Don't Play with Fire, You Might Get Burned

by Jen

* * * * * * * * * *

Summary: A call in the night leads to a pain in the rear.

Category/Keywords: Discipline, slash (nothing shown), Magnificent Seven C/V

Disclaimer: I don't own the boys. I don't own the concept. I don't own anything worth suing over except a whole lotta debt which you are more than welcome to and a 6-month old puppy who eats everything in sight.

Archive: Please contact me.

Feedback: This is my first time posting a discipline story and I am quite nervous about posting so keep that in mind in your feedback. :) I have only posted one other story (gen, non-discipline fanfic on another list a couple of years ago) and it started a flame war which destroyed the list. So please, if you want to flame me that is your right but please do it off list so that there is not a war started.

Notes: This is a story using characters from the Magnificent 7 television show staring Michael Biehn as Chris Larabee and Eric Close as Vin Tanner (plus five other guys). A couple of years ago, MOG took that original group and decided that they needed to live in the present in Denver CO and be Federal Agents in the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms. She opened her sandbox for anyone to write in. The result was tons and tons of stories in that AU. I decided that Chris and Vin needed to get together and Vin needed a strong hand to keep him in line at times.

This story took me an entire summer to write and months and months before that to work up the nerve to do it. It would never have come about or be in a position to be read without the wonderful help of my Beta Kristen. I couldn't have written this without her and I sure wouldn't have worked up the courage to post it without her support and encouragement. Thus, I dedicate this story to her. All mistakes and problems are my own. I also want to thank Wolfie for help, especially with descriptions. My description of Chris - Blond hottie who loves to wear black. My description of Vin - Brown haired hottie who loves to wear tan. I was told that was not sufficient. Then, Wolfie to the rescue. Thanks for the wonderful look at the boys.


* * * * * * * * * *

2 a.m.

The silence of the dark bedroom was broken by the shrill ringing of the bedside phone.

"What?!" Chris demanded into the phone, still half asleep.

"Cowboy?" a soft voice asked.

"Vin, what's wrong?" Chris demanded, fully waking up.

"I was wonderin' if ya could come get me."

"Where are you? What's wrong?"

"I'm at the Four Corners Hospital. Can ya get me?"

"Are you OK? What happened?" Chris demanded, already up and pulling on jeans and boots.

"Well, there was a small fire."

"How small was the fire, Vin?" Chris asked, knowing that his team sniper and lover had a tendency to downplay the danger of anything he had been involved with. In the course of their work, both men were involved in plenty of danger.

Chris Larabee was the team leader of ATF Team 7 out of Denver Colorado. When he retired from the Navy SEALS, he knew that he wanted to go into law enforcement. His oldest friend and fellow SEAL, Buck Wilmington, talked him into joining the Denver PD. Less than three years later, Chris was asked to head up a new team in a new branch of the ATF. He had carte blanche to recruit anyone he wanted to be on the team.

His first recruit for the new ATF branch had been his buddy, Buck Wilmington, whom he put in charge of explosives and surveillance. For a medic he asked a local EMT, Nathan Jackson. Nathan put Chris in touch with Josiah Sanchez, a preacher/philosopher turned profiler. For undercover work, he recruited a young FBI Agent, Ezra Sanchez. Chris scoured the countryside for a good technical computer geek who would fit in with the rest of his team. He found it in JD Dunne, a cop out of Boston who was looking to go west. Although barely twenty- one, JD could do anything with a computer. All that was missing was a sniper/weapons expert.

During the team's first bust, Chris found him. Vin Tanner was bounty hunting and happened to be in the right place at the right time to save Nathan's life.

When Chris first laid eyes on the bounty hunter, he was filled with an awareness of the younger man. He knew then that something had been missing in his life, and that something was slowly climbing down from the rafters. From behind, the lean wiry body stood out in the worn jeans and faded Henley. His muscles stood out as he exerted his strength to ease his way down the rope from the rafters. When he turned around, he glanced up at Chris through his long dark lashes. Chris could see the beautiful doe-like eyes that held a good dose of wariness, a lot of intelligence, and just a hint of mischief. The soft, sandy brown hair fell in waves, stopping just below the shoulders. In the instant Vin flashed his shy grin to Chris, Chris lost his heart.

The exact same reaction was happening from on high in the rafters. Through his scope, Vincent Michael Tanner had spotted the tall slim- framed man dressed in form fitting black shirt and black jeans. Without a second's thought, Vin had labeled him the Alpha male of the group of men who had entered the warehouse below him. Sometime during the ensuing gunfire, Vin lost sight of the man, but somehow, through it all, he *knew* where the man in black was in the warehouse and could predict where he would be needed to protect the man and his friends.

