Eric and Jamie
Part 2

by Fairandlovingtop

Eric quickly grabbed his keys and wallet and led me back out of the little room above the garage before I really got a chance to look around. Over dinner I told him my whole story. I discovered that the house where we had met was actually his, and that he was living above the garage until the remodeling was done. He remodeled houses for a living, and the going was so slow on his own place because of his other jobs. He had started his own company when he was 20, just installing new closets at first, and had worked things up from there over the last several years.

He wanted me to work on specific projects on his house while he was away on his regular jobs.

"Sure" I said, enthusiastically. "I'll do anything."

"Can't do much more than paint, can you?" he said.

"Well," I ducked my head, embarrassed. "I can learn, and it looks like there's plenty to paint anyway."

"There is that" he said, nodding. The sting in my butt had started to fade, and the more I talked to him the less I disliked him. He had just turned 28, and both of his parents were dead. He had been close to both of them, and they were at first surprised that he was gay, but had never hassled him about it.

When he asked about my mom and her death my voice suddenly caught in my throat.

"Sorry" he said quickly. "We don't have to talk about that."

"Okay" I said, quietly.

We eventually made our way back to his house, and I followed him up the stairs to his temporary quarters. It was one large room with a small bathroom at the far end. "Are those the only clothes you have?" he asked me.

"Yeah" I said, painfully conscious of how grimy they were. "Come on" he said, gently taking my hand and leading me to the bathroom. "Sit down" he said, pointing to the floor and sitting on the closed toilet seat. I did as he said and he grabbed my ankle and proceeded to pull off my shoes and socks. "Stand up" he said, and I complied.

He pulled my shirt up over my head and then undid my pants. I resisted a little, but he firmly pushed my hands to my sides and unzipped and pulled down my pants. When he reached for the waistband of my jockeys I again grabbed his hands, but he pulled one free and smacked my butt hard. "Knock it off" he said, and as I put my hands back at my sides he slid my underpants down and off. He then stood up, turned me around to face the tub, and smacked my bottom again, though not as hard. "Get in there and get cleaned up" he said.

Without another word he picked up my things and walked back out, closing the door behind him. I relaxed a little, then a little more, then eventually just laid back and let the hot water sink into my bones. It was the first hot bath I'd had in several days, and it felt wonderful.

Several minutes later Eric walked in and I sat up convulsively in the water. "I guess you can wear these for tonight" he said, throwing some of his own clothes over the sink.

"Okay" I said, again hugging my knees to me. He looked at me quietly, kind of smiling, and I finally said, "What?"

He snorted quietly and said, "Come here, little boy" and reached for the bar of soap that sat in a dish that hung from the wall next to the tub. He knelt next to the tub and gently pushed my head down into the water. I straightened my legs and let him dunk my head under, and as he started to lather the soap into my hair I didn't resist him.

"I'm out of shampoo. Sorry" he said, and I didn't say anything in return. I figured if he got off on bathing me it was the least I could do for his troubles.

Some soap began to get in my eyes and I had to close them. I felt his hand on my shoulder and heard him say, "Turn this way" as he pulled me sideways in the tub. With soap still in my hair and running down my face I now sat sideways in the tub with my back to him. He lathered the back of my neck and my shoulders, and then gently started to massage them both.

"Feel good?" he asked.

"Yeah" I sighed. He did that quietly for a couple of minutes and my dick grew stiff. I had only ever fooled around a little with this guy in the 10th grade, and I was nervous about "doing it." It was very relaxing, though, and I tried to make myself not think of what he might want me to do over the next few minutes.

He dunked my head under the water again, then I heard him run the water from the pipes, then I felt warm water being poured over my head and shoulders. I opened my eyes and looked up at him. He was holding a small plastic bowl I hadn't noticed before, and he was smiling warmly at me.

"That was nice" I said, unsure what he wanted me to say.

