Guiding Hands

by Virginia

> * * * * * * * * * *

Fandom: A-Team

Rating: Not sure, PG-13?

Warnings: Spanking, slashiness

Disclaimer: I don't own these guys; just playing with them.

Archive: Yes, please

Note: Thanks, Allison & Pepper, for your help with this

* * * * * * * * * *

"All it takes is a moment," Hannibal Smith said. "I don't know how many times I've told him that. How many times have I warned him? Just one moment off your guard."

"I know, Hannibal," B.A. Baracus agreed. The two members of the A- Team sat in the van, waiting.

"You're thinking with the wrong head again, Lieutenant," Smith continued the lecture.

The man he wanted to chastise was not in the van, however. He soon would be, and the Colonel tried hard to get his temper under control. "That kid," he ground out. "He needs--" Smith broke off, fuming, trying to get better control of himself before he continued. "I had to send Murdock after him because I couldn't trust myself not to wring his irresponsible neck. That kid really needs--" He bottled it up again, pressing his lips together sourly as he shook his head.

B.A. finally spoke up, unable to keep his opinion to himself any longer. "I know what he needs, Hannibal. He needs a strong hand applied to his backside -- an' I don't care how old he is. Then maybe he would remember why it is we tell him certain things, to do or not to do."

The Colonel looked at him a moment and puffed hard on his cigar. "He needs more than that." Hannibal was a little calmer now that they had begun to verbally punish the young officer. Still, his efficient and jerking movements with the cigar gave away the rage still coursing through him. "He needs to become very intimately acquainted with a paddle, enough to generate a good deal of heat. And age," he looked over again at Baracus, "has nothing to do with it."

B.A. nodded. They sat in quiet for a moment as they waited for Murdock and Face. He finally said, "You know I've blistered him a couple times, for things he shoulda known better about." It was part question, part statement.

"Yeah, I know," Hannibal answered readily. He smiled. "And I think Face and Murdock are both very lucky to have you looking out for them like that."

That answer told Baracus something he'd have put money on anyway -- the Colonel knew the big Sergeant had taken to using corporal punishment on the two younger men, when he felt it was needed. B.A. snorted. "Neither one's thought it was too lucky, when he was layin' over my lap, Hannibal."

"I'll bet not," Hannibal chuckled, imagining how either of his men probably received the idea of that kind of discipline at the Sergeant's very capable hands.

"You want me to get you that paddle to use, Colonel?" B.A. conveyed in that one question that he not only supported Hannibal's decision, but would do what he could to help out.

"No," Hannibal said thoughtfully. "Thank you, but I think it's something I need to pick out personally. I have some ideas what I want to use, but I'd gladly accept your help in finding it." Smith raised his eyebrows in question.

"No problem, Hannibal. I got some ideas where to go in this town."

"I want to take care of this as soon as possible, preferably tonight. I don't feel it can wait until we get back to L.A."

B.A. whistled. "Faceman gonna feel the heat tomorrow, with the long drive back home."

Hannibal smiled grimly. "He certainly will. And maybe, just maybe, this will be one lesson that stays with him. At least for a little while," he added, remembering who they were talking about. "Something else... I think it would be a fitting part of his punishment if he knows about it well in advance. I'm gonna give him the details as to what's coming. Give him something to think about for a few hours."

"Yeah -- and not look forward to."

* * * * * * * * * *

Face knew he was in serious trouble this time, and wouldn't easily talk his way out of it. The silence in the van was getting to him. "Aw, c'mon, guys - don't give me the silent treatment," he pleaded, the note of whining plain in his voice.

B.A. remained silent. Murdock did as well, and at one point shook his head almost imperceptibly, trying to signal Face. The whining would only make matters worse, and he knew how angry Hannibal was. He'd tried to tell Face when they walked to the van, but the con man didn't seem to realize just how far he'd pushed his luck.

"Face," Hannibal said in a pleasant tone, "I'm not going to punish you by not talking to you."

"Oh. Well... Good." Face settled back in his seat but it was a short- lived comfort. In no time, he was reading everything the Colonel had not said. "Uh, Hannibal - then how are you going to punish me?"

Hannibal and B.A. exchanged glances, something not lost on the younger man. "What? What does that mean?" He looked from B.A. to Hannibal, wishing he could see their faces.

"Face, do you feel you deserve to be punished?" Hannibal asked as he examined his cigar, not turning around.