As he climbed down from the rafters after the firefight, Vin searched the ground spotting the Alpha leader talking to the black man Vin had just saved. Reaching the ground, Vin glanced up to see the sculpted chest in the form-fitting black shirt directly eye level in front of him. Continuing up to the face attached to that chest, Vin had to take deep breathes to calm his racing heartbeat. It wasn't the adrenaline of the gunfire, but the deep sea green eyes staring back at him from below dirty blond hair which caused the reaction. With one look into those eyes, Vin knew that he had fallen.

He had never believed in love at first sight until his first look at Chris Larabee.

"How small was the fire, Vin?" Chris asked, bringing both of them back to the present.

"Well, not that big, but sorta big." Vin hedged his answer.

"Vin? How big?"

"Just my building," Vin stated, wincing at the yell on the other end of the phone.

"Your *building*? Are you hurt?"

"A little, not bad though. The docs here said that I couldn't drive home 'cause of some stuff they shot me up with. Can you come? If ya can't that's fine, I can get a cab back to Purgatorio."

"I'll be there in thirty minutes, I'm leaving the house right now. Find a seat in the lobby and STAY there. Do you understand me?"

"Yeah, I understand, Cowboy."

"I'll be there soon. And don't call me cowboy."

* * * * * * * * * *

Chris walked into Four Corners Hospital 25 minutes later, at least ten minutes faster than it should have taken from his ranch. After stopping to talk with the ER doctor, Chris walked into the waiting room to find his wayward brat. With a quick glance around, he spotted his injured lover scrunched down in the corner of the room and he headed that way.

Reaching Vin, Chris squatted down in front of the huddled form of his lover. "Hey babe. You okay?" he asked, gently brushing the unruly brown hair off Vin's forehead.

"I'm fine, nothing wrong," Vin answered, leaning into the soft touch.

"Nothings wrong with your hands?" Chris asked.

"They're fine," Vin said, nonchalantly sliding his hands behind his back.

"Let me see them," Chris demanded.

"They're fine, Chris." Vin sighed, hoping to get out of showing his injury.


"Come on, Cowboy, I'm fine. Nothing really wrong with 'em."

"Vincent Michael Tanner! *Show*...*me*...*your*... *hands*."

Vin hesitated one second too long, and Chris' larger hand grabbed him right above his left elbow and pulled that hand out from behind his back. "Don't make me ask again."

Vin could tell that Chris was quickly losing his patience with him, and so he pulled out his other hand as well.

"See, they're not that bad," Vin tried, hoping that the white gauze bandages that went up to the elbow wouldn't be too obvious.

"Not that bad? Vin, you have second and third degree burns on your hands. And first degree burns and cuts across both forearms. The only reason you are being released from the hospital is because Dr. Gardner knows you and knows you won't stay in the bed if she did admit you," Chris stated, looking over both arms and hands.

Ducking his head, Vin quietly asked, "You talked with Dr. G already?"

"Yes, I did. I also talked with the police and the fire department. I promised the Doc you were coming home with me and that I would 'take care of you'," Chris said with a menacing grin and led the young man out of the hospital toward his truck.

Vin gulped, knowing that the Doctor's image of "take care of" and Chris' image varied greatly. One consisted of lying in bed, not doing anything with his hands, and resting. The other might involve those things, but there was a good chance it would be preceded by a nice view of a dull corner and then a hardwood floor. One sure would be more comfortable than the other.

"You talked with the fire fighters, huh?" Vin asked, trying to see how much sympathy he needed to win to get out of anything happening when the truck reached the ranch.

"Yes. Want to talk here or at the house?" Chris inquired, once they were in the truck.

While wanting to put off the conversation as long as possible, Vin knew that if Chris had to concentrate on the driving, there would be no instantaneous painful swats as a result of anything he confessed. His hope was that by the time they reached the ranch, Chris would have cooled down some.

"Here, please," Vin quietly murmured.

Chris gave him a sideways look, knowing what Vin was thinking and hoping. "As Josiah would say, 'the confessional is open, brother.' Why don't you start at the top, Vin, and work your way through. Start at leaving the stake out and going to your place alone, not the ranch, and continue from there."

"Well, I knew I was comin' out to the ranch tomorrow and was gonna stay for a while and so I thought I would go check on the kids and my apartment," Vin started.

Although they had not moved in together yet, Vin usually spent six of the seven nights a week in Chris' bed at the ranch and one night with Chris in his place. Lately, that seventh night had been at the ranch more often than not. No matter the location of the bed, the two partners had a rule that it was to always have both of them in it unless they had discussed it beforehand.

