Mistress Lea's New Pet
Part Three

by Leelee

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Rating: NC-17

Warning: This story is slash and heavy on the bondage and discipline. Proceed at your own risk.

Feedback: Please! To Viceyy@aol.com

Dear readers,
The fact that you are now reading the conclusion to this story is all thanks my wonderful friend SeekerOne. After listening to me complain about being blocked long enough, she offered to step in and finish it. So you see... whining DOES work!

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Walter stands behind where my pet lies over the table and runs his hands down the young man's back and over his ass. The soft light makes his skin glow like fine pale satin. Fox has stopped trembling, but I hear an occasional muffled groan from him. He looks almost resigned to his fate. Walter has made it clear to him that the punishment he is about to receive is his own doing. My pet never should have allowed his anxiety to cause him to spill sauce on my guest's pants.

I am leaning against the suede covered wall with my body humming in anticipation. I've never been one to stand and watch. I've always preferred a more active role in any sexual situation, but I know Walter doesn't want me to interfere. He begins to speak and I hold my breath to hear his low, sexy, commanding voice.

"Fox, you were very nervous when you were serving us dinner, weren't you?"

Fox nods his head and whimpers.

"What upset you? Tell me the truth, now. What bothered you? Don't you have any trust in your mistress? Don't you know she will never put you in a situation you can't handle?"

Once again my pet nods his head and I can hear his muffled words saying, "It wasn't her, sir. It was you. I know she wouldn't . . . I was afraid. I didn't want you to . . ."

"To what, boy?" Walter's growl is even softer. His large hands stroke down my pet's long elegant back.

I watch as Fox screws his eyes shut. "To see me like this," comes the nearly inaudible response.

Walter leans over him and whispers in his ear. "Ah, to see you as a vulnerable slave? Open to chastisement? To see you punished?"

Fox just chews on his lower lip and nods slightly.

"Did you ever think that I'd dreamed of seeing you like this?" Walter asks as he strokes his big hands slowly over the firm ass. "That I wanted to see you kneeling before me like a supplicant?"

I jump at the sudden crack of Walter's hand across Fox's backside in the still cabin. "Did you ever consider that I wanted you for myself?"

The loud snap came again as Walter strikes him on the ass for a second time. "You need this, Fox. You need someone to take you down."

Fox squirms slightly trying to move away from the punishing blows. I sigh to myself. I have taught my pet better than that. My former Master is not about to let the infraction slip by. "Be still, boy," he growls and Fox stops immediately.

Walter straightens up and undoes his belt. I shiver at the familiar sound as it slides through the loops. So many nights I heard that sound and felt that leather across my backside and even more sensitive areas. I can feel the wetness leaking out of me. My hands reach up and stroke my hard nipples. My body is craving my old master despite my mind's unwillingness to admit it to myself. I watch as Walter loops the belt between his hands.

Whack. He strikes it hard across Fox's ass. Then again and again over the tight cheeks and down the tender thighs. Red welts rise on his firm ass. Crisscrossing in a random pattern. Fox is sobbing freely now and I can see his tears glistening in the soft light. His body jerks after each blow, his ass lifting slightly to receive them. He does not bother to beg. At least I've taught him that much. Walter is totally devoted to his work as he sets my poor pet's ass on fire.

Walter begins to gradually lighten the blows to soft taps and then stops altogether. He draws a gentle finger curiously over the hot aching stripes and my pet moans again as he clutches the edge of the table.

"You did very well, my little Fox. I'm pleased," he whispers. "You've earned a treat. What would you like? Would you like my cock up your ass?" Fox whimpers in response and arches his back.

"That turns you on doesn't it?" Walter continues in a hoarse growl as I lay the lube and a condom beside Fox on the tabletop. He doesn't even look up, he's so focused on my pet. "You're so hard now, that you're dripping. And I'm going to take you very slowly. You'll feel every inch of me, boy. I'm going to fill that tight fuck hole of yours all the way up. Your ass's going to stretch like a virgin. You'll scream my name if I let you come."

He reaches down and grabs my pet by the balls and squeezes. I see Fox shut his eyes and bite hard on that pouty lower lip. "And, don't even think about coming until I tell you, boy," Walter snarls as he jerks his zipper down. The elegant gray pants that were the cause of this problem slide to the floor along with a stylish pair of black silk boxers.

The size of the man always takes me by surprise. He's hard and hot and oh my God he's so big. My pussy throbs in response to several memories. Fox can't see him poised behind his bright red ass but I can. He slathers lube over his hand and begins to open up my pet. I see his thick index finger, drive in to the knuckle and I can't hold back any longer. My hands begin pinching my aching breasts as I fantasize about his finger in my ass once more.

