Mulder's Folly - Part 1

by Talamasca

Rating: R

Spoilers: None

Disclaimer: All characters represented belong to Chris, 1013, and Fox. I have received no monetary profit or gain from this work. This work is not connected to, or endorsed by any of the above mentioned individuals or organizations. All characters are used without permission.

Synopsis: Mulder's penchant for practical jokes ends up *backfiring*.

Archivists Note: Archive as you wish, as long as my name and e-mail remain attached. Please do not alter my original content. Thank you.

Author's Notes: I wish to thank all members of the Persuaders list, and many other good friends for their encouragement and support. Dear Patti, your help as beta reader has proven invaluable. Red? You're the greatest! Thank you.


It had all started several months before. Special Agent Fox Mulder had the terrible misfortune of making one of The Lone Gunmen furious. From out of the blue, the little troll, Melvin Frohike, busted Mulder's bare behind with a rolled up magazine. As if that weren't bad enough, Frohike's two closest friends and allies, Langly and Byers witnessed the entire shameful event.

As usual, Mulder's mouth engaged without waiting for his brain to catch up. He then ended up across Byers' lap, being soundly paddled with a ruler. Ever vigilant, the Gunmen videotaped the evening's events and a copy of said tape somehow landed on the desk of one Walter S. Skinner, Agent Mulder's immediate supervisor. Skinner summoned Mulder to his office and, to Mulder's infinite chagrin, they viewed the tape of his punishment at the hands of the Lone Gunmen together.

Mulder thought Skinner merely wanted to bask in his humiliation but Skinner had a different reaction. He suggested the two of them come to an agreement. Actually, Walter made a decision that Mulder had no choice but to comply with. Walter would keep the videotape secret, and in exchange, Mulder would submit himself to Walter's authority in all matters. His personal as well as professional life would be closely scrutinized and dealt with accordingly. Skinner consummated their deal by spanking Mulder right then and there. Mulder left Skinner's office that night thinking his entire world was nothing but extreme possibilities... possibilities that had never occurred even to him.

Soon Mulder's partner, Dana Scully, and even her mother Maggie were included in the arrangement.

Mulder had reluctantly learned to live with it but one thing about his arrangement with Walter still bothered Mulder. He had a problem with being turned over Walter's knee. It made him feel very childish. As though the AD were in total control.

Of course, that was Walter's intention. Mulder always knew he had screwed up badly when Skinner decided his behavior warranted a spanking.

He and Walter had candidly discussed his feelings at some length and finally reached an agreement they could both live with. Mulder would accept Walter's decisions and subsequent punishments but he needed to feel like he was a contributing member of the partnership. Mulder would be allowed to label and categorize his individual punishments and Skinner agreed to let Mulder choose the implement and method - most of the time.

So now, a belting or strapping involved being bent over the arm of the couch, the table, a chair or some inanimate object. Those punishments weren't nearly so unsettling for Mulder. They hurt just as bad, but didn't make him feel so much like a naughty little boy.

In consideration of Mulder's feelings, Skinner made another major concession. He now imposed over the knee spankings only in very special offenses. When Mulder exhibited blatantly childish behavior, like one of his infamous temper tantrums, or endangered himself needlessly, he could expect to spend time draped across Walter's lap. It was no less humiliating being upended over his boss's knee, but Mulder now tried his dead level best to cooperate. Actually, his cooperation wasn't really that important, just appreciated. Walter was taller, heavier and much stronger. When Walter Skinner decided to take Mulder to task, Mulder didn't have much choice in the matter.

Mulder's Folly

Mulder sat and fidgeted at his desk, squirming as surreptitiously as possible so as not to draw Scully's attention to his discomfort. Yesterday, Mulder had managed to earn yet another last minute invitation to his supervisor's apartment for a late evening discussion.

This time Skinner and he had discussed Mulder's behavior during staff meeting the previous afternoon........

Assistant Director Walter Skinner opened the door before Mulder could even finish knocking. "Get in here. Now," he angrily hissed. Skinner nearly swept the nervous agent into the foyer in his haste to slam the door. He immediately began to lecture, "What in the world did you think you were doing? Aren't you just a little old to still be playing class clown, Fox Mulder?"

Mulder tried not to laugh, knowing it would only make a bad situation worse...much worse, "I'm sorry. It was a spur of the moment thing, Walter. I had no idea that anyone would actually offer a video presentation! I meant that tape for your eyes, only! Honest!"

Skinner's frown deepened, "You had to eject a tape, to put in *Naughty Nymphettes From Outer Space*, didn't you? Why wouldn't you suspect someone planned to use the television and VCR, if they were already set up in the conference room?"

