Lasting Reminders

by Xcraft

All this chat about implements and colors was going through my mind as I was weeding the garden and now you'll all have to suffer.:-)

Any disclaimers that are in your heads, apply them now!

Crystal City
Skinner's apartment

Mulder had arrived home before Walter. Not all that unusual, but for the last 3 days Walter had been keeping a close eye his most troublesome agent and Mulder had expected him to be there. After showering, Walter still wasn't home and for some reason Mulder was feeling board and a little lost. He wandered around the apartment and ended up in Walter's bedroom. The bedroom they shared on occasion even though Mulder did have a bedroom of his own. He felt not so alone in this room and decided to wait here for Walter to come home. He sat down on the bed, winced, and quickly rolled onto his stomach. His mind recalled the confrontation he and Walter had three days ago.

Three Days Earlier
Crystal City

It was about 8 p.m., Mulder was on the couch feet propped upon the coffee table, head back and eyes closed. Any minute now he knew Walter would be coming through the door and he also knew he was going to be pissed. Not two minutes later the door did open and there he stood. Walter Skinner, A.D. of the FBI, his boss, his lover, his friend, and his executioner!

Mulder stood, "Sir, if you'll just give me a chance to explain."

Skinner put up one hand. One large hand and Mulder stopped immediately. "Mulder," Skinner spoke with barely controlled anger, "You already explained and I don't think any of the facts have changed. Have they agent Mulder?"

"No, sir." Mulder said with downcast eyes.

Skinner threw his suit coat at the nearest chair, "How could you go into that abandoned warehouse, without back-up, without Scully, on a hunch that the suspect you're looking for might be there!" Skinner voice became louder with each word until he was yelling at the younger man. "How many times have we gone over this, Mulder?"

Mulder didn't answer. He just jammed his hands in his pockets and shrugged his shoulders.


"I don't know, lots. Okay? A lot of times." Mulder spoke back, a slight whine in his voice.

"You know this type of behavior always earns you punishment," Skinner said as he removed his tie.

Mulder knew where this was going and was trying to find a way out. "Nothing bad happened sir."

Skinner just glared at him.

"Well, almost nothing."

"Mulder, you were found, knocked out cold, by your partner. You're just lucky, young man, that she figured out where you were." Skinner had now rolled up his sleeves and spoke with a controlled voice that somehow unnerved Mulder more. "You've got a lump the size of a golf ball on your head and you're lucky you don't have a concussion!"

"You know, now that you mention it, I am feeling a little dizzy." Mulder pouted and looked up at the AD and grabbed the back of the nearest chair for good measure.

Skinner stepped closer. Too close for Mulder's opinion and said rather menacingly, "You wouldn't be lying to me, would you...boy?"

Mulder swallowed hard and took a step back.

"Upstairs! My room! Now!"

Mulder hesitated for a minute.

"I said NOW!"

Mulder turned and headed for the stairs, mumbling under his breath the whole way. He stomped up the stairs, (Okay, I'll go, Mr. Commando, but I'm not going quietly.)

Mulder was in the bedroom and not five minutes later in walked Walter. "Pants down and over the edge of the bed Mulder!" He made his way directly to the dresser and opened the bottom drawer.

Mulder watched him as he lowered his trousers. "Oh no," moaned Mulder. He knew what was in that drawer.

Walter took the paddle from the drawer and walked toward the bed. As he did, he slapped the paddle against his palm and was quite aware of the effect it was having on the young man now bent over the side of his bed.

"Sir, you don't have to do this, really. It will never happen again." Mulder said, a slight cracking in his voice.

"I know it won't happen again." Walter said as he rested his left hand on the small of Mulder's back. "And I think this will be a good reminder."

The paddle began to fall swift and hard.

Crystal City
Present Time

Walter came home and knew immediately that Mulder was already there. If the jacket on the sofa wasn't enough, tripping over his shoes certainly was. He sighed to himself and looked around. When he got to his bedroom he saw Mulder lying on his bed wearing boxers and his old T-shirt. Walter sat on the bed next to him. The motion brought Mulder out of his deep thought. "Oh, hi Walter!"

"Hi yourself, Mulder. What have you been up to?" Walter said as he tousled Mulder's hair.

"Just thinking."

"Thinking about what?" Walter started rubbing small circles down Mulder's back.

"Oh, nothing." Mulder said quietly.

As Walter's hand got to the top of Mulder's boxers he grasped the waistband and worked them down. He ran his hand gently over Mulder's backside, stopping at the bruise on the left cheek. "Have you been in any more abandoned warehouses?" he asked as he pressed his finger into the middle of the bruise.

"OWWCH!" yelped Mulder as his hand flew back to rub the sore area. "No, Sir!"

"That's good," Walter said as he rubbed his hand over Mulder's. "Because next time you'll have two bruised cheeks."