"I'm glad" he said, and put the bowl down next to the tub. "It's going to be a while before your clothes are done. You can sit and soak in here, or you can come out and watch TV with me. When you're ready to rinse off, empty the tub and use the bowl to rinse yourself." He then gently pinched my nose and walked out of the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

I was surprised that he hadn't tried more, and as the water cooled off I got bored and decided to just finishing bathing and to join him. When I was finished drying off I grabbed the clothes he had brought for me -- a large shirt with "UCLA" printed across the front of it, and a pair of boxers that were much too big for me.

I came out into the main room and he laughed when he saw me holding up his boxers with one hand. "They won't stay up" I said, smiling.

He walked over to me and pulled them down and off, straightening the large shirt over my thighs. "You're okay like this" he said, and I felt my dick go half hard. He threw his boxers onto the dresser that was next to the bed, and then laid down on the bed and started channel surfing.

I looked around the room and said, "Where should I sleep?"

"Up here with me" he said, patting the bed. I nervously walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge. He ignored me and stopped channel surfing, tuning into an episode of Star Trek. As I sat there and he continued to ignore me I kind of got into the show, and before I even realized it I was laying down next to him, both of us on our stomachs.

After the show was over he tossed me the remote saying, "Here, kid" and went into the bathroom. I heard the tub filling, and after I was sure he was in I got very curious to see him in the tub -- kind of to have our roles reversed -- and I walked over and boldly opened the door.

"Hey!" he said as I walked in. The tub was only a quarter full, and he was on his knees was lathered up from head to toe. He was really too big to sit in the tub normally.

It was so erotic to catch him like that, naked on his knees in the tub, the soap clinging to his body and, in places, gently sliding downward toward the tub. His whole body was so nicely defined, with muscles everywhere. Not big bulging muscles, just nice work muscles. My dick got stiff under the large shirt I wore.

As he groped blindly for the rinse bowl I backed out and said, "Sorry" and closed the door. I had to leave, because there was no way to hide my hardon. A few minutes later he came out with just a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Did you need the toilet?" he asked.

"Yeah" I lied, and walked passed him to the bathroom. I was fortunately able to pee, and as I walked back out he was just pulling back the bed covers wearing only the boxers I had tried to wear earlier.

"I don't usually wear anything to bed" he said, grinning. "This ought to be interesting."

Was I supposed to say it was okay for him to take them off? Was that a come on of some kind at all? He seemed so genuinely nice, and I was momentarily flustered.

"Come on" he said, gesturing with his head. "It's been a long day, hasn't it?" and he yawned.

That made me yawn, too, and I walked over and climbed in next to him very conscious of the fact that wearing only the t-shirt as I was gave him easy access to my equipment.

"Do you need anything before we say good night?" he said.

"No" I said, maybe a little too suspiciously.

He shrugged and said, "Okay, then. 'Night" and he reached over and turned off the lamp. Light came in through the windows -- not much, but enough to make out shapes in the room after my eyes adjusted -- and I just lay there for a long time waiting for him to make some kind of move on me.

When it became obvious that he wasn't going to try anything I found I still couldn't fall asleep, and as I reviewed the last couple of weeks in my head the injustice of being put out on the street the way I had came back to me full force. I felt hot tears sting my eyes, and I tried to sniff as quietly as possible. I didn't want to sniff again because it seemed so loud in that little room, but snot was starting to run onto my lip so I did sniff again, and then I felt Eric stir next to me

I felt his hand rest gently on the back of my head and I held my breath, trying to make him think I was still asleep. But then I heard him say quietly, "Come on, little boy" and I remembered how he had called me that when I was in the tub and how he hadn't tried anything and I suddenly let go in quiet sobs.

He massaged the back of my neck and said, "Come here, buddy" and as I continued to lie there he said, "Come on" and gently pulled at my shoulder, rolling me over and pulling my head onto his chest. I draped my arm over his chest then and cried hard against him, scooting my body up against his.

"Okay, shhhh" he said. "You're a good boy. Shhhhhh" and he was so loving and gentle it made me cry more at first.

As my tears dried up I said, "I'm sorry."

"Nothing to be sorry for" he said, patting my shoulder. "Why don't you try to get some sleep?"

"Okay" I said, but as I tried to pull away from him his hand pressed firmly down on my back and I just let my whole body relax against him and slept.