Face squirmed in his seat, feeling put on the spot and wondering what was the best answer he could give. "I, uh -- Yeah, I guess I do. I didn't make the best choice when I went off with that girl alone."

After a second, his words deliberate, Hannibal answered, "No, you didn't."

Nothing further was said. Face wanted to add that there was no way he could've known she was in with the crime gang... But he guessed that was the point. He sat back again as the van rolled down the highway, and began to realize he would rather Hannibal yelled at him. Lectured him, raised cain over his actions. He glanced over at Murdock, but the pilot was very studiously looking elsewhere, picking a piece of non-existent lint from his pants cuff.

They stopped at a rest area outside of the next city. When B.A. shut off the engine, Hannibal said calmly, "Face, stay in the van."

With an apprehensive look at Murdock, Face sat back down. Murdock picked his way quickly over his friend and out the side door. He didn't let Face catch his eye.

Once B.A. and Murdock were out and walking across the green, Hannibal started, "Face, we've been through this same kind of thing before."

"Hannibal, I know -- and I'm sorry. I know I should've been more careful."

"Yeah, but you said that the last time, as I recall."

"Let me make it up, Hannibal, please. I know I need to make up for it somehow."

The Colonel got up and stepped behind the driver's seat, taking Murdock's seat. He turned it so he could face his young Lieutenant. "I fully intend for that to happen. I want you to know I feel pretty strongly about this. You need to be punished this time, Face."

There was silence in the van for some moments. Finally Face said, "All right. I don't have a problem with that."

"You haven't heard the punishment yet," Hannibal gently reminded him.

"Oh." That threw Face. His commander obviously had something in mind already. "Well...." He tried his best contrite voice. "You know best."

"I'm happy to hear you say that. Because I feel I need to do something this time to really make an impression on you."

"Okaaay," Face drew out. He gave in to his overwhelming curiosity. "Hannibal come on. Just tell me what I have to do."

"You don't really have to do anything, just accept what I feel is in your best interest." Hannibal took a deep breath, knowing it was time to lay it out for his young officer. He looked Templeton Peck in the eye and spoke very deliberately. "I'm going to resort to corporal punishment, Face, in the hopes that it'll make an impression that stays with you."

Face stared back at him, sure he'd misheard or that Hannibal had used the wrong words. When the Colonel made no attempt to correct what he'd said, Face found his voice. "You've got to be kidding. You can't be talking about--"

"I am, kid," Hannibal confirmed, a note of regret in his voice. "I've gotta admit, there've been many times I felt you'd benefit from a good, hard spanking. Now you've finally pushed me into doing it."

When Face recovered his voice, and saw that Hannibal Smith appeared to be dead serious, all he could do was wail, "Hannibal, why?"

"Nothing else has worked with you, Face."

"But it will! I won't ever do something like that again. Not even remotely like it."

Hannibal shook his head; Face's heart sank. "It's too late, Face. You've made that promise before--"

"I know, Hannibal, but this time--"

"This time," the older man interrupted firmly, "we try something different. Spanking you is drastic, I admit that. I realize you're a grown man, but I still think corporal punishment is one of the most effective means of discipline. And you need some discipline, kid. You very sorely need it."

"I know I do, but why can't you try something else?"

"Because we've tried everything else already. I just don't have any other options, Face. Don't you see that?"

"No, I guess I don't! I can't let you--" He broke off, considering. "What if I don't let you... do that?"

Smith shook his head. "Not an option, kid. Sorry. You've run out of options."

The younger man's tone was indignant, but with an underlying uncertainty that Hannibal easily picked up on. "So... are you ordering me to take a spanking from you?"

"If you need to consider it an order, Lieutenant, then go right ahead. I'd rather you accepted it, because you know you need it."

"Accept it! You're not giving me any say in the matter, evidently! I'd say it was a strong arm tactic."

Hannibal rolled his cigar between his fingers. He had known this part would be hard -- maybe the hardest of the entire thing. "That's not how I think of it."

"Oh? And what would you call it?"

The Colonel waited a beat. Then, "A necessary measure. You disobeyed an order, Lieutenant," his voice grew harder, "when you went off without any backup. I'm going to punish you because your irresponsibility could've gotten you hurt. We nearly didn't get to you in time. What if we don't make it next time? I'm willing to try whatever might work with you."