Mulder couldn't prevent a chuckle this time, "I don't know, Walter. I guess I just wasn't thinking. Besides, I have already made my apologies to Section Chief Manscuzzo. She was very gracious about the entire misunderstanding."

Skinner shoved his shirtsleeves up past his elbows, "How nice of her. Unfortunately for you, unlike Maria Manscuzzo, I'm neither in the position or mood to be gracious and understanding."

Skinner gripped Mulder's arm firmly, guiding his nervous employee into the front room, "Humor in the workplace has very specific rules, Fox. You are an incredibly intelligent young man. Surely, you must realize how serious this is! What if the women present had found your little joke offensive? What if, instead of being so gracious, Section Chief Manscuzzo had chosen to lodge a formal complaint? Or worse, slapped you with a sexual misconduct charge! How would that look on your already spotty record, Fox?"

Mulder was instantly contrite as all the possible ramifications of his actions became clear, "I'm really sorry, Walter. I just didn't think. Honestly, I didn't." Wiping his brow as he added, "I didn't intend to offend or upset anyone. I should have apologized to everyone at the meeting. Not just S.C. Manscuzzo."

Walter nodded, "You certainly should have, Fox Mulder! As a matter of fact, you're going to sit down and write letters of apology to each and every woman who witnessed your juvenile and tasteless display. But first, I'm going to make sure you do remember to think about consequences from now on."

Walter turned away from Mulder and walked to the entertainment center, "Take down your pants, Mulder." Reaching to the top shelf, Skinner retrieved a small oval paddle with a long thin handle, "Remember this? It has proven very effective in the past. I think we should leave it in a more public location for a while. Maybe the coffee table? Isn't that where you kept it after I brought it to your apartment?"

Mulder's first attempt to answer Skinner's question was an audible gulp followed by and incoherent squeak. He blushed and tried again, "Uh...I guess so. I don't really remember," he mumbled. He was no longer capable of lying to Walter and didn't try very often. He nervously ran a hand through his shock of dark hair and caused unruly spikes to stand at attention, "Are you really going to use that thing, Walter? I thought maybe at most, you'd give me a weekend restriction. I know! How about an essay on why practical jokes are always in bad taste?"

Skinner shook his head, "Not a chance in Hell, Mulder. You made a serious mistake today, even if you did mean it to be harmless and funny." He glared pointedly at the younger man, "I thought I told you to drop your pants?"

Mulder stared foolishly down at his fly, "Oh, yeah." With trembling fingers, he unbuckled his belt and opened the buttons of his well worn Levis, "Over the arm of the couch, Walter?" His voice trembled almost as much as his hands, "Is that where you want me?"

Skinner shook his head again. In a voice so soft Mulder had to strain to hear, "Not this time, son. A trip across my knee seems more appropriate for this boyish prank. I won't bother to ask if you agree because I already know your answer."

Moving the coffee table out of the way before taking his customary seat on the couch, Walter scolded, "Well? Get your butt over here, Mulder. You're just stalling and we both know it."

As Mulder crossed the room on shaking legs, jeans encumbering his ankles making him clumsy and slow gaited, "I'm coming, Walter." He wished only to fill the silence and hopefully lessen some of the intensity in Walter's unblinking stare, "I'm coming, right now."

Walter pointed to the spot directly between his knees, "Kneel down. Bend over my knee, Mulder. Don't make this worse than it has to be," offering the first hint of compassion he had shown since Mulder's arrival. "I'm doing this for a very good reason. I know you understand even if you don't agree."

Mulder's head bobbed jerkily, as he complied with Walter's instructions, "I'm really sorry, Walter. I know you're doing this for my own good. It's know how much I hate being put over your knee! That damned paddle hurts so bad! Do you really have to use it?"

Walter nodded, "It's good to hear a sincere apology, Mulder. Believe me, I know how hard it is for you to be punished this way," Walter wrapped his arms around Mulder's shoulders and hugged him warmly before guiding the repentant young man over his knee, "So, let's get it over with." Walter slipped his fingers inside the waist band of Mulder's shorts and slid them effortlessly out of his way, "Boxers too, Fox. You know I always spank your bare backside, son." He pushed Mulder's shirt all the way up to bunch around the young man's incredibly tense shoulders, resting his free hand on the warm bare skin of Mulder's back. "Stay still as best you can. This is going to hurt and I don't want to hold you down," Walter instructed. He sighed heavily, when he realized he was already feeling sorry for Fox, even though his infuriating employee desperately deserved this spanking.

