Whoīs Afraid of the Rubber-Maid

by cmk1947

* * * * * * * * * *

Pairing: Sk/M/K

Rating: NC-17, I think, contains slash, physical discipline and language

Disclaimers: The X-files-characters are not mine, and Iīll give them back more or less undamaged. I borrowed the basic idea from a book by Tom Sharpe, "Wilt". He is worth to be read.

Note of thanks to Brenda, who found the time and patience to beta despite her very tight time schedule.

Summary: Mulder got stuck in a love doll

Feedback: But every kind of feedback will be welcome

* * * * * * * * * *

It was raining, dark clouds covered the sky and dawn came early this November afternoon. Two cloaked shapes hurried down the street, passing the neon illuminated house fronts. Both had their hands deeply stuck in their cloak pockets, pulled up shoulders to prevent the rain running down their necks. A passing car rushed through a large puddle, drenching both of them with muddy water.

"Oh shit! ASSHOLE!" one of them swore behind the inattentive driver. "Shit, look at me, Fox. I'm soaked." He grabbed his coat hem and tried to wring out the water.

"Stop complaining, Alex. I'd prefer to be at home in the warm, too. It's your fault that he had thrown us out. How could you threaten the poor little dog with your gun?"

"Poor little dog? POOR LITTLE DOG? That's no dog, it's a perverted little yapping running rat. Every time he meets me, he tries to rape my leg."

"Ok, ok, I admit, he is a little weird. But to tell the nice old lady you would run her little darling through a mincer when you meet him again was more than mean."

"Nice!" Alex snorted. "She whacked me with her umbrella. I could have had a concussion. And this little bitch of a dog bites my wrist. I wish she would move. It's a penalty to have such neighbors." He inspected his left wrist that showed two faint little marks.

"It was no Staffordshire-Terrier, only a small poodle. Don't exaggerate."

"I still don't understand why we had to leave."

"I think Walter would be more successful in calming her down and persuading her not to report you without you running around. We can go back in two hours or so."

They continued to walk down the street. Alex was still grumbling. "If I have to spend this awful evening in the cold and wet, I at least want to have some fun."

He dragged Fox down the street until they were reaching the nearby red-light district. He stopped in front of a pedestrian street ominously walled of with a large red sign warning: "Men under 18 and women prohibited". Alex entered.

Peep shows, Porno Cinemas and sexshops were installed alongside the street. Behind the windows were sitting whores for all kind of taste. Young, fragile, old, fat or in leather costumes with whip. Some were standing in the doorways.

Alex finally went to one large, dark-haired woman in a pink bodysuit and started a conversation in Spanish. Fox stood beside him, not understanding a word, feeling awkward and displaced. He poked his finger in Krycek's upper arm.

"Alex? Alex??" Krycek turned away from him, not stopping flirting. Another woman appeared, looking nearly like the one with whom Alex was busy. She laid her hand on Mulder's shoulder and pressed her body at his side. She smiled at him and said something he couldn't understand. Probably some kind of offer, Mulder thought uncomfortably, trying to push her away as politely as possible. She pouted briefly then shrugged and left.

Fox grabbed Alex's upper arm more emphatically and flustered: "Alex! ... ALEX! I want to leave."

Alex finally aimed his attention at his friend and said: "What? She and I just came to an agreement. Go on, there are so many nice girls here. You surely find someone you like. Perhaps we could make out all together?"

"I can't,"

"Why not?"

"Alex, I'm gay. I don't know what we are doing here! Since when are you bi? You never mentioned."

"Of course I'm bi. Thought, you knew. Walter does. You mean you never have been with a woman? Even as an adolescent? No first love with a pretty little cheerleader?"

"NO. I don't like women. Never did. They are..they are.. disgusting. These breasts! and they are so soft and round everywhere. And the idea of fucking them! I sometimes have a nightmare where I'm having sex with a woman and..and suddenly I can't breath anymore, because her big breasts bury my face and I.."

Mulder stopped, realizing that Krycek was shaking with suppressed laughter. "That's not funny!" he hissed.

"Yes, it's very funny," Krycek snickered. Fox buried alive under big tits. Helplessly thrashing his limbs around him. "I wonder how you manage to work so efficiently with a female partner? And such an attractive one."

"Scully is no woman. She is a..she is a..a," Mulder stammered "She's my partner."

"I'd like to see Scully's face when she hears that. Reduced to an asexual neuter. Perhaps you should consider changing to a partner with a bit more sex appeal? Walter could handle that, I'm sure. What about this nice little guy, what was his name? Spender?"

"You are disgusting. And don't dare to tell anyone. That's none of your business. However, it's my business that you prefer to betray Walter and me with this little whore. I've no desire of being infected with some kind of venereal disease, only because your libido runs crazy." With these words, Mulder grabbed Krycek's sleeve and dragged his surprised friend back to the entrance of the street as fast as he could under the mocking comments of some female habitants and their potential guests.

* * * * * * * * * *

Back on the main street Mulder tried to convince his friend that a visit to the wax figure museum would be the best way to spend their last 2 hours until they were expected back. Alex still felt affronted that he was forced to give up his idea of an entertaining evening and had not the slightest wish to watch a horde of wax figures. They soon found themselves in a hot argument, neither ready to give in an inch. Before things could get worse they decided to split up for a while and meet again in two hours.