With Hannibal's words said, unwelcome images swiftly crossed Face's mind. The first was being in this van, kneeling on the rear bench with B.A. pulling down his briefs and proceeding to spank him, the big hand rapidly blistering the Lieutenant's bottom. The second time, B.A. had left his pants up but that punishing hand had done double time to make up for it. Face didn't even want to contemplate the fact that he had actually pushed B.A. to it that time, that he'd known the penalty and drove the big man to punish him that way. A part of him knew that he'd suspected Murdock was receiving spankings these last couple of years, as punishment from the Sergeant -- and Murdock had a theory about Face feeling left out and wanting to receive the same kind of attention... Face didn't want to hear it, and certainly didn't want to think about it.

Then, just a few weeks ago in the Team's warehouse... Face still blushed dark when he thought back on it. B.A. had hauled Face and Murdock both into the storage room, locked the door, and proceeded to make each of them watch as the other got his bare bottom roasted. Face's own punishment had ended with a series of swats with a wooden paint stirrer, for getting Murdock into trouble. He could still feel that sting.

He suddenly had the distinct and uncomfortable feeling that Hannibal suspected where his thoughts had gone. The older man remained silent as Face swallowed and forced his attention back to the present. Face had to ask it, especially after thinking back on the punishments he'd received from BA. "What are you-- I mean, what exactly are you going to do? I mean how...." Face swallowed again.

Ah. The details. Hannibal breathed a little easier, recognizing that the younger man was closer to accepting his punishment. Hannibal had already decided he would lay the details out for his Lieutenant, giving him something to think hard about over the next few hours. He did so, speaking to a shocked and pale Templeton Peck, who flushed a darker pink as his commander talked.

"I want you to know the details. Then you can think about it all afternoon until I'm ready to punish you. I'm going to paddle you, Face."

"What!" Face's blue eyes opened wide.

Smith continued as if the younger man hadn't burst out with his exclamation. "We'll go somewhere completely private, and you'll take a very sound paddling for your irresponsibility today. Part of that paddling--"

"Hannibal! You can't mean this!"

"Part of that paddling," Hannibal continued patiently, deliberately, "will be applied to your bare bottom." He paused for the expected outburst, as Face reacted to that detail.

"You-- You want to treat me just like a little kid! I don't think so, Hannibal. No way."

Maddeningly, the older man continued as if Face hadn't interrupted. "Just how much of your punishment you take with your pants down is up to you."

Face was once again speechless. In spite of the punishments B.A. had given him, the younger man still had trouble accepting that it happened. And in spite of what Murdock seemed to think and his psychological mumbo-jumbo, Face did not want to be spanked. Not any more than Murdock did. Face had been there, watching up close last time while B.A. blistered the pilot's bare ass. Murdock hadn't enjoyed it, Face would lay money on that.

And as if it wasn't bad enough when B.A. Baracus had made him lower his pants and go over those big thighs for a humiliating punishment... Now the thought of Hannibal Smith doing so... "I can't, Hannibal. I just can't," Face pleaded. "Isn't there some other way?"

Hannibal Smith hardened his face, determined not to give in. It wasn't in the younger man's best interest. "You will, Face," he said calmly. "You'll bend over when it's time, and then you'll drop your pants and go over my knee. You'll accept the punishment I give you, the way I want to give it to you, then all will be forgiven and we'll move on."

"But why does it have to be... I mean--" Face broke off, unable to voice it and blushing furiously.

Hannibal knew exactly what the other man couldn't bring himself to say. "Why am I going to have you bare your bottom for part of it?"

Face lowered his eyes and nodded. Hannibal reached over and grasped his chin, forcing his head up until their eyes met -- Smith's blue eyes resolute and caring, the younger man's blue-green eyes embarrassed and miserable.

"Because, kid, I need to know this teaches you a lesson. You need some stern guidance right now, and I can't let you off the hook. The best thing you can do is accept what I give you; then start over fresh."

Seconds ticked by as Face held the ice-blue gaze. He was mortified to feel tears prick the backs of his eyes, but through sheer will he forced the emotional reaction back down. In a small voice he asked, "Will you ever do it again?"

Hannibal held his jaw a moment longer, rubbing his thumb over one cheek. "If it does you some good, then yes, you can expect I'll do it again when you need it. But for now, let's just get through this time, hm?" He released the younger man, who sat quietly in thought.

"Come on, Face, let's stretch our legs for a minute so we can all get back on the road."

The expressive eyes that turned to him were almost heart-breaking. Hannibal could see that Face had decided he would accept his Colonel's judgement, but there was no mistaking how miserable he was with the direction things were going. Drawing on his own resolve, Smith made himself do what he'd set out to: ensure that Face spent the next few hours thinking hard over what he'd done and the punishment he was due to receive.