Fox tries to wrench away and I know that Walter has brushed his prostate. The sound of the loud smack echoes in the cabin. "Be still, boy. Or I'll take a tipped cat to your red ass right now." And I know Walter would because he's done it to me and I shiver with the memory. My hand starts stroking my wet mound through my panties.

Walter reaches down and begins stroking my pet's cock. Fox arches his back and stretches up on his toes almost purring in pleasure. He tries to hide it, but he is such a sensual creature, so responsive to his master's touch.

Walter moves closer and I see him rub that huge hard cock up and down between Fox's ass cheeks. My disobedient pet twists back to look at him. The loud crack of Walter's hand against his ass reminds him of his place.

"Do you want this, boy?" Walter is growling again. Fox's only response is a whimper. I know from my own experience that won't work. Walter wants answers to his questions and demands appropriate replies from his slaves. Walter slowly drags his cock up between my pet's ass checks again. "Beg me, boy."

"Please, sir..." Fox murmurs.

"Please what, little one? Tell me," he continues as he strokes between Fox's outspread legs. Fox shivers and Walter continues slowly rubbing his big cock up and down. I quiver in anticipation. I know what will happen next.

CRACK! Walter's hand has come down hard this time. I see the bright red imprint across the stripes left by the belt. "What do you want, boy?"

"Pl-please, sir t-take me." My pet is trying to stifle his tears. Silly boy.

"You want me to fuck your ass? You better ask for it boy or I'll jack off on your back and you'll never feel me inside you." My poor pet is shaking again. I catch sight of his eyes turned dark with lust.

"Please, sir, fuck my ass."

"You want to be my slut don't you, Fox?" I slide my fingers into my wet pussy and bite my own lip to keep from responding. CRACK! "I asked you a question, boy. Say it, Mulder. You want to be my slut, don't you?"

"YES" he screams out. "Your slut, your slave, whatever you want. Please..."

Walter soothes my trembling pet again. "I'm going to do something special for you, babe. I'm going in bare. I'm going to ride you hot and heavy and all you can do is take it." I glance at him in surprise, but again he doesn't even notice me.

His big hands grab those crimson ass checks and spread them wide. His well-lubed cock rests up against Fox's tight ass hole. Walter thrusts forward slightly just pushing the big apple head in. My pet groans and tries again to push back. Walter suddenly leans forward and grabs Mulder's hips. He throws his weight forward and pins my pet down like a butterfly on the table

"You're going to take every inch of me. You're going to feel me when I shoot hot jism up inside you. And when you try to stand up, my come is going to ooze out of your ass and down your legs. You're mine, boy."

I watch in awe as he begins to slowly push that hard cock in. Fox tries to move, but he can't. "All you can do is beg and moan," I whisper as I watch. Finally Walter's all the way in and my poor pet is gasping and panting. And just as slowly he begins to slide back. Pulling out a slow inch at a time and then just as slowly back in. Fox's muscles tighten and try to hold him in, try to milk him, try to force the pace. "It won't work, my pet," I don't even realize I've said it out loud. I remember all the ploys I tried to use to set to pace. Walter knows them all. He won't be hurried by any slave's tricks. My pet's tight ass hole stretches as I watch Walter's wet cock slowly slide in again. Pulling my panties aside, I gasp as I push three fingers deep in my own aching hole.

"OHGODPLEASE. FUCKMEFUCKMEHARD." My pet is becoming demanding and almost incoherent with lust. His body glows with sweat in the dim light. Walter smiles coldly and I shudder in response. Dear God, at some point he's taken off his suit jacket, but he's still wearing that fine black cotton collarless shirt. I don't know why the thought that Walter's still partially clothed and fucking my pet is such a turn-on, but suddenly I'd so hot I can't stand it. I rub my thumb back and forth hard against my clit and feel my body vibrate in response.

CRACK! Walter has slammed his hand hard across Fox's backside as he starts plunging in hard and fast. Fox has stretched his neck out, begging and gasping. Walter suddenly pounds in one last time and simultaneously reaches down for Fox's aching cock. He leans forward and murmurs into Fox's ear "Come for me. Come now, pet." I'm too lost in my own orgasm to see exactly what he does, but Fox screeches out my Master's name as Walter bites down hard on the back of his neck.

The cabin is suddenly still with only the rasping breathing of three of us breaking the stillness. The smell of sweat and sex is heavy in the air. I realize at some point I've slide to the floor. Not a very dignified position for a dom I think as I consider if I should struggle to my feet or wait a few more minutes.