Mulder grasped Walter's ankle with one hand and planted the other palm flat on the floor, "I'll do my best, Walter. Promise." He clenched his teeth and tried to prepare himself for the awful burning sensation of the little paddle. It reminded him of the hairbrush his mother used to spank him with, as a small boy.

Skinner lifted the paddle and assaulted Mulder's right cheek with a jolting swat. The report sounded like a rifle shot, "Practical jokes have no place in staff meetings, Mulder!" He placed a second resounding crack on Mulder's left cheek, "Sexual humor of any kind is completely inappropriate in the work place!" Without further scolding, Skinner set to work turning Mulder's bare and squirming backside a brilliant crimson hue.

Mulder struggled to hold position for as long as possible, "OW OW OWWWW! I'm sorry, Walter! It will never happen again! I can't even begin to tell you how serious I am!" He was eventually reduced to tears as the paddle continued to attack his burning backside. He wept bitterly, fully aware that his own poorly planned actions had placed him in this disgraceful and painful position.

Skinner applied the business end of the paddle to Mulder's behind for a full five minutes before tossing it to the floor beneath the weeping man's nose, "Stay there a while longer, Fox. Get yourself under control, and think about why I was forced to spank you." As Mulder's tears began to subside, Walter tenderly rubbed the miserable young man's back, "Do you think you're ready to get up, now?"

Helping Mulder rise to a kneeling position, Walter chuckled, "Oh, all right. Come here, Fox." He wrapped Mulder in his arms again and held him close, "When you cry, you look like you're six years old. It makes me feel like an ogre." He could not resist ruffling Mulder's dark hair, "How do you manage it, Fox? Why do I always end up apologizing to you?"

Mulder sobbed fitfully against Walter's shoulder, "It's just a crying shame, you don't spank me like you'd spank a six year old!" He eventually calmed and pulled away. He scrubbed his eyes with the heels of his hands, "I need to get up, now. My knees are hurting."

Walter steadied Mulder, as he climbed to his feet, "Okay. You might as well get started writing your apology letters." Leading Mulder into the kitchen, Walter pointed to the table, "Grab a chair. Before you ask, yes. You have to leave your pants down. You do better work when your butt still hurts. It motivates you to give me your best effort." He tossed a pen and stationary tablet on the table, "You have ten letters to write. I'm going to read each one, before you place them in envelopes." He sat down in the chair directly across from Mulder, "Be on time tomorrow morning, I'll be coming to collect you. You'll be hand delivering the letters. I'll be going along to keep you honest."

Mulder snuffled and wiped at his eyes again, before picking up the pen, "Do I have to write a letter to Scully, too? Can't I just tell her I'm sorry, Walter? She's not going to care if I don't present her with a handwritten apology!"

Skinner snapped his fingers and pointed again to the tablet, "I said: Everyone woman who attended the meeting, didn't I? Dana Scully attended the staff meeting, so you'll write her an apology. Stop whining and get to work, Mulder. Or, do you need a bit more incentive?"

Mulder pouted but uncapped the pen and began to write, "All right, Wal-Ter! You don't have to be so nasty. I'll write her a damned apology, okay? It will be so eloquently expressed, Scully will break down and weep!"

Skinner folded his arms across his massive chest, "For that little outburst, you've just earned yourself half an hour of corner time once you've finished your writing assignment."

Mulder's lip slid even farther forward, "I think corner time is just a little bit excessive, Walter."

"You're going to experience excessive in a minute," Skinner groused, "If you don't stop whining and start writing!"

Mulder huffed and began to scribble furiously, "I'm writing, I'm writing!" He ripped the first page from the tablet and tossed it at Walter, "There! One down and how many to go? Nine?"

"Pick it up and hand it to me." Walter stared at the hastily penned note, trying to decipher the chicken scratches. "This is unacceptable. I can't even read it!" He slammed the paper back onto the table, "What does it say, Mulder?"

Fox delicately picked up the letter, smoothing out all of the wrinkles. "It doesn't say anything, Walter!" He scowled, "It reads, I'm heartily sorry for my transgressions. Mea culpa. Abysmally yours, Fox "Sack Cloth and Ashes" Mulder."

Skinner jerked Mulder up from his chair, power swatting the still red and very naked bottom several times. "Do it again," he growled through clenched teeth. He sat Mulder down forcibly in his chair, "If you don't do it properly, I'm going to use the paddle again. Still feeling funny, Mulder?"

Mulder blinked tears, attempting to appear unconcerned, "No, Walter. Believe me. I'm not feeling the least bit funny at the moment." He lifted the pen, "Do they all have to be somber and solemn though? Why can't I add a touch of levity, Walter? Humor is a good way to ease through an awkward situation."