With that in mind, Hannibal spoke in a serious and warning tone. "Just remember what I said: you will take at least part of your punishment on the bare. The more your attitude and behavior warrants it this afternoon, the greater the number of swats you get directly to your cheeks, rather than over your slacks. Kid, I'll tell you one thing," he continued, seeing that his words were having the desired effect on the younger man. "Before tonight's out, you're gonna have one very hot and very sore bottom for scaring me and the rest of the Team like you did today. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, sir," Face whispered, now thoroughly miserable.

* * * * * * * * * *

B.A. pulled the van into a parking place outside a large brick building that looked more like a factory or warehouse than a retail business.

As if reading his Colonel's mind, B.A. said, "Don't look like much from the outside, but you'll see. It's a real popular place, 'cause they carry stuff you can't find so easy. Big variety, too."

Hannibal stepped from the van and followed the Sergeant. There were other vehicles parked in the lot, but little indication on the building as to where someone should go. Hannibal had to admit to himself, he'd have waited until someone came out in order to know what entrance to take. B.A. seemed to know exactly where he was going.

Two entrances and a flight of stairs later, they emerged into a large department-type store that at first looked like any other. When he looked more carefully at the merchandise, Hannibal saw that it was not like any store he'd ever been in -- except for a few he'd discovered online.

There was every type of item related to a BDSM lifestyle that he could think of -- and some that he wouldn't have thought of.

Hannibal Smith turned to his Sergeant with a conspiratorial wink. "I don't think I even wanta know how you know about this place."

Baracus gave a nonchalant shrug. "Might be surprised what all I know about, Hannibal," was all he said, as he moved off toward a particular part of the store.

They turned into a display area and Smith grinned. Displayed on the racks before them was every sort of paddle he could wish to choose from.

"Can I help you, gentlemen?"

They turned to the clerk, who smiled at BA. "Good to see you again, sir."

"How you doin'," B.A. said. "We just wanta look around for a while."

"Of course. Just let me know if I can help," the clerk nodded and left them alone to shop.

Hannibal gave his Sergeant an appraising look. "You're right, BA. I might be surprised. But then again, maybe it wouldn't be so surprising at all."

Baracus scowled at him. Hannibal held his ground, not dropping the appraising look. The scowl turned to a brief grin. "Somethin' tells me you wouldn't be surprised by anythin' in here, Colonel."

It was almost said as a challenge. Hannibal just grinned and said, "You just might be more right than you know, Sergeant. Now, how about we pick out a paddle?"

They wandered apart for a while as they looked over the merchandise. Hannibal picked up several styles, handled them a bit then put them down again. He finally zeroed in on two paddles. Both were wooden; the broad surface of one was covered in black leather; the other one had a slightly narrower business surface -- with small holes drilled along each side. The all-wooden one whistled audibly as he brought it down against one gloved palm; he bet it felt nasty over a pair of slacks -- and his buttocks clenched involuntarily at the thought of it landing on the bare. "Hm." He set it aside, but not too far; it was a strong contender.

He turned the leather-covered one over in his gloved hands, smacking it against his palm. Satisfying. And it looked good in his hand, if he did say so himself, admiring the matching black leather of paddle and glove. He grinned around his cigar. "BA, I think we've got two runners up here."

Baracus joined him and took one in each hand. He tested swinging them through the air and nodded. "You want both?"

"Nah. Just one -- for now. But who knows? If this little discipline session is successful, well maybe I'll add a couple more 'n start a collection. Certainly lots to choose from. Hey, you can borrow 'em," he added, a twinkle in his eyes. "Although I'm sure your hands alone can be very persuasive."

"Yeah. But there been a lot 'a times that fool crazyman could use a few swats jus' to warm him up a bit as a reminder. Faceman, too. A good, solid paddle would work real well for that."

"Well, then why don't we keep it in the van? That way it's handy most any time. Gotta keep our boys in line," he smiled.

B.A. nodded his agreement. "Yeah. Good idea. Which one?"

Which one indeed? Hannibal swatted one against his palm, then the other. The drilled paddle looked nasty -- maybe a bit too much for this first time. "Let's take the leather-covered one."

* * * * * * * * * *

"I don't know what to do. Hannibal wants to punish me for what I did today," Face confided as he and Murdock walked along the beach. They had taken two rooms at a motel on the coast, then B.A. and Hannibal had disappeared to do some 'shopping,' saying only that they'd be back later on.

