Miss Lucille's Lingerie Boutique

by SeekerOne

Rating: 'bout NC-40 should do it.

Disclaimers: Go to any of the 89,427 posted fan fics and copy theirs. The characters ain't mine, 'cause if they were, they'd have a lot more fun than you can have on prime time TV. Miss Lucille hasn't opened her shop in Georgetown yet, but she is considering a book and a web site deal. The D.C. restaurants mentioned are "real" however, along with my favorite brand of hair brush.

Key words: Sex, swearing, southern accents and a little old silver bell

Author's Summary: Skinner has neglected the most important person in his life and tries to salvage the relationship.

Thank You: Bouquets of virtual flowers and hand written thank-you notes to Texx who encouraged me and Leelee who provided meticulous, thoughtful, smutty beta. You two are the greatest. The end result is even more trashy that I first planned and it's all due to your wicked suggestions! I do love a dirty mind.

Feedback: Miss Lucille and her author would just love to hear from you. And much as I'd like reading trashy emails at work, it's probably not a terrific idea. So send comments to: clueseeker@hotmail.com

Chapter One - The First Time Shopper

FBI Headquarters

The meeting was not only running long, it was even more boring than usual. Walter Skinner tried to maintain the semblance of interested Assistant Director in front of his subordinates, but he also admitted that Greenhow's budget figures and financial projections were mind numbing. Finally, the last of the discussion was concluded and the department heads began filing out. Skinner rolled his stiff neck as he gathered up his large accumulation of files and extra papers from the meeting. Well, with any luck I should be out of here by 8:00 or 9:00 tonight, he thought.

Special Agent Fox Mulder paused at the head of the conference room table. "Sir, could I have a moment?"

Ah shit, not another giant cat-eating mutant goldfish sighting, Skinner thought with a sigh. At this rate, he wouldn't be getting out of here until 10:00 tonight, at the earliest. Now, if the request for some extra time had come from Mulder's partner.... Stop it, Walter, he cautioned. Not during business hours.

He crossed his arms over his chest as he turned to face the younger man. "What is it, Mulder?" he asked trying to hide the exasperation typical of an overworked federal employee.

Mulder paused, waiting until the conference room was empty, and quietly shut the door. "Sir, it's a personnel matter... regarding Agent Scully."

Skinner froze and glared at him. "Is there a problem, Agent Mulder?" You damn well better not make it one, he thought.

Mulder swallowed hard at the look in his boss's eyes, but took a deep breath and forged ahead. "Sir, I know it's not appropriate for me to comment on your private life.."

"Then don't!" came the A.D.'s immediate response with a definite snap. The last thing I need is a lecture from "Spooky" Mulder on my extracurricular relationships he thought.

But Mulder was not about to back down. "When it affects my partner, sir, ....."

Distance yourself from this Walter, Skinner thought as he walked over to his desk to drop off the files. Just keep your cool with him. "Agent Mulder, this is really none of your..." he said firmly, trying to dismiss the problem.

But Mulder was not giving up that easily, not before he had his say. He followed Skinner around the corner of his large desk and continued, "Sir, Scully does not deserve this." Mulder's protective nature for his partner had been aroused and he plunged ahead, determined to ignore his boss's warning signals. "She is too professional to ever complain to me, but I've worked with her for seven years. I know when she's got a problem and right now she's unhappy about some thing. "

Skinner tried to avoid his agent's angry, piercing hazel eyes, "Look, Mulder..."

"No sir, you look. You're ruining the best thing that's happened to you in a long time. How many times have you forgotten a date with her or shown up two hours late? How many evenings did you cancel at the last minute because of some office crisis? Dana Scully is far too special a person for anyone to take for granted like this." Mulder nodded self-righteously at his boss' s guilty look. His message might be hitting home, but he was to angry to let Skinner off that easily. "I'd suggest you damn well get your priorities in order, before you turn around and discover she's gone too!"

Skinner gaped in astonishment as Mulder stomped out of the room, slamming the door behind him. He sat down at his desk feeling like he'd been punched in the stomach. It wasn't that bad, was it? Hell, he'd just had dinner with Scully, when? Her birthday, that was it. No damn it, her present was still on his dining room table. He'd had to cancel that time because of O' Brien's Internet terrorist case. He'd promised to reschedule as soon as they caught the bastards, but then VCU handed off that Texas child murderer and... well shit. He hadn't spent any real time with her in weeks. No wonder the redhead was pissed.