* * * * * * * * * *

It was late afternoon and the red light district displayed nothing of its nocturnal spell. Alex strode down the street, trying to make the best of the rest of the spare time. He briefly thought about returning back to the little whore but his humiliating exit from there let him reject this plan. One more derisive remark and someone would end up with severe injuries. Perhaps one or two glasses of beer could encourage him. He needed some time to plan his revenge. There was no way Mulder would get away with getting him in a humiliating situation.

The pub was dark and sparsely populated. It was late afternoon; the crowd of visitors wouldn't appear before dawn. Alex ordered a beer and than sat down in a corner. When the beer finally was served, he took a large gulp then leaned back against the wall behind him. A few minutes later, an evil grin appeared on his face.

* * * * * * * * * *

Skinner stood beside the large French bed they shared during their sex-nights and looked down at the two sleeping young men. It was early in the morning, he had a breakfast meeting scheduled with some representatives of the government. Fox was expected to join them at 11 a.m. A look of regret was displayed on his features. How much he wanted to simply join the two bodies lying on the sheets, limbs entwined. Stroking his hands over their still-sweaty skin. Pressing his mouth on the soft lips. Hearing the soft moans when his hands finally reached the most sensitive areas. Feeling their heated bodies pressed against his own bare skin. He sighed.

He let a last loving look wander over the two peaceful breathing frames. He loved these peaceful moments when nothing disturbed the get-together. No jealousy, no rivalry, no quarrel because of small things. The boys found always a way to pester around each other.

Eventually he forced his thoughts back to the here and now, checked his appearance a last time in the mirror, then grabbed his coat and silently closed the door behind him.

* * * * * * * * * *

Alex woke up when his watch started quietly to beep. He searched until he found it under his pillow, then switched off the alert. A careful look in Mulder's face showed him that his friend still slept soundly. Good. An awake Mulder was the last thing he needed right now.

Carefully he pulled his left leg from under Molder's legs and slipped slowly out of the bed. A fast check of their rooms showed him that Skinner had left.

His stomach growled, while he put on pants and t-shirt. Not now, he thought at himself, breakfast must wait. An evil grin appeared on his face, full of fiendish anticipation.

He went to the main-room and picked up the package he brought with him the evening before. The explanation, it only contains a set of beer-glasses with the images of naked women earned him a disgusted view from both, his top and friend, and the comment that he was not allowed to use them at home, but it rescued him from more inquiring questions.

'Incredibly life-like doll with a soft jelly vibrating- and sucking mouth, vibrating Sensor pussy and anus, large supple breasts and beautiful flowing hair. A pierced labia heightens the excitement of the enticing doll. Manually inflatable by pulling lanyard. Highly resilient with extremely resistant skin'

This promising description was written in large pink letters on the package with the putative beer glasses.

Alex opened the packet and pulled out a large crumpled flesh colored rubber mass, which he spread in front of him until it assumed human form. He smoothed the form and looked for the device for inflating and finally, found it under the left armpit.

He carefully pulled at the lanyard and with a quiet hiss the rubber lady filled with air. First the thorax, the head and the arms and finally the abdomen to the toes. In the end the breasts popped up to their definite enormous size, what Alex commented with an admiring whistle. "Fox, you'll have your joy with this, " he grinned. He was sure that after an initial fright his friend would recognize the humor of the situation.

Alex went back into the bedroom where Fox still slept soundly. He sat down next to the bed, put the rubber doll beside him. Fox still laid on his stomach, no very favorable position for what Alex planned. He carefully shoved his hand under Fox's hip and began to stroke his groin carefully. After a few seconds, Fox began to move a little, lifting his hips to give the caring hand a bit more space. Alex hand slid further down between Fox's legs, a couple of skilful handles until Fox finally turned over on his back.

Alex breathed out deeply. The first step was taken. He lifted the rubber doll up and just started to put her face down on his sleeping friend, when a new thought shot through his head. "Excellent," he thought "This is going to become more fun than I dared to hope." He started to gently manipulate Fox's still flaccid cock until it began to grow. His victim soon began to squirm, twisting his hips and mumbling soft words. It didn't last long until the cock grew hard, reaching exactly the state Alex needed for his task. He slowly shoved Mulder's cock into the waiting rubber vagina.

* * * * * * * * * *

Fox felt like in heaven. He laid completely naked in a giant four-poster bed with silk bed linen and heavy red velvet curtains. A fire flickered in a fireplace; the room was dipped in the light of hundreds of wax candles. A soft voice reached his ears. "How may I serve you, master?" Fox looked down. Between his legs knelt a shape, head bent, skin covered with a thin aromatic smelling oil-film from the feet up to the bald head. The candlelight shimmered on the shining well-muscled body. "I want you to suck me, Walter!" Fox replied.

The bald head bowed deeply down in Fox's lap. Lips closed around his cock, an eager tongue began to tease the tip. Strong hands cradled his hips, while the mouth slid down the whole shaft of his cock, slightly sucking. He closed his eyes, trying to relax when his hips started to twitch. Suddenly the sucking mouth released him, Walter crawled up and laid down on Fox's body. "No, don't stop, Walter!" Fox mourned and tried to push him down again so that Walter could finish his task. Instead of moving, Walter started to nudge his forehead against Fox's nose in a steady rhythm, his long flowing hair tickling Fox's face.

