Mulder, Spankings, and Video Tape

by Xraycat

Category: Discipline

Rating: R violence, language

Disclaimer: They belong to Chris, blah, blah, blah. No profit or gain, yada, yada, yada. *Please* if you like these stories, e-mail and tell me! I enjoy writing them, but I have no idea what people think of them. All of the Discipline authors would love to have feedback from their works. If you don't write us, you *will* be spanked!

Synopsis: Skinner learns something new about Mulder. Mulder learns a *hard* lesson form Skinner.

Monday morning.

Mulder was late. He forgot to set his alarm the night before. The day went down hill from this point. His usual parking space was blocked by building maintenance and he had to cruise the lot to find a spot. The stairwell was being painted, so he had to wait on an elevator. By the time he reached his basement office, Mulder had the beginnings of a major headache.

As he opened the door, Scully spun around in her chair, "Mulder! What kind of trouble did you get into this weekend? Skinner has called here six times. He wants you in his office... ten minutes ago!"

Mulder swayed and his face drained of color.

"Are you sick?" Scully rusheed over and felt his forehead "You don't have a fever, but you look terrible."

"I'm fine," Mulder replied, sounding anything but. "Did Skinner happen to say what he wanted to talk to me about?"

"No, he didn't, but it's obvious that you are in no condition to attend any meeting." Scully started gathering her things.

"I'm going with you and explain to Skinner that you're ill. Then I'm driving you home, and putting you to bed," in a firm, no nonsense doctor tone.

"NO! Really, Scully, I'm fine. I'll go find out what Skinner knows... er... needs." Mulder was babbling, and backing out of the office door. "You stay here, I'll be fine. Don't worry about a thing."

Mulder was sure he was experiencing a ruptured aneurysm. Or a heart attack. Either way, he hoped it would kill him on the elevator, so he wouldn't have to face Walter S. Skinner, Assistant Director of the FBI. If Byers had broken his word, and sent that videotape, then there would be three dead *cyber-geeks* before sundown. Mulder would willingly confess to the murders, and then shoot himself.

As he entered the reception area, he saw Skinner open his office door and growl at his secretary, "Has Agent Mulder checked in yet?"

"I'm right here, sir." Mulder's voice sounded as weak as his body felt. "You wanted to see me?"

"My office. Now." Skinner stepped aside to allow Mulder to enter ahead of him. The force of the slamming door caused Mulder to jump and look sharply at his boss.

"Is something wrong, sir?"" Mulder attempted to meet an hold Skinner's eyes, but was afraid that he would be blinded by the intense fury burning back at him.

"Well, Agent Mulder. That's why you're here. To help me find out." Skinner's voice sent a shiver running down Mulder's spine. "Would you possibly know anything about this?"

Mulder followed Skinner's gaze to the desk top. There in a padded manila mailer was the key to his destruction.

"No sir, why would you think I have anything to do with that package?" Wide-eyed innocence. It always worked with his mother.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe because it has RE: Special Agent Fox Mulder, where the return address should be? The fact that no one from the mail room will admit to delivering it. No one was seen entering or leaving my office this weekend. Starting to ring any bells?"

"I have no idea when or why this envelope was delivered to your office, sir." This was almost the truth. He didn't know when, and technically, he didn't know why. *Why? Because Byers is a filthy liar, that's why!*

"I guess that we'd better find out together." Skinner picked up the envelope and started to tear away the adhesive flap.

"STOP! Er, I mean, shouldn't you wait and have it x-rayed or scanned first? It might be a bomb, or something else just as lethal," Mulder finished lamely.

"I think we're safe, Agent Mulder," Skinner pronounced calmly, as he continued peeling away the envelope's seal. "It feels like a video cassette tape, hum... there's also a letter, typewritten, printed on a computer. Let's see.."

***To: A.D. Walter S. Skinner
The contents of the video tape should prove quite valuable to you, when dealing with Fox W. Mulder, Special Agent. Please pay close attention to Agent Mulder's reaction, as no part of this video presentation was staged, prepared, or rehearsed. We are concerned individuals who feel that Agent Mulder's undisciplined and rash behavior is not only a risk to his own life, but to the lives of his co-workers.***

Skinner looked long and hard at Mulder. "Are you sure that you don't know who sent this or why? Is there something you need to tell me, Agent Mulder?" Skinner waited.

Mulder shook his head. "I would rather you didn't watch the video, sir."

"Speak up, Mulder. I couldn't hear you." Skinner stepped closer to him, "What is it? You can tell me. I already have the tape. Wouldn't you prefer that I hear it from you first?"

Skinner's kind words brought tears to Mulder's eyes. "Please, sir. I'm asking you to give me the videotape, and ask no questions." Mulder blinked rapidly before raising his eyes to meet the assistant director's. "Please, this one time, trust me?" His voice broke, and he dropped his head in shame.

Skinner place a hand on Mulder's shoulder. "You know I can't do that, son. The only way I can help you, is if you tell me what's on this tape. Then, we can talk about the consequences."

When Mulder failed to respond, Skinner sighed. "You had your chance. This is obviously painful for you, but I have no choice but to play the tape. Have a seat." Skinner went back to his desk and picked up the phone, "Kim, can you have the TV and VCR from the conference room brought to my office right away? Thank you?"

Once the equipment was ready, Skinner held up the tape. "Last chance, Fox. Tell me what this video contains, and I won't have to watch it."

