, stinging, burning, a condition which was only getting worse, and he was convinced he was bruised from waist to mid thigh. And there was no end in sight. All at once, he realized the complete helplessness of his situation. There was nothing he could do to stop Skinner, he was firmly pinned in place, and deep down he admitted he deserved everything he got. It had been a stupid stunt to pull, even if he'd thought at the time that the possible benefits outweighed the risks. He'd forgotten to figure in the risks to his bottom, though! As the blow rained down, his resistance evaporated, like so much smoke from his blazing butt. He went limp as the pain, guilt and regret poured out of him, given voice in deep, shuddering sobs that wracked his body. It didn't matter now how long the spanking went on for. All he would do, all he could do, was accept the consequences of his idiotic actions. Mulder lay there and bawled.

Hearing the change in Mulder's cries, Skinner sighed with relief and began to wind down his onslaught. The pauses between blows lengthened and the strokes themselves lost their power until they were little more than gentle taps. Even so, each one elicited a new gasp and wriggle between Mulder's sobs. Looking at his handiwork, Skinner could see why. The whole of Mulder's backside was a deep, angry red and as he rested his palm against them, he idly wondered if he could cook an egg on these blazing, vermilion cheeks. Mulder would probably think so.

Still sobbing, Mulder moved, wanting desperately to get to the part that always followed punishment. Helping him onto shaky feet, Skinner gently seated Mulder in his lap - with renewed sobs as his seared cheeks contacted unforgiving, scratchy wool - and rocked him gently, crooning soothingly, until his crying had eased to occasional whimpers and sniffles.

Then, making sure he had his attention, Skinner began to speak softly. "Mulder, I'm sorry, I know that's probably the hardest I've ever spanked you-"

Mulder interrupted. Snuffling through his blocked nose, he tried to convey reassurance; "S'okay, Walter. I know I deserved it. Actually- actually, I was kinda surprised that you stopped." He admitted.

Skinner sighed, part relief, part regret. "I'm afraid, that's the point, Mulder." Mulder tensed as he continued gently, "remember, I made you set out the belt as well as the hairbrush?"

There was a long pause.

"NO! No, please, Walter, I- I've learnt my lesson, I promise!" His voice cracked, "Please- please-" he trailed off miserably. After all, he'd just admitted, in essence, to the leniency of his spanking!

Walter sighed again. "I know, babe, and you know I hate doing this. But you really, really scared me this time, and I'm determined to make sure you think VERY hard the next time you're tempted to pull a stunt like that!"

His voice had become progressively firmer through the speech until by the end he sounded almost as angry as he had back in the office. Mulder cringed. He opened his mouth to protest, but Skinner cut him off harshly. "Don't tell me you promise you'll never do anything like that again, you've said it before! Several times! Frankly, I'm beginning to wonder what your promises are worth."

Mulder's mouth opened again, this time in shock. That really stung.

That was incredibly unfair! That was totally uncalled for! That- that was probably true. He sighed and stared at the floor.

Skinner studied him for a moment, and came to a decision. "Okay, Mulder," he said, his voice gentle but unyielding, "since that probably did hurt a lot more than anything I've dished out before-" he paused as Mulder snorted "- I'm giving you a choice. You can count out six strokes of the belt now and sit in the corner for half an hour before having in a nice, cold bath, or you can count out and thank me for ten strokes tomorrow morning, before sitting in the corner."

Mulder shuddered, turning his miserable dilemma over in his mind. Some choice! Walter really was determined to make him suffer this time, wasn't he? Counting out the strokes! He hated that! And on top of the fire in his rear end right now! And then SITTING in the corner?! No way could he do that! But the alternative was no better. He knew his butt wouldn't have recovered enough by tomorrow to make ten strokes less painful than six taken now. Walter was continuing in his efforts to prove the futility of procrastination. Added to which, he really hated having to thank Walter for the strokes, he was never thankful in the slightest! And he was fairly sure he wouldn't be able to get through that without doing something stupid, like putting a hand back, earning himself two extra each time. Apparently that little bit of torture was to teach him control and to accept responsibility for his actions. He hated it, but privately he had to admit that it probably worked - he rarely tried to evade punishment now, since the end result was always significantly worse. And anyway, he couldn't really complain, since Walter was subject to the same restrictions. Only Walter never moved a muscle, no matter how much he cried and pleaded during his rare punishments. Somehow that struck Mulder as being most unfair.

But he was getting off track, and Walter was waiting for his answer. Sighing, he nestled into the hollow where neck met shoulder, the tears starting up again as he reluctantly made his choice; "I'll take six now."

Skinner hugged him tightly. "I'm so proud of you. You know that?" he whispered, rocking them both. "I'm so proud to be a part of your life." He kissed Mulder's forehead and his voice shone with possessive pride. "My love."