* * * * * * * * * *

Long, flowing hair? Fox woke up abruptly. He smiled easily, the eyes still closed. 'Illusions. Walter with flowing hair on his head. Ridiculous!' Something nudged him gently against the nose again. And hair still was there ... . He carefully opened his eyes ... and saw two gigantic tits in front of him moving gently up and down with each breath. A female head framed by long fair hair above the breasts. The necessary face approached him rhythmically and nudged him in time with the movement against his nose. Fox closed his eyes again and screamed. His worst nightmare had come true.

With his fighting spirit awakening again, he reached for the dangerous something to push it away from him. The result was shattering. The female form briefly disappeared from his field of vision ... only for bouncing back a second later. The push against his head was painful. But not as painful as the feeling that spread in the same moment in his inguinal region.

Fox tried after a short dazed moment to remember his extensive FBI training. "You are an FBI agent," he said to himself. "You have seen the most unbelievable phenomena without losing the setting. You will go up to this thing in a rational and analytic way. Whatever it might be, it is not hysteria. Remain quite quiet."

He took a deep breath and opened his eyes a third time and found himself face to face with a female rubber face. Instead of a mouth, there was only a round hole that gave the face an enormously stupid appearance. A love doll. Alex!


Looking furiously around the rubber head, his view fell on Alex, who was doubling over in the doorframe with helpless laughter.

"You are dead meat! Believe me! You live on borrowed time!" Fox carefully tried to shove the doll off his still erect cock. Nothing happened. Shit! He got stuck.

He tried to get up but found that that was no option, unless he wanted to be castrated. Rolling over with the doll below him wasn't better, because his weight on the tightly inflated doll had the same effect to his cock. He rolled back.

"Where's the valve, brainless idiot? This thing must get more limp to get it off me."

"Under..HAHAHA..under.. HAHA..under. *cough* under the left armpit. Iīll *cough* I'll help you. Before Alex could reach him, Fox desperately searched with his hand under said armpit, found a lanyard and pulled. A second later his eyes nearly popped out of his head. Accompanied by a short soft hiss, the rubber-doll had inflated a little more with the painful result that his cock was captured in a vice-like grip.


"Not that lanyard. The other one. The short red one." Alex had calmed down a little. Fox hastily grabbed for the other lanyard, and with a vigorous tug, he held it in his hand. Completely. Both men looked silently and helplessly first on the ragged peace of cord, than at each other. Mulder started to whimper.

"Ok. Keep calm. We only have to cut the cover of this damned thing." Alex rushed to the bathroom. Mulder heard him rummaging through their sanitary items.

Alex returned, holding three electric razors in his hands. "No razor-blades," he said. And no scissors. After a short thought, he threw the three razors on the bed and hurried into the main-room. After searching the bar, he came back, triumphantly waving a corkscrew in his hand. He slammed the corkscrew like a dagger in the back of the doll. With a squealing the makeshift weapon slipped off. Alex slammed it down again and again. No result. The stupid empty face of the doll remained as well as the deadly embrace of Fox's cock did.

"Are you sure we couldn't simply pull it off?" Alex asked carefully. Without waiting for an answer, he grabbed the doll by its hips and began to pull. Mulder shrieked. Alex tore back his hands. He stared down at Fox, feverishly thinking about other options.

Alex suddenly slapped his hand on his forehead, rose and ran out of the door.

"WAIT! Where are you going? You can't leave me here." Mulder tried to support himself on his elbows.

"A knife. I'll be back in a second." Alex rushed in the kitchen and tried to open the drawer with the cutlery. It didn't move an inch. He rattled vehemently at the handle. Nothing happened.

Alex ran back, slid around the corner, hardly managed to come to stop.

The drawer was stuck. He breathed heavily. "I can't open it."

"You aren't serious!" Fox looked at him horrified.

"Nope. The drawer imitates you. It was stuck." Alex grinned at him.

"If I find out that you're just kidding.."

Fox thought hard about some evil kind of revenge but couldn't imagine any at the moment.

Hey, I've got it. I have the ultimate tool to destroy the doll. Alex went back to the living room.

Fox tried to support himself on his elbows to catch a look of Alex rummaging through the cupboard. His eyes went wide when Alex finally returned.

"No," he flustered. I wont let you do that. I won't let you wave this thing about. Not with me in immediate closeness. Not when I'm absolutely helpless."

"Fox, I know how to handle it. I'm sorry, it was my job. And I always did a very precise job. You know that." Alex flipped out the magazine of his 9 mm weapon and checked it briefly before pushing it back with swift sure movements. "Darling, this is a degrading task for you, I know, but you'll do me a big favor, you know?" He tenderly stroked the black shining metal of his gun. Than he grabbed the head of the of the doll, pressing the muzzle of his darling against it. Before he could release the safety catch and pull the trigger Fox almost exploded. His whole body tightened like a bow, he shot up and furiously hit the weapon out of Alex hands. Alex's darling flew through the air with an elegant curve and finally pushed a table lamp from its place, shattering it to pieces.


Alex got furious. "Look what you've done, idiot. I only tried to help you."

"Help me? I don't need this kind of help. I don't WANT your help. You nearly killed me. Why don't you leave me in peace and disappear?" Fox didnīt even try to calm down.

"FINE. OK. I'll leave. And don't you dare to ask me for help again. Try to help yourself. We'll see how far you'll come." Alex carefully lifted his gun from the floor and left.

