Eric and Jamie
Part 10

by Fairandlovingtop

We spent the day taking in the sites of New York. Apparently, very few people actually own cars and drive in that city, and those who do aren't very good drivers. Paul spoke almost not at all as we made our way in and around the city. Later that night we had dinner at a very nice restaurant, went and saw a movie, and then made our way home.

We all went out into the back yard, stripped off our clothes and got into the enormous Jacuzzi. The water was wonderful in the chill night air, and I eventually ended up straddling Eric and kissing him as Paul did the same with Nathan.

Suddenly Paul was stepping out of the Jacuzzi, his big erection bobbing around lazily as he made his way to the cabana, and then he was back again with a splash. I barely noticed, since I was making out with Eric the entire time.

I heard the sound of a bottle opening, and I turned my head to see Nathan place a jar of Vaseline up on the sandstone that surrounded the Jacuzzi. Paul was obviously straddling Nathan's dick, easing himself down onto it slowly.

"Come on, boy" said Nathan, and put his hands on Paul's shoulders.

"Oh!" said Paul, wincing a little.

"Come on, boy" Nathan said again. "All the way down" and he pushed firmly on Paul's shoulders.

"OH!" said Paul, and then buried his head in Nathan's neck.

I clung to Eric with one hand and reached for the Vaseline with the other. I slathered a large goop on my little hole and then coated the shaft of Eric's penis with the rest. Straddling him and holding his dick with my right hand, my left around his neck I started to slip him into me, keeping my eyes on his the whole time.

I grunted and groaned quietly as I tried to ease down on his dick, and he chuckled and I felt his strong arms under me. His left hand lifted my butt a little in the water, off the tip of his dick, his right hand middle finger thrust deep into me all at once.

"OH!" I echoed Paul's sentiments, and Eric fingered me gently with one finger, then two, then pressed his dick against my tight, tight little hole and pushed me down onto him.

Slowly, very slowly, I eased down, and then suddenly slid all the way down as the head of his dick worked passed my sphincter. Impaled, I leaned forward, my arms around his neck as he lifted and dropped me, over and over again, his large strong hands on each of my cheeks.

"Oh, I'm so close!" I said, praying he would stop. He did, and I sat snugly impaled on his big dick, sucking on his tongue, or letting him suck on my tongue and my nipples, for a good hour. When I was begging him to let me come he stood up, holding me in his arms and still fucking me hard. I shot all over his torso as he shot inside me. All the muscles in his body seemed to quiver, and we both shivered, naked and wet, in the cool night air. I didn't even look at Nathan and Paul.

Still buried deep inside me, Eric stepped out of the water and carried me over to the cabana. Once inside we disentangled ourselves, Eric slipping slowly out of me. I felt so empty, and without having to ask he pulled me to him and held me tightly in his arms. We stayed in there kissing and hugging until Nathan knocked on the door and said, "Okay. Our turn" meaning they needed to clean up as well.

We all said good night at the top of the stairs again, and I took Eric's hand and followed him back to our room. I then followed him across the hall into our bathroom and we brushed our teeth and peed and went back to our bedroom. Eric always slept in a t-shirt and boxers, I in just a t-shirt.

When he got up to get a drink of water from the bathroom and I also got out of bed he said, "Oh, for heaven's sake. Are you still upset about your nightmare?" He said it kindly, but I felt defensive.

"I guess" I said, maybe a little surly.

"Come here, little boy" he said, holding out his arms. I stepped across the top of the bed and jumped into his arms. He carried me into the bathroom and got a drink of water from one of the little Dixie cups that Nathan had put in there for us. "Would you like me to read you to sleep tonight?" he asked.

"Did you bring something?" I asked.

"No" he said, "but Nathan's library is wonderful. Come on."

He set me down and walked out of the bathroom, and I quickly grabbed his hand and clung to him as we made our way downstairs and through the dark house. It was so beautiful during the day, and so very creepy at night.

When we got to the library Eric reached for the light switch and for just an instant my heart skipped a beat as he turned on the lights and they just barely came on, then got brighter as he turned up the dimmer. He found a collection of stories by someone named Guy De Maupassant (spelling?) and led me back up to our room.

Once in bed he flipped through the stories to one of his favorites. It was called "The Necklace" and as his strong, calm voice droned on I began to drift off, one arm thrown over his chest, my head tucked neatly against his side.