Mulder's shoulders sagged. "Even if I told you sir, you wouldn't believe me. You'd end up watching it anyway, to see if I was telling the truth. Just get it over with. Do I have to stay?"

"Yes," softly, "I'm afraid you do. I have no idea what's on this tape, but I'll be damned if I'm not getting anxious to find out." Skinner's anger had returned.

Mulder felt like his brain was going to explode. Not just one, but two of the Lone Gunmen had spanked his bare ass just three nights ago. Now, a videotape of the event had been delivered to his boss, and Mulder was expected to be present while Skinner watched it.

Skinner watched the tape in silence. He huffed once, when he heard that he was the 'thorn in Mulder's side, and was told only what Mulder wanted him to know.' When the tape finished, Skinner got up quietly and pushed to rewind button on the VCR. He turned the television off, walked over and leaned back against his desk facing Mulder. He crossed his arms, "Well, you were right. I wouldn't have believed it. Not without seeing it for myself."

Mulder glanced up at his supervisor, but quickly looked back at his feet. "Sir, I can ex... no, I can't. I don't know what to say." He was miserable, and didn't care that Skinner knew it.

Surprised, Skinner blurted, "Well, this is a first! Fox Mulder has nothing to say! I guess that the letter was right, this is some advice I should heed."

Mulder pleaded, "Sir, may I go now? I feel like I'm going to be sick."

"Not on your life, son. We are now going to discuss what just occurred."

Mulder looked at Skinner like he'd grown a third eye, "What do you mean?"

"I mean," Skinner spoke slowly, like he was addressing a backward child. "We are going to figure out why you can obey orders given by those limp-dicked weasels, but not from me, your commanding officer! If I had known that taking you over my knee was required to receive your respect and obedience, four years ago," Skinner shook his head in disgust, "Well, I certainly know it now."

"Sir, you can't mean" Mulder sputtered. "You wouldn't."

"Oh, yes I would, and I'm going to." Skinner finished for him. He stood and removed his suit jacket. Rolling up his sleeves, he turned back to Mulder, "Lock the door."

"Please, sir! Don't do this," Mulder once again felt tears burning his eyes.

"Too little, too late, Fox. You've had this coming for a long time. As a matter of fact, you deserve a separate spanking for your little speech about Agent Scully and myself. I hope you realize, attitude improvement is something we are going to work very hard on. *Very Hard*."

Mulder was glued to his chair. He had hoped that Skinner might have missed his little confession. "Sir, I would like to leave now. I don't feel well, I'm sorry."

"I'm sure your sorry, son, but not as sorry as you're going to be." Skinner had moved back in front of the desk. "Get up, lock the door, and come over to me, right now."

Mulder finally moved. His legs were shaking badly, he wobbled slightly, but obeyed the assistant director's commands. When Mulder reached his supervisor's side, his breath left him in a rush. He swayed but caught himself by grabbing the front of Skinner's shirt.

Skinner took hold of Mulder's arms. "I know you're frightened, but I'm not going to hurt you. This is a lesson in humility, Fox. You have to learn to obey me, son. Hard for you to accept, but I will take care of you and Scully. I won't make decisions for you, unless I think it's necessary. I will try to keep you alive. Do you understand what I'm telling you?"

"Yes sir," Mulder mumbled. "But, do we have to .. I mean, are you going to..?"

Skinner nodded. "Fox, I have to. If I let you leave here without punishing you, then this entire meeting will be forgotten. You will have learned nothing. Your attitude won't change, and neither will your behavior. Now, take off your jacket and belt. Place them on the chair." Skinner waited for a moment. "If you don't want me to help, you'd better start now!"

Mulder did as he was told, and returned to Skinner. Situating himself on the desk, Skinner said, "Fox, I want you over my knee, upper body on the desk. Come on, the sooner we start, the sooner it's done."

Skinner's kind tone was strange, considering what he proposed to do to Mulder. Mulder complied. It *was* strange, but he felt that this was the right thing to do. He didn't want to, surely, but he knew he would feel better when it was over. It was different, somehow than with Byers. Mulder knew the Gunmen were idiots, but Skinner actually cared about what happened to him. This was for his benefit, not just to demean and embarrass him.

When he had positioned himself as directed, Skinner reached down and lowered his trousers. "I'm just using my hand this time, but it's got to hurt, son. Otherwise, there's no point to it." Skinner pushed his underwear down below his hips, and proceeded to administer the hardest spanking Fox Mulder had ever received in his life. Mulder tried to hold still and not cry, but before long, he was sobbing into the desktop. Skinner didn't speak. When he finished, he put Mulder's clothes right, and helped the younger man up. Skinner stood, placing his arms around Mulder and held him close. Mulder pushed his face into Skinner's neck and wept. "I'm sorry, sir."

"I know, Fox. Let's just hope we don't have to do this again." He felt Mulder nod against his shoulder. "Now, you need to freshen up, and get back to work." He gently pushed Mulder away.

Mulder stepped into the private washroom attached to Skinner's office. He stuck his head out of the door and casually asked, "Sir, may I take the tape with me?"

Skinner smiled. "No, I don't think so, Fox. I'm going to hang on to it for safe keeping. Besides, there are plenty of other people that might benefit from this instructional video. I can think of a certain redhead who would dearly love to be able to keep her partner in line."