Mulder smiled. The words warmed him and although he still hated the thought of the belt, they gave him comfort and reminded him why he was here. He'd do anything for this man. Even the habits of a lifetime were slowly being changed to suit Walter's preference, despite Mulder himself failing to understand what all the fuss was about. That was another of Walter's projects - trying to get Mulder to understand that love was a two-way street.

Regretfully levering himself out of the warm embrace, Mulder was grateful to take the pressure off his sore bottom. He thrust away the thought that soon he'd be sitting on a high stool, the fire restoked and all his weight once again resting on it. The blazing had settled down by now to a steady ache that he knew would stay with him for a day or so, even without the imminent strapping.

He waited for Walter to get to his feet, and then crawled on to the bed, positioning the pillows under his hips. Which conveniently raised his bottom up into a nice, prominent target for the belt. Oh, he hated this. Taking hold of the headboard with a firm grip, he swore to himself that he wouldn't let go, and buried his face in the bedspread. He was reduced to a pair of vulnerable, throbbing buttocks, trying to decide whether the wait or the punishment itself was worse.

Studying the proffered backside while winding the belt around his hand, Skinner grinned distractedly to himself. Mulder was a creature of opposites. Either he put things off for as long as possible, or else he couldn't bear to put them off at all and tried to hurry them along. Skinner himself would have been quite happy to sit and cuddle for a while longer.

Drawing his attention back to the task at hand, he laid the end three feet of leather against the uppermost part of Mulder's rear, signaling the imminent start of the punishment. The target tensed and relaxed rhythmically, fairly quivering with nervous anticipation. He drew his hand back, letting the belt fall over his shoulder.

"All right, Mulder," Skinner said, remember to count."

And he laid the first stroke squarely on target.

Mulder was prepared. His hands gripped the head of the bed more firmly, and as the stroke seared it's way across his smarting cheeks, he discharged both his duty and his howl of pain in the same breath. "ONE, SIIIIRRR!" How could he ever wonder if the wait was worse than the strapping? This was far, far worse! He could feel the imprint of the belt on the uppermost swell of his buttocks, as though a red hot piece of metal had been laid there and pressed there. He was sure his buttocks were blistered, if not bleeding! How was he supposed to take another five strokes??

His shout had practically bounced off the walls and made Skinner pause. Mulder had never screamed that loudly before! Critically studying the effects of the first stroke and quickly coming to a decision, Skinner hardened his heart and spoke firmly. "Mulder, you can't yell that loud - unless you want the neighbors to come and ask what's going on! Control yourself, or I'll have to gag you and deliver a penalty two."

Mulder shivered; a `penalty two' were delivered one atop the other to the back of the thighs. He quickly gave his reply, his voice thick with tears, "No, you don't need to gag me, Sir, I promise!"

Skinner's heart went out to him, and his tone softened. "I'm glad to hear it, Mulder." There was that word again. Why wouldn't Mulder just call him `Walter'?

Putting the thought aside and firming his resolve, he lined the belt up again, the upper edge just touching the bottom of the wide, rather purplish line the previous stroke had left. Raising his arm again, he let fly with perfect aim. He watched the colors change as the marks rose, the point where the two strokes met standing out prominently in a deep purple welt. The marks and pain from the spanking would be gone after a day or so, but these welts would stay longer, the most effective reminder of consequences that Skinner had found, to date. Mulder, legs drumming, sobbed into the bedspread before he could raise his head and utter, "Two, Sir." The pain was unbelievable.

Calmly, Skinner picked out his next target, just below the last stroke, and determinedly brought the belt down again with a loud CRACK. Mulder writhed and released his howl into the bedclothes. The pain was unbearable! The upper half of his butt felt like it had swelled to twice its usual size and was throbbing with agonizing intensity. He dreaded to think what the remainder of the punishment would feel like, as it steadily progressed lower! He sobbed wretchedly, wondering if he'd ever be able to sit down again. Watching the pain-induced contortions before him, Skinner waited until they had abated somewhat before calling Mulder on the count. The bottom raised over the pillows had taken on various mottled shades of red and purple, and Skinner had a feeling that corner time was going to be exceptionally painful tonight. He deliberately tapped the end of the belt against the marks from his latest stroke, delighting in the saucy wriggle that resulted. "Mulder, the count please?" he prompted.

"Three, Sir!" Mulder hastily replied, although a bit thickly. Getting six was bad enough, he didn't want any extras! The thought made his hands clench tighter to the headboard; no way was he going to let go. Skinner coolly lined the belt up again, this time just over the jut of Mulder's ass, and asked, "Why are we doing this?"

Mulder looked up blearily through his tears. "What?" This was new.

"Why are we here, like this, you ass up over the bed and me spanking you with the belt?" He clarified.

Mulder frantically tried to think. "Not following Bureau procedure, making you worry about me, and being injured again," he gabbled. Thank God for a good memory.