I woke up hours later needing to pee. I was immediately frightened at the prospect of walking over to the bathroom by myself, and then felt really stupid for being, literally, afraid of the dark. I eased quietly out of bed, opened our bedroom door, and stepped across the hall. When I got to the bathroom I flipped on the light switch, and as the light bulbs just barely glowed inside the light fixtures I let out an involuntary whimper.

I really wasn't sure whether or not I was dreaming because I FELT wide awake, but that's how I had felt the night before as well. I quickly did an about face, deciding to hold it until morning. When I turned around my heart leaped into my throat as I saw the shadow thing again.

As soon as I noticed it I shouted for help and ran into the bathroom, slamming the door behind me. It didn't follow, but I was trapped. I shouted for help again and banged on the door, but no one came to my aid.

I AM dreaming, I thought. Wake up, wake up, wake up!

After an interminable amount of time I just 'felt' like it wasn't waiting for me anymore, and somehow I knew that I had to get back to my bed before I'd be able to wake up. I cautiously opened the door and peaked out. Seeing that the coast was clear I bolted across the hall back into our bedroom, and just as I reached the bed and was about to hop into it a cold hand reached out from under the bed and clamped itself around my ankle.

I let out an ear-piercing yelp, and the next thing I knew there was a hand over my mouth. I opened wide and bit down hard, and Eric hissed, "Ow! Damn you" and pushed me hard into the bed.

I was awake again. I was in bed and even under the covers, and relief swept over me as the lamp on Eric's side of the bed flared brightly to life. I looked quickly around the room and then came up short when I saw Eric glaring at me.

His face immediately softened and he said, "Again?"

I threw myself at him, hugging his waist tightly and burying my head in his lap. He stroked the back of my head and said, "It's okay, little boy. You're safe now."

I wasn't as upset as the night before - I wasn't as scared as the night before - but it was a relief to be awake in the lit room, clinging to him.

"Come on" he said, "let's get back to sleep. At least you didn't wake Nathan or Paul this time."

He leaned over and switched off the light and pulled me to him.

"Eric?" I said in the darkness.

"Yes, Jamielove?" he said with just the slightest touch of impatience.

"Can we sleep naked, please?"

In answer he sat up and pulled my shirt off over my head. Then I felt him pull his own shirt off, and then he was wiggling out of his boxers. When he laid back down I put one leg over his and an arm over his chest. I gently scratched the hair on his chest and tummy, and then slid my hand down and took his hard dick in my hand.

As I just lay there with my head on his shoulder, not moving, he said, "You want to just hold it?"

"Yes, sir" I said. I liked holding him like that. His penis was so big I couldn't quite get my whole hand around it. He chuckled quietly and his left hand came up and stroked my hair. He kept doing that until I fell asleep.

At breakfast the next morning Nathan said, "Eric says you had another nightmare last night, Jamie."

I choked on the orange juice I had been swallowing as he said that and said, "Yes, sir. I really don't want to talk about it though, if that's okay."

"It might help" he said, hopefully.

I thought again of the shadow thing of my dreams and shook my head no. "It's scary just to think about it" I said, and I was annoyed at Eric's chuckle.

"The big bad shadow man isn't going to get you at the breakfast table, Jamielove" he said, and we all turned, startled, as Paul's coffee cup clanged loudly on the table, splashing the lovely white linen and breaking the saucer below it.

"Paul!" said Nathan in a tone of voice I knew only too well from Eric.

"I'm sorry" said Paul. "I'm sorry" but as he got up to clean the mess Nathan grabbed his wrist and held him there next to his own chair.

"Jamie there" he said, nodding at me, "really is a 'boy' still in many ways, young man. I do NOT want you scaring him with your ghost stories anymore, is that clear?"

"Nathan" Paul stammered. "I didn't -- "

"IS THAT CLEAR?" said Nathan.

"I never did!" said Paul, indignantly.

"Paul never said anything to me" I said.

"So you just happened to have Paul's bad dream the first night you stayed here?" said Nathan, eyeing me suspiciously.

"Yes, sir" I said, feeling like he was accusing me of something.

"It's very commendable to stand up for your friend, Jamie" said Nathan, "and I'm glad you two get along so well, but I do not brook dishonesty in this house."

That made me mad and I stood up and threw my napkin into my plate. "I'm not lying!" I said. "I never lie! How dare you!"

"Jamie!" said Eric. I ignored him and started to say something else but he grabbed me painfully by the upper arm and shook me. "You do NOT talk to our host that way, is that clear?"