"And by 'punish,' you mean...?"

"Like B.A. did. You knew he was going to, didn't you?"

"I had a pretty strong hunch. Face, I-- I agree with Hannibal. You should know that."

Face looked over at his friend and nodded. "It's okay. I know I deserve... some kind of punishment."

"But not this?"

Face shrugged. The younger man certainly didn't want it, Murdock knew that. But he suspected Face knew he had earned Hannibal's punishment. "Murdock, he wants me to accept it. Why can't he just get it over with, and not worry about what I think?"

"Well Face, what would you prefer? I mean, do you want B.A. to hold you down while Hannibal blisters your butt?" Murdock was kidding, trying to point out Hannibal's purpose to his troubled friend.

"Yes," Face said quietly, sulking and anxious.

"What?!" Murdock knew he couldn't have heard Face right.

"Murdock, the answer is, yes. If I'm gonna get it no matter what, then I'd rather not have a choice in the matter. Let B.A. pin me down so Hannibal can teach me a lesson. I'd rather not have to choose it. He's making me choose it!"

Murdock shook his head. "Huh-uh, Facey. Ain't gonna happen that way."

When Face gave him a sour look, he explained, "Look, Face, I haven't been on the receiving end of Hannibal's wrath, when it comes to corporal punishment -- not yet, anyway -- but I know something about him for sure: he would never force it on you. He wants you to go with him, when the time comes; and then he'll expect and want you to bend over of your own free will. And," he paused for a breath, knowing Face didn't want to hear or think about it but knowing it was coming for his best friend that night, "he'll want you to take down your pants, when he tells you to, and present him with a bare bottom to discipline."

There. He'd said it. Murdock held his breath and waited for Face's reaction.

Face felt his skin grow hot and lashed out. "Oh, and I suppose you have absolutely no problem doing that, any time B.A. decides you need a good warm up."

"Face, he's never had to manhandle me, if that's what you're getting at. I mean, sure, that first time -- whoo! -- I didn't even know what hit me, til he was done! I was in total shock. He certainly manhandled me then. But every time since, well I sure never want him to spank me! But I understand why he feels he has to do it, and I've never fought him on it."

Face started again, blushing adorably as he got the words out, "Has he made you, you know, drop your pants?" As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Templeton Peck wanted to fall through a crack in the earth and disappear. But Murdock only reached out and grasped his hand, reassuring.

"It's okay to ask me that. Yes, he has, several times. The other times -- well, let's just say the big guy's strength burns right through my khakis very effectively." Murdock winked at his friend.

"But those three times...?" Face prompted, needing to know more.

"Well... You know first hand about the last time, 'cause you an' me both were in that predicament. The times before that, he knew he was gonna spank me long before he did it. Told me he would, too. Like Hannibal did with you -- and that was just the worst. Knowing it's coming, and just wanting to get it over with...."

"Yeah," Face said glumly. "Um... What happened those times? I mean, what'd you do that made him feel he had to whip you for it, and on the bare?"

"Very simple. I put myself in danger. Like you did today."

"Oh. But he used his hand."

"Yeah. What about Hannibal?"

"He's gonna paddle me, Murdock," Face sighed.

"Aw, Facey," the pilot said sympathetically, and rubbed his thumb over the back of Face's hand. "I know it's not gonna be easy, but you'll get through it."

Face let out a pent breath. "I don't know. I have a feeling he's gonna do a real number on me tonight. Hey, maybe when it comes down to it, he won't really carry through on this...?"

Murdock looked at him and shook his head, his hair flipping an inch or so from under the back of his ballcap. "Nah. In a few hours, Facey, you're gonna have one very warm backside."

"I know," Face sighed unhappily. "Very sore, too," he added, as memory brought back to him just how much his bottom and thighs had burned after BA's attentions. He didn't even want to imagine Hannibal Smith wielding a paddle.

"Hey, seriously, muchacho..." Murdock touched his arm, turning his friend to face him. "That first time you got it from BA, remember how I took care of you in the motel room? I think it helped you, Face."

"In more ways than you know," Face admitted quietly.

Murdock smiled at that. "Well, tonight... afterwards, I'd like to help you like that -- cause I think you'll be able to use some TLC back there," he gave a gentle pat to Face's rear, "when Hannibal gets through with you. I'm not meanin' to scare you here--"

"I'm not scared," Face automatically responded. Then, a bit sheepishly, "Well, maybe just a little."