Fox laid back, still fuming. He heard Alex plopping down on the couch, switching on the tv and flipping through the channels. Before he could turn back to his current problem he realised a brand new feeling spreading through his lumbar region. There was also a soft hum to hear. Somehow his abrupt movements had managed to activate a vibrator that was installed somewhere in the vagina. Unfortunately his tortured cock reacted promptly to the new stimulation and awoke to new life. This was really the last thing he needed. He cursed his fate that he was so easily to stimulate. It was the pure s/m trip. Captured between the extremes of pain and pleasure. He desperately thought about ways to calm down his cock. He closed his eyes and forced pictures of the most de-stimulating things he could imagine in his mind. Old nuns. Hmmm. Old naked nuns. Yes, better. Roseanne Barr in a string-tanga. Phew. He shook his head to get rid of this picture. He only wanted to calm down his cock, not to kill it. Pamela Anderson in a red swimsuit, running down the beach, her breasts bobbing up and down. That made it. Despite the soft vibration his nerve-endings calmed down and his cock got a bit more flaccid. He moaned in relief. The vibrating was still a little disturbing, but he managed to shut it out of his mind and finally tried to concentrate on his problem again.

* * * * * * * * * *

Alex flipped for twenty minutes through the various tv programs. Because of the early hour there was nothing interesting shown. His look fell on the digital-display of the VR. It was a quarter to 11 am. Fox was supposed to join Walter in fifteen minutes. There was no chance he could get there in time. 'Your fault, Fox,' he thought. 'You would have been free for long now if you only had allowed me to handle things my way. Now you're in trouble. Try to explain to Walter that you couldn't keep the appointment because you were stuck in a love doll. I'd like to see that face. And I'd like to see my face when Walter finally finds out that it was me who put him in that situation,' he added miserably in his mind. He nervously started to nibble at his fingernails. 'Come on, Fox, call for help. You're running out of time. Don't believe I'd give in first. Won't do.'

* * * * * * * * * *

"Alex!" Fox half-heartedly called out.

There was no response. He waited a few seconds. He still was angry with Alex and really didnīt want to be the first one to give in but within the last 5 minutes a new problem had arisen.

"Alex!!!" a little louder and quite miserably.

Alex appeared in the doorway, confident of victory, grinning.

"Alex." Mulder shifted uncomfortably. "I've a major problem."

"I can see it, Fox." Alex impatiently replied. "I know it was a stupid thing to do but I offered to solve it. There's no need to tell me over and over again."

"No, not that problem. I..I have to pee."

"Oh shit. No way to force it back?"

"Perhaps a few minutes. But not more."

Alex looked down at the pitiful view of a man and his rubber doll and sighed. "If we had a knife.." he started but was promptly interrupted.

"For gods sake, ask a neighbour for a knife. But HURRY UP!" Fox shouted.

"NEIGHBOUR? Are you crazy? I'd rather hammer a nail in my knee than asking the old witch for a favour." Alex angrily shouted back.

"It doesn't interest me who you are going to ask. But please, GO AND GET A KNIFE!"

Fox gritted his teeth and gave him his most plaintive look. Alex sighed again. "Ok. I'll try it upstairs." He turned and left. Fox could hear the door of their apartment open and heard Alex's footsteps on the stairs. Then silence.

* * * * * * * * * *

"Mr. Skinner, where is your colleague ... We are already five minutes overdue."

Skinner glanced at his watch and sighed, annoyed. "He got stuck in the traffic probably, I am sure he will appear within a few minutes." He said with a reassuring smile on his face.

The smile didn't affect the young female congress-representative in any way. Her face remained stern. "Mr. Skinner, I have a tight time schedule. I cannot allow myself to spend time uselessly because your colleague isn't capable of observing appointments. I'll give him 10 more minutes. Perhaps you should start to get better control of your subordinates."

Skinner would have enjoyed telling her where she could put her time schedule. But he kept back the answer. Instead he said with a tense voice "I'll call him at his cell phone. I'm sure he's on his way and will arrive immediately."

'At least I would advise this to him, unless he doesn't want to take his meals standing for the rest of the month,' he thought to himself furiously. Than he went to a corner of the meeting location, took his handy and dialed.

* * * * * * * * * *

His cell phone rang. Mulder nearly jumped of the bed by this sound. He laid still, wondering whether he should try to get up and answer the call or not. Perhaps it was Walter. He was in no shape to tell him in what condition he was. He still hadn't decided whether he would tell what happened this morning or bury it deep into himself and take any consequence that would wait for him for missing the appointment.

* * * * * * * * * *

Skinner didn't know whether to be worried or angry. He temporarily settled for being worried. Fox knew how important this meeting was. He never would deliberately miss it. Something must have happened. He decided to wait for a few minutes. Perhaps Fox would show up soon.

* * * * * * * * * *

Fox felt as if the content of his bladder soon would force itself out of his ears. And no Alex in sight. He took a deep breath and screamed:


* * * * * * * * * *

This desperate cry for help got the attention of the old lady living next to them. She'd heard the whole morning suspicious sounds from the apartment beneath. Well, she often heard weird sounds from there, but those were mostly sounds, as if someone would pound raw steaks to soften them. She never knew people who ate steaks that often. She picked up her poodle, cradling him to her breast, grabbed her umbrella, collected all her courage and slowly went out to the hallway. The door to the neighbouring apartment was wide open. She carefully crept in.