Walter sighed, "Levity and humor are what landed you in this awkward situation to begin with, Fox! You are going to write sincere apologies. Stop arguing and stop stalling. Get to work."

Mulder sat quietly and composed three sincere and legible apologies before trying again, "Walter?" He waited for a moment, "Since I've already apologized to Section Chief Manscuzzo, do I have to write to her, too?"

Walter nodded, "Yes." He knew there would be more.

Mulder sighed, "Don't take this wrong, but if you go with me... it's going to seem like I had to bring my dad with me to the principal's office."

Walter smiled, "Once again, a perfect example of punishment to fit the crime."

Mulder glowered, "I am not a little kid, Walter!"

"If that's the case, why do you insist on behaving like one, Fox?"

Mulder stared for a long time at the blank tablet before him, "I don't think it's fair. I've already apologized. She has already accepted."

Walter moved to stand close to Mulder's chair again, "A little embarrassment isn't going to kill you, Mulder. Maria deserves your written apology more than anyone else at the meeting. She was kind enough to accept your explanation and let the matter drop. You owe her the courtesy of acknowledging her kindness. Now, get back to work. If you make me miss the Sopranos, you'll do a whole hour in the corner. Understand?"

Mulder perked up. "The Sopranos are on tonight? Can I put off corner time, until it's over?"

Walter tapped the stationary with his index finger, "No. I'll make you a deal, though. If you hurry up and get your work done, I'll tape it for you."

Mulder flushed red, "Oh, now that's an offer I can't refuse!"

Walter snatched Mulder up and swatted him again. "I'm losing patience, Fox! Write the damned apologies and stop sulking!"

Mulder ground his teeth. "Will you please stop hitting me?" He squeezed the pen so tightly the cap popped off and bounced across the table, "Geeze, Walter! My ass already hurts so bad I won't be sitting comfortably for a week!"

Walter slammed Mulder back into his seat and stomped across the kitchen. He rummaged furiously through the cabinets for several moments. He returned to the table with an egg timer, "You've got twenty minutes, Fox. If you're not done when this timer sounds, you're doing one full hour in the corner. I won't be taping The Sopranos for you, either."

Mulder was still composing his final letter when the time bell rang, "Shit! I'm almost through, Walter. Okay?" He finished in a flurry, "There! The tenth and final letter! Only thirty minutes. Please say it's only thirty minutes, Walter? Please?"

Walter read the letters over once again, "Technically, you didn't finish on time, but I'll give you a break. Get to the corner, Mulder. Pants down, no rubbing. You know the drill."

Mulder stood. "Can I do my corner time in the front room? I can listen to the television, at least," he pleaded.

"No. The last time we tried that, you kept sneaking peeks at the program, remember? You will stand in your customary corner. In the foyer, by the door. I can watch my show in peace and still be able to keep an eye on you. Get going, Mulder."

Mulder grumbled and complained, bending to pull his jeans up far enough not to trip over them, "You are a tyrant, Walter Skinner. Don't think I'm going to forget this."

"That's my whole plan in a nutshell, Mulder. I expect you *not* to forget for a very long time. March!" He swatted Mulder's backside once more to get the younger man moving.

Mulder glared at the cracked paint in 'his' corner, listening to Walter chuckle at the television. He willed the timer to sound, signaling the end of his time out. When he heard Skinner step into the kitchen for something to drink, he sneaked a quick rub to his still smoldering backside.

"Stop rubbing, Mulder," Skinner called from the kitchen.

"What makes you think I was rubbing?" Mulder shouted back indignantly.

Skinner laughed, "I could hear your sigh of relief, all the way in here! Stop rubbing or I'm going to reset the timer, Fox."

Mulder planted his hands firmly in his armpits and begin to count seconds, "One one thousand, two one thousand." Finally, the egg timer sounded his release, "Yessssss!" He jerked his pants back over his backside, gasping as the denim scraped against his tender behind, "Can I watch the rest of the show, please?"

"No. You need to go home and go straight to bed. You are going to be on time tomorrow, remember?" Skinner approached and hugged Mulder once again, "You're forgiven, Fox. You still have to deliver the letters, before this sordid little affair is forgotten, though." He escorted Mulder to the door. "I'll see you bright and early tomorrow morning, Mulder. Don't forget to bring your apology letters, either."

Mulder nodded and returned the hug, "Thanks. I won't forget. I'll see you in the morning." He stopped at the door, "I'm sorry for arguing with you, Walter." He smiled before closing the door quietly behind him.

End of part 1