I angrily yanked myself away from him and heard Paul say, "Maybe your host should listen sometimes." At that we both stalked out the back door, but as it slammed behind us I knew I'd be in for it later.

For the next couple of hours Paul and I skulked around the estate, and the more we talked the more my unease grew. Paul began telling me about his nightmares -- about how they had started just after he had moved in with Nathan -- and every single detail was identical to my own experience.

It couldn't be "just a dream," and that all by itself made me shiver.

"How do we convince them?" I asked.

"I don't know" said Paul. "But it's getting late. You ready to face the music?"

"I guess" I said, looking at the ground.

When we walked back to the house we found Eric and Nathan waiting for us out by the pool. Neither of them said anything, and Paul and I began to shuffle uncomfortably, also in silence.

"Paul and I have been talking" I ventured, "and we don't think it's just a dream we've both been having."

"Before you say another word" said Eric, ominously, "I want you to apologize to our host for your behavior this morning."

"I'm sorry, Nathan" I said.

"Come over here, boy" he said, kindly, and I walked over to him.

He put his hands on my shoulders and said, "I'm sorry if I offended you this morning. In fact, I think very highly of you, and I'm very glad you and Eric are so happy together."

That was not at all what I was expecting, and I forced back tears and said in a tight voice, "I'm scared of the house now."

Nathan laughed good naturedly and hugged me to him. "I assure you, you precious little thing, that you have nothing to fear from my home. It's just some bad dreams, is all."

"How do you explain -- " I started, but Eric interrupted me.

"We'll talk about your dreams later" said Eric. "Right now I want to see both you boys with your noses up against that wall." He pointed to the cabana, and without saying anything Paul and I walked over to it. "And I want to see some cheeks over there" he said as we pressed our noses to the wall.

We both undid our pants and pushed them and our underwear to our ankles. "Get those shirts off" said Eric, and we obeyed. Nathan walked over to Paul and patted his butt and kissed him, and Paul put his arms around the older, smaller man and sniffed loudly.

"All right" said Nathan. "Put your nose here now" and he tapped the wall.

We were made to stand like that for the better part of an hour. Long corner time is very trying for me, and by the end of it I was sighing heavily and fidgeting. I was almost (not quite) relieved when Nathan walked up to us and said, "Strip everything off and come into the library when you're ready." Without another word he walked away, and Paul and I stripped naked and looked at each other and swallowed hard.

It felt weird to walk though Nathan's house naked like that, and we both sheepishly ducked our heads into the library; hands down covering our privates.

"Oh, sir, please" Paul began to plead. "Not the hairbrush again, PLEASE, sir." Nathan and Eric sat in opposite chairs, each with a large and horrid looking hairbrush in his hand.

"Over our laps without another word" said Nathan sternly. I walked over to Eric and gave him one last mournful look as I draped myself over his knees.

They both began spanking each of us at the same time, and the loud SPLATS! of the hairbrushes echoed loudly off the room's high walls. Our cries and pleas soon joined those echoes, and even after I was kicking my feet and fairly screaming for Eric to stop he still kept paddling my tender cheeks with that damn brush.

When I was bawling at the top of my lungs and beyond the ability to speak, he finally stopped. I sobbed loudly over his lap as he rubbed my back, and it was some minutes before I realized Paul was doing the same.

"Up" said Eric, and as I got off his lap I saw that Paul was on his knees with his head buried in Nathan's lap, Nathan stroking his hair and making comforting sounds as Paul sobbed his heart out.

I threw my arms around Eric and he eased me into his lap so that my thighs and back rested on his legs, my tender butt hanging between them. I buried my head in his neck and cried and cried and cried.

Much later that night after we had gone to bed I woke up needing to pee. Taking no chances I shook Eric firmly, waking him.

"S'wrong?" he asked.

"I gotta pee" I said.

"All right" he said without protest, and we got out of bed and he held my hand and walked me to the bathroom across the hall. All the lights came on normally, and Eric carried me back to bed when I was done.

I had come wide awake by then, and I was suddenly in a chatty mood.

"Uh, uh" said Eric, reaching into his boxers and pulling out his hard dick. "You got energy to talk, you can suckle daddy" and with that he put his hand on the back of my head and pushed it down his body. I took him into my mouth and sucked and stroked his dick until he shot a hot load of 'milk' down my throat.

Eric grunted and groaned appreciatively the whole time, and after he came he pulled my whole body on top of him and I fell asleep like that with my head on his chest as it gently rose and fell with his steady breathing.