* * * * * * * * * *

Lube, Mulder thought desperately. Perhaps when I can get enough lube in the orifice, I can get free. He carefully slid of the bed until he managed to stand, legs spread, the upper body of the doll tightly pressed against him. I wonder if a cock could break off. Perhaps I'm going to become the first patient in medical history with that special injury. He gritted his teeth and hobbled around the bed. There must be a tube in the drawer of the nightstand. He found it, but it was empty. As fast as his situation allowed, he hobbled to the bathroom. He rummaged through the cabinet with their hygiene-items. Toothpaste, shower-gel, shampoo, body lotion, humidity-cream. Humidity-cream? Walter, don't exaggerate, he snickered inwardly. No lube. He cursed. The shampoo. It's slippery enough. He grabbed the bottle and started to apply the stuff at the necessary spot. He carefully tried to shift the rubber vagina around his cock to spread the liquid where it was needed. The only result was a large amount of foam. Despite his condition, he grinned dryly. It looked like as if he managed to bring the doll to absolute galactic heights of orgasm.

* * * * * * * * * *

Alex pounded against several doors, after the fourth try he finally had luck. Because Walter was always consistent in good contact with all neighbours, he was well known in the house. So he had no problem to get what he wanted, despite his appearance looking a bit neglected. With tousled hair, an old, slightly torn out sweater and bare feet he didn't make an impression that inspired confidence. With a short thanks he grabbed the sharp steak knife that was offered to him and ran back.

He didn't feel very well. What was thought as joke, seemed to change into a serious matter. He didn't dare to think about what Walter would say if he found out. And more important, what he would do. There was no way that they could hide what happened. He cursed his own cowardice. Heīd been tortured, captured, shot, threatened with death more than once and always endured it with a smile on his lips but the mere thought of a spanking over Skinner's knees scared the hell out of him.

It was a 10 minutes past eleven and Mulder was expected to be in a meeting with a few very important politicians at this very moment. Walter would be furious. Even if he'd never find out what really happened, he didn't take it well when one of them was late or lost track of time. But Alex didn't believe that Fox would take a punishment only to protect him. But, on the other hand, the whacking for being late would be much less severe as the one that awaited his sorry ass. Perhaps he could make a deal with Fox.

* * * * * * * * * *

The old lady tightened her grip on the handle of her umbrella and slowly rounded the corner to the living room. There was nothing unusual there. She heard soft sounds from the adjacent room, rummaging and moaning. Perhaps the nice and polite young man, what was his name? Yes, Fox. Perhaps Fox needed help. She meant to remember that it was his voice that screamed through the house a few minutes ago. She carefully entered the next room. It was empty. But the door to the bathroom stood half open. And there was the source of the weird sounds. She crept closer.

* * * * * * * * * *

Fox was close to tears. He desperately hoped Alex would hurry up. His bladder was going to burst, his cock hurt. Suddenly the door banged open. Fox abruptly turned around, handicapped by the rubber-mass on his front. His left foot slipped on a blot of shampoo that dripped down during his attempt to lube himself. He had so much swing when he rotated that his feet slipped out from under him. Fox made a belly landing; the weight of a 170-pound human body that fell on the tightly tauted rubber skin finally gave the doll the rest. It burst with a loud bang.

* * * * * * * * * *

The old lady pushed the door open. In her imagination she was prepared for everything. A sick or injured Fox. Perhaps a broken water pipe. Even a burglar. But not that. Her brain refused to process the event that was presented to her eyes. It functioned in the only healthy way. She fainted. The poodle yapped a few times and than turned his attention to the burst rubber doll, tearing at one arm, growling.

* * * * * * * * * *

Alex opened the door to their rooms and entered. Fox wasn't laying on the bed where he left him 10 minutes ago. Alex looked around. There was light in the bathroom. Perhaps Fox finally got rid of this damned thing and was using the toilet, he thought by himself, walking to the bathroom-door. It seemed Fox was growling with relief. Alex really didn't expect to find two lifeless bodies laying on the ground. He realized with horror his arch-enemy laying flat on her stomach in the doorway, her little cur running growling around the also-lifeless body of Fox who finally seemed to have managed to destroy the doll. I need not have hurried, he thought and shrugged.

* * * * * * * * * *

Skinner stood in the middle of the bedroom. He just got home after there was no sign of Fox and the conference came to an end, leaving a few very angry politicians. Now his unbelieving look was directed to the view that was offered to him. Mulder lay flat on his stomach, covered with some kind of slippery fluid, not moving. Under him the remains of what looked like a love-doll. Laying half in the bathroom, half in the bedroom was the body of the nice little old lady from next door. She was just beginning to regain consciousness. Alex standing in the doorframe, holding a knife in his raised hand. No one moved. Suddenly Mulder shot up, pushed Alex out backwards and slammed the door shut. Unfortunately the door hit the head of the old lady, who tried to sit up at that moment. She immediately laid down again. The next sound was fluid splashing in the toilet-bowl. Skinner had expected everything, from illness over robbery to murder. But not both of his boys busy with some kind of very weird sex-game including a love doll, an old lady, a dog and a knife. He was too shocked to say something, only sat down on the bed.