Skinner logged on to his private e-mail and quickly composed a message:

A friend of mine realizes that he's neglected a very special lady in his life and would like to make amends. Any suggestions?

He sent it off with a grin. He could solve this little problem without any more assistance from Special Agent Fox Mulder, thank you very much. He'd just turn on the Skinner family charm, take Scully out for a nice dinner and act very repentant. With any luck, they'd have some great sex this weekend and everything would be back to normal. Now if he could just make this paperwork nightmare go away as well. With a sigh, he began to tackle the stack of reports in his in-box.

When he checked his personal e-mail the next morning he found:

Friday, 6:30 p.m., tapas and sangria at Jaleo.

Yes! Skinner almost chuckled in relief as he phoned one of the other A.D.'s. Thomlinson could cover his calls for the upcoming long weekend. As of right now, he had other plans.

Seventh Street
Friday 6:50 p.m.

The very popular Washington restaurant was packed as usual with Friday night diners. Walter let out a sigh as he approached the booth in the back. He was only a little late, but this wasn't how he wanted to start the weekend. Off on the wrong foot, again. He paused and stared at the petite redhead waiting for him. Mulder was right, he realized with a stab of guilt. Scully was frowning irritably as she slowly stirred the drink in front of her. Shit, she doesn't think I'll even show up. OK, Walter, time for some major groveling here.

"If I sit down, will you promise not to shoot me?" he asked softly.

Dana glanced up in surprise. "Walter, I didn't think you'd..."

"I know you didn't," he said as he slid in beside her. "My track record lately has been lousy. But I am sorry and I'd like to make it up to you." There, that was it -- simple, direct, honest. This can work he thought as he carefully reached over and took her hand.

Dana tensed as she pulled away and leaned back against the leather booth. "I don't know if that's such a good..."

Hold on, Skinner thought, don't let her start it, keep on the offensive. So before she could finish, he interrupted, "Look, Dana, give me another chance. I've cleared this whole weekend for us. No work, I promise. Just the two of us. I'll do whatever you want. You call the shots."

Scully paused as she drummed angry fingers on the table. Skinner had never said that before, but she was tired of the off-again, on-again nature of their love affair. The X-files and Mulder provided enough stress in her life, without always wondering if Skinner could find time for her. She just didn't want to put up with that any more. It was time for him decide what was really important. If he wouldn't make a place for her, for them, on a regular basis, she was going to end the relationship once and for all. In fact, she planned on telling him all that tonight, but thinking about what he said, maybe, just maybe, there was another way....

Dana considered the problem for a moment longer as she glanced at the man beside her. Skinner looked exhausted. He was burning himself out with 60-70 hour work weeks. "You mean it? You'll do whatever I want?" It was too important not be completely sure.

"Absolutely. I'm all yours for the whole long weekend. Whatever you want to do with me is fine." Be sincere, he thought.

"Then finish your drink, Marine. We're going shopping."

Chapter Two

Miss Lucille's Lingerie Boutique and Spa

Walter groaned to himself as they stepped inside the elegant Georgian townhouse. Not that he had any objection to buying Scully something sexy for this weekend. He just always felt like a pervert in one of these lingerie places, specially ones like this that looked exclusive and expensive. He heard Dana say some thing to one of the sales people as he strolled over to look at a forest green satin teddy. Damn, Dana would look hot as hell with that little silk string running up her firm little fanny like that. And with any luck, she wouldn't be wearing it for long either. He picked it up and turned around to show it to her.

"What do you think of this?" he asked, only to met the amused brown eyes of a tall, voluptuous blonde.

"Well, personally I think that blue might be more flattering. But, I can see if we have it in your size," said the woman with a grin.

Walter blushed profusely as he quickly put that little wet dream fantasy back on the rack.

Scully strolled over to join the two of them. "Ah, there you are...this is Lucille, she's going to be helping us pick out some things," she said, trying to keep her composure at the unexpected turn of events. But her blue eyes were clearly laughing at his embarrassment.