"Without me?" Chris asked mildly, keeping his eyes on the road.

"I was workin' late every night this week, and you was asleep when I came in every night anyway. I just figured I wouldn't bother ya tonight. Let you get at least one night a sleep. I hate working different shifts of stake outs. I woulda come out if I thought you was still going to be up." Vin stated, diversionary tactics set on full.

"One, WE made a rule, no matter the time, you would always be free to wake me when you came in. Two, WE made a rule, no matter the time, you WOULD come in and wake me. Three, we have been over this many times, I love you and want you in bed with me even in the middle of the night. Four, WE made a rule, for the present, you were to NEVER NEVER go to your apartment without telling me. Why did we make that last rule, Vin?" Chris demanded, his voice getting louder and stronger with each point he ticked off.

With a sigh and a whisper, Vin answered the last question, "'Cause of the Uno's who have my place under surveillance and a death threat out on me. But they won't do nothin' about it. This isn't the first time they've had a death..." Vin trailed off seeing Chris' angry stare.

"When you get in the middle of a gang war, confiscate drugs and guns, take kids out of the gang, and then turn your back and walk away, the leaders on the other side are going to want to get even. Thus, WE MADE A RULE. We have discussed this. You admitted that this threat was different. You admitted that you spotted guys hanging around. AND we are getting off the subject. Back to tonight. After going to your place alone. What happened."

Vin sighed at the return to the dreaded original discussion and started talking again. "No one was watching the place. Hector and Carlos said that the guys left yesterday afternoon and hadn't been back. There seems to be a change of leadership in the Uno's and I have dropped out of priority. So I went up to check messages from today. I meant to call ya. Honest Chris, you have to believe me. I was gonna call but I sorta fell asleep on the couch. Ya gotta believe me," Vin pleaded.

"I believe you. Keep talking."

"Well, then the next thing I know it was midnight and the fire alarms going off. I go out and help some others out of the building, burn my hands, go see to the ER, call you and then here we are," Vin blurted out in a rush.

"Hold up there, Babe. Slow down and more details. That's the part I'm upset about. The 'help some others out of the building' and 'burn your hands' part. According to the fire department, you cleared the building and then after they got there, removed you from the fire area and started their own search, with proper fire fighting gear, you slipped away from the medics, entered the building in nothing but your street clothes, and started walking through a BURNING BUILDING," Chris yelled, getting more and more agitated as he went on.

Vin, for his part, slipped lower and lower in his seat, as Chris listed his acts of the evening.

Chris continued, "And then when the firemen found you, pulled you out, AGAIN, took you to the medics, AGAIN, and repeated their assurance that you got everyone out of the building the first time, YOU WENT IN AGAIN! What was so important that you had to reenter a burning building TWICE?!?"

Not looking at Chris, and muttering into his chest, Vin knew this was where the real problem with the night would occur. "Rita wanted her teddy bear."

With a sharp swerve, Chris pulled the truck over. In a deceptively quiet voice, he asked, "Could you state that again? I am sure that I didn't hear you say that you purposely, recklessly, and dangerously went back into a burning building without telling anyone just for Rita's teddy bear."

Vin found many interesting designs on his jeans as he avoided looking at Chris and remained silent.

"Vincent Michael, answer me. Did you reenter a fire for a teddy bear?" Chris demanded, grabbing Vin's chin and forcing the younger man to look at him.

"Well, Rita was cryin' and she ..."

"This is a simple yes or no question. Answer it!" Chris interrupted.

"Yes, Sir, I did."

Letting go and turning back to the steering wheel, Chris trembled with anger and fear. "The doctor said that you should rest. Close your eyes and try to rest for the rest of the trip. We should be there in twenty minutes. I am too angry to deal with this at the moment."

With tears wetting his lashes, Vin leaned into his door and shut his eyes.

/ He hates me. / Vin thought. / I finally did something so stupid that he won't want me any more. How could I be so dumb. I know Rita was cryin' her eyes out for that bear. I know she thinks it's alive. But he hates me. /

As if hearing his thoughts, Chris reached one hand over and gently rubbed Vin's shoulder. Speaking softly into the darkness of the truck cab, he said, "Vin, I am angry at you risking your life. I am upset that you reentered the fire after repeated attempts to keep you away. I am scared out of my mind that I almost lost you to a fire like Adam and Sarah. But, and this is the most important of all of my feelings, *I still love you!* You definitely won't be sitting for a long time and we are going to have some conversations about needlessly risking your life. But I still love you and want you and need you in my life."

With that heartfelt reassurance of his place, Vin fell asleep for the rest of the ride to the ranch.