* * * * * * * * * *

Alex heard some noise behind him and spun around, the hand holding the knife raised in a defensive posture. He froze as he saw the cause of the noise. Both men looked at each other, not saying a word. Finally Alex squeezed out: "Hi, Walter."

* * * * * * * * * *

They sat on the sofa in the main room, Fox in one corner, pressing an ice pack on his groin, Alex in the other corner. Walter had only said four words since he arrived. "Clean up this mess!" Then he disappeared, supporting the old lady while leading her back to her own apartment. Alex and Fox silently began to clean the bathroom. They were nervous as hell. They didn't talk to each other. Both were buried in their own thoughts, thoughts about how to convince Walter, that the whole disaster wasn't exactly their fault, but the fault of the respectively other. After finishing, they sat down on the sofa, trying to put as much space between them as possible.

After several minutes of tense silence, Alex finally said "You or me?"

"You. Don't think he would listen to me."

"Hey, it was me who stood with a knife over two lifeless bodies. And who nearly attacked him. Don't estimate my chances are very high."

"I don't believe he was too shocked about that. He knows you." Mulder replied sarcastically. "But seeing me laying flat on the mortal remains of a love doll seemed to have given him the rest."

"Don't forget the old witch and her cur."

"Believe me, I won't forget that in my whole life. When I imagine the situation she found me in. Oh my god, she'll tell the whole neighbourhood. I'll have to emigrate."

Alex started briefly to snicker but got serious again.

"The whole situation wasn't exactly your fault. You could tell Walter."

"The whole situation was in no way my fault. Only yours. It's only fair when you explain it to him."

Alex didn't reply, only sank deeper in the sofa-cushions.

Mulder threw him a rather contemptuous look.

"Where's the fearless assassin when needed? You are such a wimp sometimes, Alex. Wetting your panties by the mere thought of facing the music. You ruined my day, nearly emasculated me and shot me, you would have made out with any prostitute regardless to any damage you could have done to our relationship and health. Is there any other person in whom you are interested apart from your own sorry self?" Mulder leaned back furiously and folded his arms in front of his chest, deeply scowling.

Alex gave him an insulted look. 'It's easy for you to talk, Fox. It isn't your butt that's going to get toasted,' he thought to himself. He tried to review the disastrous morning in his mind and tried to reassure himself. The whole situation actually hadn't been that bad. Fox had for certain missed his appointment, but it hadn't been able to be foreseen that the thing with the doll ran from the oar. It actually hadn't been my fault. It has only been a little prank, no harm done. If Fox wouldn't have panicked and wouldn't have pulled the wrong lanyard nothing would have happened. Yes, most of it was Mulder's fault.

Alex self-confidence evaporated when Skinner finally returned. One look in his face and Alex knew, that this was going to become bad.

Skinner had a hard time calming the old lady down; she was near hysteria. He tried to get some information out of her but earned only incoherent words. After preparing some tea and giving her some valerian pills she got a little calmer, but refused to talk to him. She only threw him outraged looks and repeated over and over again: "It's a shame." Skinner insisted on calling an ambulance because of the two big bumps that decorated her forehead. When the first aid attendants finally arrived he retired without further words, but not without an encounter with a very excited poodle, who clasped his leg with obvious intent. A vigorous shaking of the attacked leg didn't express the poodle in any way so that Skinner was forced to resort to rougher measures: He grabbed the cur by its collar, shook it firmly and arrested it in the bathroom. After that he collected the rest of his dignity and went back to his own apartment.

* * * * * * * * * *

Twenty minutes later he paced back and forth in his living room in front of two subdued young men. "Would you please tell me again what happened this morning?" he asked in a tired voice.

"Walter, we told you twice already," Fox pouted. What was the problem here? Alex was guilty, that much was certain. No need to tell the whole embarrassing story over and over again.

"I know, Fox. I live in the hope that some of the occurrences will change when I hear them again." Walter sighed. He finally sat down in a nearby armchair and watched his two life-mates thoughtfully. He had a hard time to suppress a grin by the mere thought of Fox getting stuck in a love doll. Alex's prank hadn't had been that bad. And he wished he could have witnessed some of the scenes. But there were a few other issues that demanded his attention. He sighed. He really didn't like to always be forced into the role of the disciplinarian. Life would run that much easier if and when Alex finally stopped his reckless behaviour and Fox managed not to get himself in the most strange and often dangerous situations.

"What's going to happen now?" Fox finally asked.

"What do you think is going to happen?" Skinner carefully asked back.

There was no answer. Skinner grinned. "Exactly that is going to happen."

Alex suddenly bolted up his seat and yelled angrily. "But that's not fair. It has only been a silly prank. It wasn't supposed to end like this."

Skinner decided to let this little outbreak pass. He smiled reassuringly. "Alex, I would never punish you for pulling a silly prank. It hasn't been dangerous. It even was funny, I admit." That earned him an outraged look from Fox, who couldn't believe what he just had heard and a relieved but nevertheless distrustful look from Alex. Skinner continued. "I'm going to punish both of you for handling this situation in such a catastrophic manner. You are both grown men, even if I sometimes have my doubts about this, and with thinking and perhaps reading the manual of this damned doll the whole outcome of the situation could have been prevented. The manual says clearly, that in case the mechanism to deflate the doll doesn't work, one only has to stick a screwdriver or another pointed instrument in the valve and the air would get out. There's even a spare valve in the package. Both of you could have figured that out even without reading the damned manual." He stopped and let this information sink into the minds of his audience. Fox threw a murderous look at Alex, who only shrugged sullenly.