"Please. Y'all come this way, now," the blonde said.

Walter's hand found its way to the small of Scully's back as they followed the tall and leggy blonde toward an elevator at the rear of the store. Leaning over close to Scully, Walter whispered as he tried to nibble on her ear. "Helping us out, how?"

"Water, behave yourself. This is my weekend and I'm going to do just like I want to. Besides, you need a break too. So, relax and get your credit card out, big boy. I'm in charge as of right now.

He sighed softly as they entered the elevator. He had a bad feeling about this.

Chapter Three

Lucille's Lingerie Boutique and Spa
Third Floor

Walter noticed that the elevator operated with a key card and as the doors slid open on the third floor, he saw why. This room seemed to cater to more risqué tastes. In fact, the last time he saw anything like this was when he was called in to help break up a New Orleans vice ring.

The rubber whips, paddles, chains, dildos and other toys of assorted shapes and sizes looked oddly out of place with the elegant oriental rugs and antique gilded frame mirrors. You just didn't expect to see a classic Chippendale armchair and a whipping post placed side by side, he thought.

"Dana, I don't know about..." he gulped softly.

But the little redhead had had enough. She wheeled around to glare at him with fire in her eyes. "Walter Skinner," she hissed as she put both hands on her hips. "You promised me a weekend. Whatever I wanted. Remember? Have you changed your mind? Backing out on me again?"

He looked down at her as he gnawed his lip. "Well, no...but we don't...I haven't..."

All right Dana, lay it on the line to him, she thought. "Walter. Don't you trust me?"

Damn, she went right for the kill then Skinner realized.

Lucille's soft southern voice cut through the tension. "Let me suggest something simple to start with. Bless their hearts, some men just get a little bit nervous and intimated about not bein' in charge all the time. It tends to worry them." She played with her long strand of pearls as she waited for the inevitable reaction.

Walter straightened his back and gave her his best Assistant-Director-of-the-FBI-From-Hell look. By god, he was an ex-Marine and a Federal Law Enforcement Officer. He was not afraid of... of... whatever it was these two beauties had cooked up. "On the contrary. After you, ladies," he gestured politely.

Lucille grinned at him as she strolled toward a display rack of strange leather and rubber devices. "Now, if he's really promised to be your love slave for the weekend, I think you should start with some nice leather. Darlin', please slip off your coat, so I can see if this fits," she said holding a thick brown dog collar.

Walter grimaced as he unbuttoned his suit jacket and slid it off. Thank god he'd thought to lock his Sig in the trunk of the car. Pulling out a pistol and the extra clips of ammo would have added another, rather unexpected factor here.

"Now come on Walter, I don't want to get home and find out you can't wear it because it's the wrong size." Dana was coaxing as she unknotted his tie. She calmly continued unbuttoning his shirt and removed his cufflinks. Damn, paybacks were so much fun, she thought to herself.

Blushing a little, he pulled off his shirt as both women eyed his hard muscular chest. Miss Lucille measured him with a grin and a knowing glance as his shirt and tie joined the jacket on a nearby chair.

"Oh, very nice, Walter." she cooed. "Here now, honey, try this one on him."

Dana had to stand almost on her tiptoes as she fastened the smooth saddle leather collar around his neck. Damn this room was getting hot, Skinner thought. He quietly rubbed his sweaty palms against his pant legs.

"Now since he's a touch nervous about all this, let me suggest a little harness with some soft cuffs. It's just wonderful for keeping his hands occupied." Miss Lucille purred as she noted his nervous gesture.

"I don't think that's..." Skinner began. But he noticed Dana watching him with a skeptical raised eyebrow. The little witch was daring him to go through with it, he thought! Well, he'd show her.

"Hush, now. This won't hurt a bit." Miss Lucille was fastening other straps to his collar and soft cuffs around his wrists. "Now you have this figure-eight strap pulling his arms back like this, and this extra long piece goes right down his back." He felt her soft hands stroking his tense shoulders as she adjusted the straps.

Shivering slightly from the feel of the cool leather, Walter remembered the brace he'd had worn when he broken his collarbone during high school wrestling. OK, this is silly, but I can handle it, he thought.