* * * * * * * * * *

When the truck pulled up next to the house, Chris glanced over at his sleeping lover. Although not one to generally put off punishment, Chris decided that the discussion could be tabled until the next day.

Gently, so as not to startle and awaken his lover, Chris lifted Vin out of the truck and carried him to bed. After undressing both Vin and himself, he turned off the lights and climbed into bed hoping for a few hours of sleep, glad that it was Saturday and they had the day off.

Two hours later, Chris was awakened by the soft whimpers of his bedmate. During the night, Vin had moved as close as possible to Chris, ending up on top of Chris with his head resting on Chris' strong chest.

Glancing at the clock, Chris noticed that it was past time for the next round of pain pills. Slowly easing out from under Vin, he went for water and the medicine.

Vin woke up while he was gone. Confused over where he was and in pain, he looked around the room for his lover. / He left. / Vin thought sadly, not remembering who and what he had used as a pillow. / He said he needed me but he left me. I *did* screw up so bad he left. / Vin rested his forehead on his knees and tried not to cry.

Coming back into the room with the water, Chris saw his forlorn lover sitting on the bed. Setting the water aside, Chris eased himself down next to Vin and pulled him into his arms. "I'm right here, Vin. I love you."

"You left," Vin accused, safe within Chris' arms.

"I went to get you some water, Little One. It's past time for your medicine. I didn't leave you. I'm right here."

"I'm not little," Vin responded, as he always did to the endearment. While normally a friendly ritual bantering followed, this time Vin burrowed more into Chris' arms.

Although he needed to give Vin his medicine, Chris kept a tight hold on his young lover, knowing that being held would heal him more than any medicine would.

When Vin was almost asleep, Chris forced the pills on him and tucked him back into bed. "Go to sleep, love. I'll be here in the morning when you wake up."

* * * * * * * * * *

Stretching lazily, Vin woke to find the sun shining in through the bedroom window and his lover sitting by the side of the bed watching him.

"Mornin'," Vin whispered shyly, ducking his head.

"Mornin' sleepyhead, its almost 9:30, you hungry?" To Vin's ears, Chris' greeting sounded very normal, not his typical pre-"discussion" tone. "Come downstairs, breakfast is waiting."

After helping the injured young man into sweats and a t-shirt, Chris led the way down to the kitchen where he proceeded to fix breakfast for both of them.

Breakfast was a peaceful, companionable meal of pancakes, sausage, and of course, coffee. There was no mention of the previous night or Vin's hands. There was no mention of punishment. There wasn't even a look or a glance that made Vin suspect that Chris was going to do anything. If it wasn't for his bandaged hands, Vin could have convinced himself yesterday had never happened and he was not in trouble.

But he had bandaged hands.

Vin stopped eating and stared at those bandages. / I got burned last night, / he thought / for a teddy bear! People could have died in that fire. ... I could have died in that fire. / And all of a sudden it hit him how close he came.

Glancing up through his long dark eyelashes, Vin stealthily watched Chris clean up the breakfast dishes. / He already lost one family to a fire when his wife and child died. Now I almost died. It's a wonder that he didn't tan my hide last night in the hospital with the scare I gave him. /

Once the dishes were cleared Chris returned to the table where Vin still sat. As he opened his mouth to speak, the telephone rang.

"Larabee," Chris answered, grabbing the cordless off the counter behind him.

"Ah Huh. He's here...He's gonna be fine, burned hands but that's about it right now...No, you don't need to come out and check on him, Nate, I can change his bandages this afternoon just fine...Yes, I promise to call if there's a problem...No, poker tonight is not a good idea...Why don't we play tomorrow night out here...OK, why don't you call the others so they don't all call here and disturb Vin...Yes, Nathan...Yes, Nathan...Yes, Nathan...Bye, Nathan."

"That was Nathan." Chris stated, unnecessarily. "He saw a story on the fire on the news and wanted to see whether you were there and if you got hurt. I'm supposed to make sure you take your medicine, and not use your hands, and get some rest."

"No poker tonight?" Vin questioned tentatively. Saturday night poker at the ranch was a standing tradition with ATF Team Seven.

"I think WE have some things to discuss, and by then you'll be back in bed for the night. I figured you wouldn't want the guys here for that." Chris fixed a steely glare on his lover. "I think we've waited long enough. You know what you did, you know how I feel about it. You broke our rules and you know the consequences. Let's get this over with and then we can change your bandages and take a nap. You know what to do, go on."

Vin guiltily walked into the downstairs study where all "discussions" took place and took his place in *His* corner on the far side of the room. After a few minutes, he glanced over his shoulder to make sure Chris had followed him.