"On top of this you, Alex, have to justify using your weapon that close to Fox's head without dire emergency, for leaving the door to the apartment wide open while searching for a knife, you can be more than glad that only the old wi . I mean old lady from next door came in and not some kind of criminal and of course for your strange desire in visiting prostitutes." He held up his hand as he saw that Alex wanted to make a comment on that issue. "No. I'm not going to punish you for your intention, but we will have a serious discussion about this. Tomorrow. Now, let's get it over with."

He gestured to Alex to follow him to the bedroom. Once inside, he closed the door, went to the cupboard and returned with one of his paddles. Not the largest paddle, as Alex noticed with some relief. Nevertheless he now felt real fear and was slightly trembling. Walter noticed his stress and put the paddle down for a moment. He pulled Alex in a tight embrace. "Come on Alex, try to calm down." He had no intention to punish Alex as long as he was that upset. "I know it will hurt a lot but all will be over for you in less than an hour. And perhaps after we finished you will act with a bit more responsibility. Believe me, I donīt like to punish you. But I will do it. I love you, Alex, and I will do everything to change any of your attitude that could lead you or any other person into trouble or danger."

Alex pressed himself against Skinner's warm chest and buried his face against his neck. He would have preferred it just to be bent over and thoroughly whacked by a pissed off Skinner. He could have dealt with that kind of pain. But it was extremely difficult for him to deal with the love he was experiencing, a love that opened his soul and made him that much more vulnerable for the punishment that awaited him. He took a deep breath and pulled himself out of the embrace. Walter took Alex's face in his hands and asked carefully: "Are you ok now?"

Alex grinned slightly: "Yeah, I'm looking forward to everything that's going to happen in the next hour." Skinner grinned back and delivered a smack on Alex's bottom. "In that case I perhaps should use a cane to maximize your joy." He was serious once again.

"Ok, boy, get over to the bed and kneel down on it."

Alex gulped and obeyed. He felt Walter's hand between his shoulder blades, pushing him down on his elbows. With a swift and sure movement his pants and boxers came down to half-thigh, leaving his bottom pointing high in the air, exposed and vulnerable. Walter patted his bottom reassuringly, grabbed the paddle and captured his victim in a tight grip around the waist. After receiving the first stinging swat Alex realized, that, despite all hugs, love and reassuring, Walter meant business. The force of the swat would have levitated him and slammed him face down on the mattress, if there wasn't the helpful arm holding him tightly in position. The second swat followed and than the swats descended in a steady rhythm, jumping from butt cheek to butt cheek and sometimes covering both. The punished bottom turned pink and more pink and was twisting and squirming. Walter had a hard time not to lose his grip on Alex's waist. The young man was strong and obviously in much pain, as the yelps and sobbing clearly proved. Walter stopped when the skin color was deep rose. There were still a few very hard reminders to administer and he wanted to use another implement for this task. He let go of Alex's waist and said shortly: "Stay put please." Alex wondered briefly but then realized, that his punishment wasn't over yet. He groaned, hoping that Skinner wouldn't fall back upon the idea with the cane. He looked back over his shoulder and noticed that his worries were unfounded. Skinner was holding a belt in his hand. His favourite belt. An old, thick, broad and long peace of leather, which Alex actually liked much . when it was worn around Skinner's waist. Skinner wrapped the end with the buckle a few times around his hand until a 2 1/2 feet long piece of belt was left. "I'm not going to hold you this time, Alex, so please try not to move. I want to get over with this as soon as possible." Alex just had enough time to tighten his grip on the comforter when the first whack fell down across the fleshiest part of both cheeks, leaving a bright red line of fire. The next time, the tip of the belt caught Alex in the middle of his butt, on the tender flesh right along the edges where the cheeks meet. This pain was almost unbearable. The third whack cracked down on his thighs just above the junction to the cheeks. Meanwhile Alex feverishly wished Skinner would prefer wearing suspenders instead of belts. The next stroke felt down a bit beneath the first one, overlapping the weal in a very painful way. The fifth and final one after all hit the tender flesh of the junction of his cheeks and the thighs, nicely covering the welts of the second and third whack. Alex remained silent through the whole belting, involuntarily, his mouth full of comforter which prevented him from yelping.

Alex let out a shuddering sob of relief when he realized that the spanking was finally over. His bottom felt scorched. He spit the comforter out of his mouth and shoved himself forward on his elbows until he lay flat on his stomach. He felt Skinner's hand at the back of his head, gently stroking his hair. After a few deep but still shuddering breaths he managed to calm down enough to support himself on his elbows and look at Skinner. Skinner watched his face for a few seconds and, after finding no sign of more stress than usual in this situation he grinned and said: "After you so looked forward to this, I can only hope I did my job to your satisfaction."

"Thank you, more than I dared to hope," Alex replied dryly. "It would be a pleasure for me to recommend you, perhaps to Fox."

"No need. Fox has a lifelong subscription to my services." He went to the bathroom and wet a washcloth. Returning, he draped the cold, wet washcloth on the hot, red bottom, patted Alex's head and said, "I hope this will cool down the heat a bit." Alex sighed in relief and Skinner chuckled, grabbed his paddle and left.