Then Miss Lucille took one of his cuffed wrists and snapped it to a loop behind on the harness. He stiffened as Dana quickly grabbed the other one.

"You mean like this?" she asked complacently. His heart dropped to his shoes as he heard a click. He tugged slightly on the harness. It wasn't terribly uncomfortable, just restricting. He could deal with this stupid thing he thought, if he could just ignore the growing bulge in his pants.

"Dana..." he started as she turned away toward another case. Scully was fuming to herself. Her stubborn lover needed to get it through his head that this was her weekend. He promised that she'd be in charge. And he was damn well going to learn who was boss, at least for this weekend.

"Walter Skinner, I think I've had about all of your commentary I care to hear for one evening, " she snapped. And as he opened his mouth to protest, she slipped a soft foam rubber ball in it!

Miss Lucille nodded approvingly at the agent as she caught the ends of the straps that went through the ball and pressed the Velcro tabs together behind his head. She massaged the back of his neck as he tried to twist around. "Since this is his first time, let me suggest something I find really helpful in getting a man to listen you and follow directions." She gave Skinner a wicked smile as she picked a small blue velvet jewelry case from the mahogany side table. His muffled ranting was barely audible as she opened the box. "These little clips just work wonders. You go ahead nibble on him for a minute to get him ready while I set the tension."

Scully strolled over to Walter with a feral grin. God, she didn't think she'd ever seen anything as sexy as a bare chested Walter Skinner as he continued to tussle with the harness and gag. She wanted to lick and nibble him from his bottom of his feet to the top of his bald head, with some special attention given to that tent in the front of his pants. And, before this weekend was over, she promised herself, she would tease him until he was out of his mind and then screw him through the bed, or the floor, or wall. Or all of the above.

Walter tried to pull away as Dana slowly ran her fingernails over his chest. "Now Walter, at least part of you likes this" she said as she slid her hand over his growing erection. "In fact, little Walter likes it....a lot!" she observed with a wicked smile. Well yeah, but he was hoping she hadn't noticed that. His nipples began to tingle as she licked and scratched one and then the other.

"Just slid these on real easy now. I got the little chains all straighten out," Lucille said as she handed Scully the small gold clips. Dana's tongue brushed his throat as she leaned in close to carefully ease the clamps down on her lover's tender skin.

OH SHIT, that hurts! he thought as he tried to pull away. But Miss Lucille grabbed the chains connecting the clamps and gave a sharp tug. Walter stopped dead in his tracks as the metal edges bit down.

"Now you see, honey. Just the least little direction and he's fine."

Walter bit down on the soft ball as he groaned in arousal. He couldn't believe how much the pain was turning him on. And Scully was just standing there grinning at him! "Now come along, stud muffin." Miss Lucille instructed as she caught the chain again. The three of them walked over to what looked like a low gymnastic pommel horse. Yes, ma'am! Walter thought. No problem. I'll be good. Just don't jerk that chain.

"Dana, if you will just slip off those pants and get him ready, I'll pick out the rest of the toys. Then we can start with the real fun."

Fun? FUN? He thought as he sent a pleading look to his agent/lover. She grinned back at him as she unfastened his belt and grappled with the zipper. "Walter Skinner, this is going to be a weekend you and I won't ever forget," Scully said. And succumbing to temptation in front of her, she gave his hard leaking penis a quick kiss as she slid his boxers down.

Skinner suddenly trembled as he realized that he was the sexual centerpiece of the hottest fantasy he could imagine. He was completely nude, bound, gagged and at the doubtful mercy of two very sexy women obviously spent too much time reading erotic novels. Yeah, I just hope I live to tell it, he thought as Dana tossed his pants aside .

"Oh, my goodness darlin'!" came the drawl again. "This baby does need some tending or he'll never last long," Lucille said as she stroked his hard penis. Skinner whimpered softly as he thrust himself against her cool fingers almost involuntarily. "I like a little leather right here myself."

Walter groaned as he felt the smooth little belt strap enclose the base of his erect penis and cinch tight around it. Two smaller pieces went around his balls and then he heard it. A little silver tinkle. A BELL! That bitch had attached a bell to the cock harness. I cannot fucking believe this, he thought as the two women pushed him face down onto the leather horse.