Walter lifts himself off of my pet's shuddering body and pulls his semi hard cock out of Fox's ass. He stands and looks down at him for a moment before excusing himself to use the bathroom and clean up. Getting up from where I am sitting on the floor, I walk over on unsteady legs to my pet who is still laying over the table whimpering and gasping for air. I stand a moment and admire his cherry red bottom. He seems to be in another world. A world of pain yet one of deep and total fulfillment. I know the feeling well. Part of me misses it with a longing that I have a hard time admitting to even myself.

Reaching out, I touch my pet's sore bottom lightly and he jumps and looks at me accusingly. I have to chuckle. "Trust me pet, giving you to my crew would be just as harsh, but not nearly as satisfying."

Fox hides his flushed face under his arm at my words. I had heard his screech of pleasure while Walter fucked him. The injured act won't move me.

Helping him to his feet, I pull Fox close and feel him tremble against me. My hands run up and down his sweat slicked back and he forgets himself and clings to me for comfort. My lips seek his out and we kiss. Softly at first, but it soon becomes passionate. My tongue invades his mouth and twines with his. I want to taste the bittersweet flavor of his submissiveness and try to capture some of it for myself.

But it is not for me I know. Not anymore and I pull away from his honeyed lips and rest my forehead against his with a sigh. I take my pet's hand in mine and walk him back to his corner. He follows passively, his body not his own, and leans his heated cheek onto the cool wall. With a loving pat to his very sore behind, I leave him there to close his eyes and rest.

Walter returns, completely dressed and in control again. I make us a drink. Sitting close to me on the settee, he puts his arm around my shoulder and relaxes back. It is almost like old times again for both of us. Except this time, I am his equal. It is what I wanted and despite my temptation and longing of a few moments ago, I lean back and realize that I belong on this side of the paddle.

His large hand strokes up and down my arm and we sit in companionable almost affectionate silence, sipping our drinks and looking at Fox's lovely body. Walter nuzzles my cheek and softly asks how I have been training my pet so far. Unable to lie to the man, I confess that it has been difficult. All my hard work seems to be erased after Fox leaves to resume his day to day life. The contract I have with him allows him to be away from me during the week. This creates constant conflicts in his training.

Walter thinks over my words and then calls Fox over to us. He walks over with head bowed and his hands clasped behind his neck as he has been taught. I am not surprised to see him kneel obediently on the floor next to Walter instead of me. He knows who he belongs to tonight.

With one hand Walter begins to stroke Fox's hair. I sit transfixed at the sight. I remember so well the feeling of kneeling at this man's feet. My body quivering with anticipation. My bottom aching from his use of it. Wanting so badly to touch him and show him my love. Fox peeks up at Walter from under his long lashes. The bliss on my pet's face so apparent.

Walter's words bring me out of my reverie. "The problem, Lea is that you only have control of him during the weekends when he's with you. If you had more time during the week to train him, he would be a more obedient and pleasing slave."

I nod my head with a sigh at his wisdom. Ignoring Fox's eyes that are now meeting mine with a pleading look, I speak. "But Walter, he wouldn't sign a full time contract. I am stuck doing the best I can on the weekends I have him." The admission that should have caused me shame now comes easier to my lips. We're no longer just past master and slave. We were simply two dominants who were discussing a mutual problem. In that moment I came into my own.

"I had this problem once Lea." Walter said as his fingers reach out to stroke and softly pinch Fox's flat nipples. "A slave who couldn't commit to me full time. Her training and control were spotty, too."

I am surprised at his words. It just always seemed to me that he was infallible.

Walter's eyes close. He seems to be reflecting on what must have been a trying time for him and I feel a warm sensation course through my body. He would only admit something like this to me if he now looked at me as an equal.

"What did you do?" I finally ask.

Walter opens his eyes and looks down at Fox sitting so quietly. My pet's passive demeanor doesn't fool me. He is as anxious as I am to hear Walter's answer.

"I gave her to someone who had better access to her time. Someone who would be able to put her through her paces on a regular daily basis."

"And that worked?" I ask.

Walter turns to me and blesses me with a lovely smile. Despite the radiant feeling of being the focus of his smile, I see that my pet has lost his timidity and is now looking straight at Walter. His face is suffused with a look that I can only describe as wondrous, but terrified.

"Oh yes, Lea. Diana became one of the best."

I can hear Fox's gasp that he quickly tries to cover by dropping his head.

Sitting back in my chair, I contemplate Walter's words. It made so much sense. Fox was too precious to be poorly trained. Perhaps it would be for the best.

"But how can I find someone to train him full time?"

Walter leans over and gives me a soft kiss on my cheek. "Let me take care of it love."

And much to everyone's pleasure and Fox's joy, I did.

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