Two quick swats landed on his backside. Every time he was placed in the corner, Vin would turn around to make sure that Chris had not left him alone and every time Chris responded the exact same way. "I'm right here Vin. I promised you when we started this that I wouldn't leave you alone while you were being punished. Face the corner and don't fidget."

Thirty minutes later, Chris called Vin out of the corner and over to where he was sitting in the middle of the room. They had an armless straight back chair, originally from the dining room, which permanently resided in the study just for punishments.

After thirty minutes of silence and concentration on the past twenty- four hours, Vin was feeling extremely guilty and was ready for the spanking. Or more precisely, he was ready for the knowledge that once it was over, it was over. He would be held in Chris' lap, told he was loved, and the slate would be wiped clean.

As he reached his lover's right side, Vin's courage started to fail him. Taking the initiative, Chris seized Vin and pulled him down over his lap. With gentle ease, he pulled the injured hands to safety where they wouldn't get hurt.

Sliding the lean body up onto one side, Chris reached around, undid the strings on the sweats. Resettling Vin, he slid both the sweats and the boxers to below Vin's knees bearing the expanse of golden backside. It always surprised Chris that his shy lover was baked to a golden brown ALL over his body, not a single tan line to be found.

"Why are you getting this spanking?" Chris ritualistically asked, bringing his hand down onto the upturned bottom.

"For burning my hands?" Vin said, tentatively.

Chris immediately checked his next swing. He never wanted to punish Vin without Vin knowing and understanding the reasons behind it. After years on his own and in bad foster placements growing up, Vin's sense of what actions deserved punishment and what actions did not was off kilter. Chris was slowly trying to correct that.

"No Vin, you are not getting punished for hurting your hands. Both the fire department and Dr. G. told me that your hands were burned during your first sweep of the building." Chris answered while slowly rubbing circles on the back of the man across his lap. "What about the fire ARE you getting punished for?"

"Going back into it."

"And why does that deserve punishment?" Chris asked, still waiting to restart the spankings.

"'Cause I put my life in danger." Vin knew that this was big on the list of rules, no unnecessary risk to life or limb.

"Very good." Chris began to bring his hand down again. A half a dozen blows fell before Chris asked, "What else?"

"OW. 'Cause I went to Purgatorio without calling ya." Vin knew that Chris was more upset with the breaking of their rules than the rest of the night. Chris' right arm showed him he was right.

"And why does that result in this spanking?" Chris asked, continuing to turn the tanned backside bright red.

"'Cause of the Uno's ... Ow! and their death ... Ow! ... threats." Vin said, starting to sob with the pain.

"And?" Chris prompted.

"Ow! 'Cause it ... Ow! ... broke our rules." Vin stated

Continuing to rain down the swats, Chris showed his lover the error of his ways and hoped that it taught him to think before he acted.

After another round of hard spanks, Chris stopped the spanking and eased his lover into a sitting position on his lap, careful of the enflamed backside.

"It's OK now," he said quietly, rubbing small, gentle circles Vin's back. "It's OK, I'm here. It's all over now. Everything is fine. I love you."

Vin, with tears flowing down his face, leaned into the strong, loving arms and held on for all he was worth. With the gentle words from his lover, Vin knew all was forgiven. It would be alright now. Chris had said so.

After almost twenty minutes, Vin had calmed enough that Chris tried to start moving him toward his bed. "Come on, love, let's get up."

"No, I don't wanna." Vin demanded, sounding for all the world like a sleepy three year old.

"Come on, little one, let's get up and just go into the bedroom. We can lie down there and be more comfortable." Chris said with a smile. When Vin was recently spanked and cried out, he tended to act like a sleepy child. "I'll get you your medicine and then rub your back until you fall asleep," Chris bribed.

"'Kay. Will you stay?" Vin asked, standing up but still leaning into the bigger man's chest.

"Yep. I promised Dr. G I would take care of you and I will," Chris said as he gently supported his lover into the bedroom. He eased Vin down into the bed and went for his medicine.

With the combination of the emotional and physical exhaustion of the morning, the anti-inflammatory and pain drugs in his system, and the soothing, loving hands on his back, Vin quickly fell asleep.

Reaching up to turn out the bedside lamp, Chris decided that he too needed a nap and slipped under the covers with his lover. As he was drifting off, he heard the quiet drawl next to him. "Love ya Cowboy."

"Love you too, little one." With Vin nestled close to him, Chris knew that there wouldn't be any unexpected calls like the one that had woken him earlier. His lover was safe, and right here with him. It was all that Chris could want.


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