"Now you can always tell where he is." Lucille paused to pat his firm ass. "But what was I doing? Oh, yes. Look those over, Dana honey, and see what you think." Walter tried to look up and see what she was talking about and was rewarded with another tug on the chain. "You just be still, handsome." He lay across the leather horse obediently with his bare butt in the air. You can do this, Walter he thought. Just keep breathing.

"Well, I don't really want anything too drastic." Bless you Dana Katherine Scully, he thought. "But I want him to remember this, too. He's stood me up more times than I can count lately." I'll make it up to you, sweet heart, he swore to himself. Flowers, dinner, wine, lots of chocolate. We can have fresh seafood at Kinkead's. Or, how about that pasta dish you love at the Obelisk. I'll even reserve the chef's table at the Inn at Little Washington. Nothing's too good for you baby. Just don't.... don't....

"Then, I think this one should be just about right," promised Lucille.

Walter tried to buck away as cool gel flowed over his exposed backside. Then a little feminine hand pressed down hard on the small of his back as his legs were pushed wiide apart. Oh god, Scully had practiced executing the classic spread 'um pose on far too many suspects.

"Now just relax, Sweetheart. Miss Lucille's going to take good care of you. " Relax? RELAX? He thought as he felt something cool press again his anus. No, please no... Dana had occasionally used her small fingers there during some of their more intensive love play, but this was a lot bigger and he'd never..... Oh god, she pushed it all the way in! He couldn't believe it as the burning sensation in his ass sent a jolt of pleasure right to his throbbing cock. And it was wider in the middle than the end. He felt the flat end fit up close to his buttocks like a baby's pacifier. He tried push it out but the lube made it impossible to get a grip on the damn thing.

"Be still now, baby. You're doing so well. And I swear you're hotter than before. That fine cock of yours just keeps getting bigger and bigger." Lucille stroked his penis gently as she began fastening the butt plug and cock harness to extra leather pieces that connected back to the chest straps.

Dana felt her pussy getting wetter just looking at what Lucille was doing to her lover. But now it was her turn. "Walter, I think it's time that you learned what happens if men don't treat their ladies right. Standing me up for dinner...not calling me... you ought to be ashamed of yourself. Lucille, can you recommend a good paddle?" A PADDLE he thought in disbelief?

"Well, I like to start with a good Mason Pearson hairbrush myself. It's got a nice wide flat wood back. And you can always carry one in your purse and nobody thinks a thing about it. Go ahead, try this one out."

Skinner couldn't believe it when the first swat across his backside was quickly followed by others. He had fantasized about spankings before, but never had the nerve to ask Dana about it. Only his wet dream had been spanking her or Mulder, not being on the receiving end of a hair brush. But his crazy lover had him trussed up and bent over, spanking his ass for all she was worth and he was so hot, he thought he'd explode with every stroke.

"And when that luscious ass gets good and red, you just turn it over and use the brush part a little. Like my Momma always said, every lady needs to have a good boar-bristle hair brush." He moaned as Dana followed Lucille's suggestions and proceeded to set his ass on fire.

Scully was panting slightly as she continued to swat his butt. "Hmm... well this is fine for a start, but I'd like a little something else too. May be some thing a little more, say we say, emphatic? After all he did miss my birthday." No, Scully, no, you don't really need anything else! Walter thought, even as he arched his back so his ass met the swinging brush. His backside was burning and stinging from the combined effect of the brush and the hundreds of little scratches from bristles. But his cock was leaking like a horny teenager's.

Lucille considered for a moment, "Well, crops and whips are fine, and goodness knows I use enough of them here. But if you don't ride, they can take some explaining at home. I personally think that a man's belt is a lovely alternative. We've got some nice black alligator ones in that just came in."

Dana picked up the offered belt and looped it in her hands. The smell of fine new leather was incredibly erotic to her. She took a brief practice swing and then brought it down hard across her lover's backside.

Jesuschristgodalmightydamnittohell, he swore as the first crack landed on his upper thighs. Scully must have been working out he thought, as his body jerked in response. He wanted to rip the bell and the cock harness off and come like a geyser.