Murdock smiled, knowing how much it had cost his friend to admit that. "He won't go too far, Face. Neither would B.A. They both know how much is enough. But he means for you to learn your lesson out of this, and let's face it -- a spankin' is s'posed to smart, right?"

No argument there, Face thought. The two men continued to walk, until Murdock steered them back towards the motel, noting the time. He certainly didn't want the Colonel gunning for him tonight, already upset with Face and with a paddle at hand.

They came up on the motel and could see the van was back.

"Hey, I kinda feel like I'm servin' you up to the lions here, Face," Murdock tried to joke, but couldn't help having a worried tone.

Face looked at him, reached out to run a hand up and down Murdock's upper arm. "Don't worry, Murdock. I'll be fine. All that stuff we talked about... Thanks."

Murdock smiled. "Anything, and anytime. I, uh... I think you'd best not keep Hannibal waitin', huh?"

Murdock hung back as Face went to their rooms. It wasn't ten minutes later that Face and Hannibal emerged from the motel and got in the van, Hannibal driving. Murdock was relieved. He hadn't known if Hannibal would carry out the Lieutenant's punishment there in the room, but he was glad to see the Colonel was taking Face somewhere private. And while he didn't want to see his best friend hurt in any way, he had to agree with Hannibal's punishment. Face needed that kind of very firm reminder, sometimes. Okay, a lot of times.

He spent a while longer walking the sand and gazing out over the water as darkness fell, then returned to the room to watch some t.v., and wait for his friend to return.

* * * * * * * * * *

Hannibal drove them up the coast for nearly an hour. Very little was said along the way, and Face was grateful that the Colonel didn't try to force conversation.

Finally they turned off the coastal highway and down a narrow dirt road, then into the driveway of a beach house.

"So, I'm not the only one around here who can scam houses," Face said, trying for a light tone.

Hannibal answered with a grin. "No, but you do it best."

Face smiled. In spite of what he knew lay ahead, the con man was relieved that Hannibal wasn't still quite as angry with him. He'd take what the Colonel felt he needed, especially if it ended up as Hannibal said -- that all would be forgiven afterward. He just didn't want the older man to remain as angry with him as he'd been earlier in the day.

As they climbed out of the van, Hannibal explained, "Actually, you remember the job we did for that doctor in San Diego last year?"

Face nodded. He watched as Hannibal squatted down on the doorstep and stood back up with a key in his hand. Smith grinned triumphantly. "He gave us an open invitation to use the place whenever it's vacant. All it took was a quick phone call, and you and I have complete privacy tonight."

"Great." Face couldn't keep the note of sarcasm out of his response, but the hand on his shoulder told him Hannibal understood.

They walked inside. It was a small vacation home, furnished with the basics in good, solid wood furniture. Hannibal walked through the dining room and rapped his knuckles on the hard wood table. He eyed the straight-back wooden chairs and nodded to himself, deciding on some finishing touches for his plan for his Lieutenant's punishment. In the living area he ran his hand over the back of a plush sofa. It was just the right height. Again he nodded.

Face had remained standing near the doorway, watching as his commander moved through the rooms. He swallowed as Hannibal turned his attention back to him.

Hannibal sighed. He'd thought breaking the news to Face in the van that afternoon was hard. He had to steel his resolve, knowing the younger man needed the kind of guidance Smith had in mind for him. "I don't want to put this off any longer, Face. I don't think you want me to, either."

Face tried to answer, cleared his throat and tried again. "No, I-- Not really."

"Face, come sit down." Hannibal pulled two of the wooden chairs out from the table for them to sit, facing each other. When they were seated he leaned forward and spoke seriously to his young officer. "You know I was very upset about your actions this morning."

Face looked down at the hardwood floor. "I know," he mumbled.

"You were irresponsible, and you didn't think ahead to what might happen without any of us there to back you up."

"I know," he said again.

"Face, look at me." When Face looked up, Hannibal continued, "You know I'm taking a drastic step with your punishment. I want you to know, I don't take that step lightly. I've given it a lot of consideration over the years..."

At the surprise in his Lieutenant's face, Smith nodded. "Yes, years. In fact, I've known since I met you that you sometimes need a firm guiding hand. I've just waited a bit long to see to it."

Face remembered B.A.'s words of a few weeks back, telling Face that Hannibal had often threatened to paddle his youngest team member. He took a deep breath. "Well... better late than never?"

Hannibal broke out into a slow smile. "Exactly." He reached into a coat pocket and withdrew the paddle, placing it on the table. Face's eyes grew huge. "Have you been thinking about it, Lieutenant, since I told you what you could expect for your punishment?"