"Succinctly put, Mulder," Skinner complimented, as he brought the belt down harshly yet again. He waited for Mulder's anguished yowl to end before continuing. "However I think your priorities might be a bit wrong somewhere."

Mulder squirmed uncontrollably, even as a confused frown crossed his face.

"From your wording just now, I suspect you put more importance on my being worried about you, thank on your own well being. Am I right?"

Mulder whimpered. "Can we not talk about this now? Please?" he begged. "Four, Sir," he added belatedly.

Skinner frowned and quickly brought the belt down hard, watching as the underswell of the raised backside flattened and bounced under the impact, while the owner of said buttocks howled in surprised pain - and reflexively reached a hand back as protection.

Mulder froze, feeling his right palm against his right butt cheek and knowing it wasn't supposed to be there. Quickly he moved it back up to the headboard, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he panicked, "I didn't mean to, you caught me by surprise, please, please, I've had enough!"

Skinner resolutely shook his head. "Doesn't wash, Mulder. You know you're not allowed to reach back, we've been through this enough times. Now, hold tight!"

He raised his arm high in the air, the belt tossed back over his shoulder, and quickly cracked it down twice, in rapid succession, on the tops of Mulder's thighs. Mulder howled, practically levitating off the bed, although admirably his hands remained firmly attached to the head of the bed. He collapsed, exhausted, back onto the bed, sobbing desperately, frantically wanting to soothe this latest fire and knowing he couldn't.

Again Skinner waited for the gyrations to cease. "As I was saying, Mulder," he continued steadily, no sign of his own pain at doing this showing his voice, "you seem to value my being worried about you, above your own physical well being." He paused and tapped the bottom laid out before him. "Are you listening to me?"

Frantic nodding assured him that he had Mulder's attention - although probably not all of it, as he was still crying miserably - and he resumed. "That is NOT how it goes, Mulder. Your health is far more important than me being worried about you. And if you weren't injured in the first place, I wouldn't have anything to worry about, would I? If you learn one thing from this punishment tonight, I would like it to be that YOU ARE IMPORTANT." He punctuated the last words by tapping firmly with the belt. It was turning out to be an effective method of ensuring he had Mulder's attention.

"What's the lesson, Mulder?" he prompted.

"'m `portant," came the breathless, tearful response.

Skinner tapped harder with the belt. "That didn't sound convincing," he warned Mulder roused himself and this time the response was clearer, although still unconvincing. "I'm important."

"Again!" came the stern response.

"I am important!" slightly firmer.

"Louder!" Skinner demanded.

"I Am Important!" Mulder's voice raised slightly.

"Louder!" Skinner barked harshly, letting the strap drop a few inches onto the red bottom like a mini-spank. It had the desired effect.

"I AM IMPORTANT!!" Mulder's head and torso lifted as he yelled the words at the ceiling, before he collapsed back on the bed, deep shuddering sobs wracking his body.

Skinner smiled a sort of melancholy satisfaction and gently swiped the belt at Mulder's backside again. "Six." He said softly, dropping the belt and gathering the weeping man into his arms.

Mulder lay there, curled up in the middle of the bed, his sobs dying down more through exhaustion than because he was finished. They had been lying like this for an age, but still Skinner continued to hold him tightly, one hand running soothingly, unceasingly over his back, while the other gently clasped the back of his head, silently offering his love and support.

Mulder was beginning to fall asleep now, washed out by the intensity of the evening. Skinner roused him enough to sit up so his shirt could be pulled off, tugged him under the covers, stripped off his own clothes and joined him. Resuming their positions, arms and legs tangled together, they simply relished each other's presence in silence, lost in their own thoughts.

Just as Skinner was falling asleep, Mulder spoke hesitantly, "Walter?"

"Yes, sweetheart," he murmured.

"I'm important?" The question was quietly anxious.

Skinner opened his eyes and smiled, pulling Mulder closer to him and pressing his lips softly, sweetly, against the pair in front of him. "To me, very important," he whispered in return.

Mulder smiled before resting his head against Skinner's chest and closing his eyes again. "I'm glad."

"Oh?" he queried.

"Yeah," Mulder smiled. "'Cause then it's mutual."

Skinner reached a hand out and gently stroked the hair back from Mulder's forehead, using the excuse to gently caress the sleeping face. "Yes, love," he murmured. "It's definitely mutual."

Mulder nuzzled in closer and grinned faintly. "Good. Just you remember that, the next time YOU get in trouble," he yawned sleepily, before falling sleep.

Skinner's hand faltered in its soothing strokes before he recovered himself. It had been a long time since Mulder had last found cause to punish him, but that last sentence didn't sound too promising? He wondered if Mulder had heard something. Surely his latest deal with the Cigarette Smoking Man wasn't common knowledge? Although, Mulder being the investigator he was, he probably knew things most of the gossips at the Bureau didn't. If Mulder had found out- Skinner groaned to himself and rolled onto his back, staring at the ceiling.

It was going to be a long night.