"Now just land a couple across that plug to make sure he's paying attention. That just pushes it up, right where you want it," Lucille suggested.

Yes ma'am, I'm absolutely paying attention. No slackers here, he thought as Dana followed her instructions rigorously . The belt felt like a streak of fire as it hit across his crack and pushed the dildo in. With every stroke, the muscle contractions made it brush briefly against his prostate. The pain was nothing compared to the intense ecstasy the extra pressure caused. He'd never felt anything this incredible he thought as he jerked frantically in response. The little bell was ringing like New Year's Eve. Pain and pleasure built up in him until finally with the tenth or eleventh stroke, he just collapsed against the leather and let it happen. By the time Dana stopped, he was drenched with sweat and tears and shaking with arousal.

"Hush, darling, it all over," Dana said as she kissed his neck. She alternated licking and blowing on the burning skin all the way down his back. "Shhh, love. It's all right.." Walter arched his shoulders back and whimpered even more as her wet tongue caressed his flaming butt. "Now you just be real still for me, hot stuff and let us do the rest of our shopping. Then I think we'll finish the rest of the evening in more private surroundings," she whispered with a laugh.

He heard whispers and a giggle as he lay spent across the horse, grasping for breath. The two women strolled around selecting a few additional items for the weekend and conferring about possible fantasies.

"Now, I've reserved the usual suite on the sixth floor for y'all." Walter didn't move as Scully neatly pulled his wallet out of the discarded trousers and handed the plastic over. "Just, let me just run his credit card through and then y'all can head up for the rest of the evening."

The room spun as small hands pull him up right from the bench. Dana cupped his face and rubbed her thumb gently over the tear stains. Maybe he did need a little more loving care before she took him upstairs. "Come here, Walter," she said gently. "I think I'm hungry right now. After all we never did get supper, and it'll be a while before we have some room service." She chuckled softly as she bent and began sucking his hard cock. Walter groaned and tried to push deeper into her hot mouth. He thought that nothing had ever felt so good in his entire life as her tongue wrapping around his throbbing shaft.

Then, with a quick motion, she pushed herself up, sat back on the leather bench and teasingly pulled up her skirt. Walter blinked to focus his watering eyes. Lord god, she wasn't wearing anything but black stockings and a garter belt. And she was dripping wet, and flushed with arousal. Skinner wanted to pound her against the leather bench until she screamed and begged for him to let her come. He lunged forward desperately but Dana caught the harness just before he reached her. She crooned softly to him as she guided his heavy cock into her at her own pace. "Slow down, boy toy. You can't come just yet, but I know that you can make that bell ring for me. And that little leather buckle should rub my clit just right if you push in hard enough. Oh my god yess..."

Walter ground his teeth against the ball gag as she slid him in. She was so tight and slick he couldn't believe it, and sure enough, with only a few deep strokes, she was having a pulsing, shrieking orgasm. Her loud cries were accompanied by the even louder pealing of the damn bell. His vision blurred as his knees buckled with the aching need for release as she held him tight against her.

"Well, the suite is all ready and I've called the elevator." Miss Lucille said as she reached around him to hand Dana a key card, pausing to stroke his sweaty and trembling back. "I've also ordered lots of extra towels."

His lover-owner chuckled softly as she pushed him to his feet and slid off the bench. Skinner staggered again as she grabbed the chain hanging between his nipples. "Come along now, Walter." He followed her on shaking legs towards the waiting elevator.

"Y'all just have a lovely time. And, do tell the Fox Hound, I said hello." In spite of the tug on the chain that brought tears to his eyes, Walter stopped to stare at Miss Lucille and then down at Dana. The FOX Hound?

"Oh I bet you know him, Walter." she continued, "Long legs, loves to run, and one of the finest tails I've ever seen."

"Oh, don't worry. Fox will to be joining us tomorrow. I'll tell him you were asking about him, Lucille," Dana replied with a laugh.

Oh god, Walter thought, he was so screwed.


Miss Lucille would love to hear what y'all thought about her customers. And of course, if you like to offer Dana Scully some suggestions about the rest of the weekend, Lucille will be glad to help her with her shopping needs.

And, as us Southern Belles always say when we're writing our thank-you notes after the orgy...

"Now, Y'all Come Again!"