"Yes," Face mumbled, contrite. He'd thought of nothing else all afternoon. That had been exactly what his Colonel intended, all a part of his discipline.

"Then let's get it taken care of, kid."

Face stood, trembling as he watched Hannibal pick up the leather- covered paddle. The older man directed him to the living room. "I want you to bend over the back of the sofa." He gently guided the Lieutenant until he was draped over the sofa back, arranged to Hannibal's approval. It presented his ass perfectly, ready for the paddle.

Hannibal started immediately, but with swats on the lighter side, easing Face into it. He kept up a steady and patient rhythm and turned up the force by degrees. The paddle had indeed been a good choice; it landed nicely on Face's perfect ass, and it seemed custom made to fit Hannibal's hand.

The swats grew in intensity until they were landing fast and furious. Face clutched at the sofa cushions, striving to hold back his groans. The fire intensified in his rear. Just when he thought he couldn't take any more -- at least, not silently -- the paddling stopped and Hannibal stepped back.

"Stand up, Face."

Face did, as Hannibal walked over to the dining room set and pulled out one of the wooden chairs. He dragged it a short distance and set it facing the corner. He then drew Face away from the sofa, smacking his hands away from his backside. "Who said you could rub your bottom, Lieutenant?"

"What? Colonel...!"

"Hands at your sides. And this is for whining," Smith added, as he grabbed the Lieutenant's arm and delivered a very hard swat to his bottom. It brought a loud "Ow!" from the younger man.

"You will sit here." Hannibal pushed him down onto the hard wooden chair, ignoring the gasp and hiss as the chastised rear met the seat, "and think for a while about why we are here. I know the chair is hard and your behind is sore, but maybe it'll help you stay focused. And I wouldn't squirm if I were you," he advised, before leaving the younger man in the corner.

Face found he had no trouble keeping his thoughts focused on his behavior and the punishment it had earned him. He could think of nothing else as his bottom smoldered and burned, pressed down on the hard wood chair. He HAD been irresponsible; it seemed like he always was. Always trusting that things would somehow work out. It didn't used to matter to anyone if he lived or died, because there hadn't been anyone to care. Now, however, as he felt Hannibal's discipline keenly in his hindquarters, he knew it mattered. HE mattered, and that knowledge warmed him inside as much as the paddle had warmed his bottom.

Twenty long minutes later, Face was given a reprieve from the hard chair.

"Face. Come here."

At the quiet voice, Face carefully rose from the chair, wincing as his behind smarted from the movement. Hannibal was seated on the sofa; he gestured Face over and directed him to sit. He then lectured further, reminding his Lieutenant about the importance of team work and communication. Finally, he addressed what Face had been dreading the most. "You know what you've got coming next."

"I-- Yes, sir."

"I know you really hate the idea of this..."

"Yes, sir."

"But I feel it's an important part of your punishment. You're going to bare your bottom, and go over my knees for the rest of your paddling. How does that make you feel?"

"Humiliated," Face mumbled.

Hannibal nodded. "Do you think you'll remember this, the next time you're tempted to go against my orders?"

"Yes, sir!"

"Stand up." Hannibal shifted to the center of the sofa. "Lower your pants, Face."

Feeling his facial cheeks burn now as much as his bottom cheeks, Face complied. Hannibal stopped him when he reached for his briefs. "No, just like that. Now come here, down over my lap."

Moments later Face was lying across the Colonel's lap, his legs and chest supported by the sofa. To complete his humiliation, Hannibal grasped the waist band of his briefs and pulled them down to his thighs. The cool air made him catch his breath, but it felt good on his hot cheeks. The relief didn't last long. Hannibal secured one arm around his waist. Face thought he was prepared, but when Hannibal applied the paddle to his bare behind Face yelped.

The rest of his paddling didn't take long, but to Face it seemed to last a lifetime. Hannibal made sure every bit of his aching bottom received several swats on the bare. The worst ones targeted his sit spot, burning fire where he'd feel it the longest. The older man snapped the paddle down expertly, as if he did this on a regular basis.

The Colonel had to tell him it was over before Face realized it. Hannibal held him there a few moments longer, the hand that had held the paddle now rubbing circles on his back. "All right, kid. Up you go."

Face stood up and instantly reached for his pants.

"Huh-uh, Face, not so fast." Hannibal made him walk over to the chair again, holding his pants at thigh level. "Leave your pants down, and sit."