* * * * * * * * * *

Fox nearly jumped of the couch as he heard the door open. It really was no pleasure to have to listen to the events in the bedroom and to know that one's own sorry ass was the next target.

"No need to hurry, Fox." Walter said as he passed. He threw the paddle on an armchair. "Don't worry, I'll be back in a second. You can take your pants down and bend over the backrest of the couch meanwhile." He left the living room and poured a glass of juice in the kitchen. Delivering spankings was hard work and made him thirsty. He emptied the glass and put it in the sink. He just was about to go back to the living room when the phone rang. Walter shortly considered not answering the call but then decided against it. He didn't need a ringing telephone while executing his next task. Unfortunately the caller was Kersh, who demanded some information, why he was bothered by several very bad-tempered politicians who were bitterly complaining about the lack of punctuality of one certain special agent. This call did nothing to raise his mood and so his expression was very grim when he finally entered the living room. But the view that was offered to him made him nearly laugh. Fox of course had obeyed his order to undress and bend over. But to shorten the time until Walter returned he had switched on the TV and was now searching through the channels, his lower legs crossed and both bobbing up and down in the tact of the music of an advertisement. The movement transferred to the firm pale buttocks, which wiggled in the same way. He stood a few seconds only to watch this appetizing view then silently went over to the armchair, picked up the paddle and stood behind the nicely dancing butt cheeks, unnoticed by Fox. He raised the paddle and slammed it down on the unsuspecting but inviting cheeks. Fox, totally token by surprise, yelped, shot up and grabbed the abused body part with both hands. He turned and presented Skinner with one of his most pouty faces. "Have you forgotten we had an appointment, Fox?" Walter grinned. "When you please bend over again, we could start." He directed an inviting gesture to the couch. Fox pouted even more, but got into position again. Walter gently patted his bottom with the paddle and went to work.

* * * * * * * * * *

In the neighbouring apartment the old lady and her recently arrived granddaughter were listening to the strange sounds coming from the apartment beneath. The old lady said, directing an accusing index finger to the wall: "You hear that, Marjorie? As if they had no more important things to do. They are preparing a meal again. I can hear them pounding steaks. Every time there's some trouble over there, they soon start to eat. No matter which time it is. Even in the middle of the night." She pressed the ice pack more tightly to her forehead and sank back on the cushions. Marjorie went over to the wall and pressed an ear against it. After a minute she turned back to her grandmother, grinning widely. "Believe me, granny, that's no steak that is pounded. It's rather a bacon."

* * * * * * * * * *

The whacks Walter delivered had nearly the same effect on Fox as the music he heard a few minutes ago. His legs started to dance and the butt cheeks to wiggle. Walter had again a hard time to hold a bottom into position while he administered a spanking. He tightened his grip when it was time for the big final, ten full force whacks to the sit spot. Fox was sobbing during the whole procedure, but he didn't yelp or cry loudly. He still thought that it wasn't fair to punish him and still was in full pouting-mode. "THANK you, Walter," he said angrily. "Now I'm sore on my front side and on my backside. How do you think shall I sleep this night?" Skinner sighed annoyed. "On your feet, with your nose in the corner when this behaviour doesn't change immediately, Fox." He pulled Fox in a tight hug, ignoring the defiant struggle.

* * * * * * * * * *

Skinner switched off the light in the bathroom and yawned. It had been a very eventful day and he insisted that they went to bed early. Fox and Alex were laying on the bed, one on his stomach and the other on his side. Although they were still a bit angry at each other they nestled close to one another, not yet sleeping, only seeking some comfort. Skinner sat down on the bed and watched them intently. He remembered his thoughts this morning and grinned slightly. He enjoyed the sight but knew it was only a deceitful peace. He rolled over and ordered Alex to move a bit so that he could lie down between them. Both snuggled deeply in his strong arms resting their heads on his broad shoulders. The three of them enjoyed the peaceful get-together for a while. Before Skinner drifted into sleep he chuckled and murmured: "Fox, you are the only person I know who could be raped by a love doll while sleeping and actually get stuck in it. You have many talents but this one is unsurpassable." Than he closed his eyes and felt to sleep. He no longer saw the looks that Fox and Alex exchanged.

* * * * * * * * * *

Walter lay on a tropical beach, surrounded by coconut palms, a warm breeze caressed his naked body and he could hear the surf in the distance. Alex and Fox's strong fingers massaged his whole body and he moaned with ecstasy. The fingers finally reached more sensitive parts. He soon started to squirm beneath the skillful touches, enjoying the delicious feeling of a beginning arousal. Oh god, he thought to himself, these two boys are priceless. I can call myself the happiest man on earth. He closed his eyes. One of his boys sat down on his groin and soon he felt his cock captured by a tight anus. He reached above to caress the muscular breast of the one who served him in this delicious manner. To his big surprise his hands cupped two supple soft female breasts and before he could react, the unusual feeling awakened him. When he opened his eyes he found himself face to face with a love doll. The love doll. The certain love doll. The certain, meanwhile repaired love doll. After the first shock he simply started to laugh. They'd gotten him. He looked around the room, there was no sign of Fox or Alex, but he could hear the shower in the bathroom and the hum of a razor. Still grinning he grabbed the doll and tried to pull it from his cock. No result. He grabbed tighter and tried again, vigorously pulling.

Then reality hit.

The End

* * * * * * * * * *