Face dreaded making contact with that hard chair, and it was just as bad as he expected. Worse. He hissed and moaned, unable to find any relief for the long 15 minutes Hannibal left him seated in the corner. Finally, Face felt a hand on his shoulder. "Come 'ere, kid."

Hannibal helped him raise and fasten his pants. He then drew Face into a tight hug. The younger man stiffened at first, but Hannibal held onto him until he felt Face relax and return the hug. "It's all over now," Hannibal murmured. "And you'll be just fine, Face. You'll be just fine."

Face tightened his hold, and Hannibal felt dampness from tears soak into his shirt. He stroked the younger man's silky blond hair, letting the hug last as long as Face needed.

Some time later Hannibal put the chairs back at the table and retrieved his paddle from the sofa. He took one last look around to make sure they left the place as they'd found it. Face had gone into the bathroom to wash his face. When he emerged his eyes were still red but he looked all right. Hannibal put a hand to the back of Face's neck and rubbed. "You okay, kid?"

Face nodded. "Yeah. I-- Hannibal, this sounds really strange, but... thanks. I mean, not for the paddling, but..."

"Face, it's okay; I understand. You just sometimes need a little extra guidance. Am I right?"

The younger man looked down and nodded. "Yeah. I'm sorry, Hannibal.

"Don't be sorry for it; just do the best you can. I promise you, I'll be there to help you out."

"Does that mean you're going to..."

"Spank you again? Yes, you'll definitely feel the surface of my paddle again when I feel you need it."

Face nodded again, accepting.

"I also know B.A. has given you some suitable punishments lately. So you've got both of us to answer to. Remember that. Between us, we can give your bottom quite a workout. We'll do it, too."

Face shuddered, getting a smile from Hannibal. "Let's get back to the others, kid. I happen to know of one pilot who's anxious to see you and give you some special care tonight."

Face looked up at that, and met blue eyes filled with understanding. He smiled. "Okay. Thanks, Hannibal."

* * * * * * * * * *

Back at the motel room, Murdock jumped up off his bed and followed Face into the small bathroom.

"Was it awful?" he murmured.

"It was horrible," Face answered. He couldn't quite keep a small smile from his lips -- couldn't right now exactly explain how good it felt to have the punishment over and the air cleared between himself and Hannibal. His answer was truthful, though -- the pilot could see it in the slow way Face had walked into the room, was now reaching his hands around to his bottom but pulling away with a wince every time they contacted back there.

Noticing that Murdock saw his movements, Face explained, "It feels like it would help to rub back there, you know? But as soon as I touch my butt it's on fire again."

"Well, let's get these off, Face. That'll help a lot."

"I don't think anything will help a lot," his friend said ruefully, even as he unfastened his belt and slacks. He hissed as Murdock tried to gently get the pants down off his sore behind. "Easy, I know," the older man soothed. "Now step out of 'em."

Next came the briefs. "Face, let me, okay?"

Face hesitated, but gave in and nodded. "Thanks, Murdock," he mumbled. He closed his eyes as gentle hands pulled off the cotton briefs. "Step again." Face did. Murdock let out a low whistle as he surveyed the younger man's backside. Hannibal had indeed meant it to be a serious lesson. "Hey, Face, I think I know what might help. Let's get in the shower."

Murdock removed his own clothes and soon both men were standing nude in the shower. Very carefully, Murdock adjusted the removable shower head so that it emitted a soothing, low intensity pulse. After an initial yelp of surprise, Face relaxed a little and stood facing the wall, letting Murdock soothe his punished bottom.

A long time later, Murdock helped his best friend to bed and lay down beside him, wanting to stay close until Face fell asleep.

"I'm really fine, Murdock. Or I will be. Hannibal did what he needed to do. What I needed, I guess."

"I know. I just wanta do what I can to help you out."

"Thanks, Murdock. I appreciate your taking care of me."

Murdock reached over and smoothed his hand down Face's blond hair, repeatedly. "No problem," he whispered. "You want me to leave you alone now, so you can sleep?"


"What is it, Facey? Tell me."

"What I really want is you to come to bed, too."

"You mean... Really?"


Murdock smiled and raised the covers, sliding in beside his friend. He reached over to turn off the lamp before settling in, being careful not to brush against the other man's backside. He snuggled down as best he could, pulling Face to him and continuing to soothe the younger man until he fell asleep.

"I'm always gonna take care of you, Face. Always," Murdock whispered before he joined Face in sleep.


* * * * * * * * * *