Young Indiana Jones: Adventures Out West
Chapter Six

by IndyAnna

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And so it was that Indy found himself in the unfortunate position of attending school with Tommy everyday in this town that was proving to be way below his adventure standards. He was indeed placed in Tommy's class despite the year or so age difference between them. He and one other boy, Freddie, were the oldest ones in the class. Most of the rest were Tommy's age or younger. Indy sat near the back of the room next to Tommy and his friends Ben, J.D., Sarah and Mary. Sarah and Mary took a liking to Indy right off the bat which really didn't bother the other boys too much since they had yet to arrive at the girl-liking stage of their young lives.

Their teacher, Mr. Becker, was turning out to deserve the nick-name 'Pecker-head' very quickly. Indy witnessed him picking on and eventually punishing one younger boy who made the mistake of not knowing the current assignment. He was also proving to be very closed-minded and the urge to say something grew stronger within Indy everyday.

At the end of the first week Indy was already settled into a routine. His leg was almost completely healed and the accident actually helped him make friends. All the kids wanted to hear about what happened, his father and the dig site. All the talking just reminded Indy that he wasn't with his dad to help and that didn't help his growing frustration one bit.

Everyday he thought of the map he saw in the trunk in the basement, but every time he tried to sneek down there Mrs. Johnson magically appeared in the kitchen or was already down in the cellar. Finally, early the next week, she was going to a church meeting and would be gone for most of the afternoon. Indy and Tommy were out weeding the garden, one of their many chores, when she left. Once she was out of sight Indy ran to Tommy.

"Tommy, your Mom's going to be gone for awhile. Let's go down and get that map."


It didn't take much to get Tommy's mind off his chores. Both boys ran down to the cellar and gently lowered the trunk to the floor. Once they opened it, Indy pulled out the map and studied it. Tommy took out the naughty pictures he'd shown Indy the week before, put them in his pocket, and began rummaging through the rest of the contents.

"I knew this looked familiar. Tommy, do you know where the San Pedro Mines are?"

"Yea, they're about, oh...I'd say five miles west of town. Why?"

"Don't you think this map looks like it could be a treasure map or something? And look, there are clues here about a mine and directions and distances!" Indy said excitedly, his eyes scanning rapidly over the old parchment.

"Welll...I don't know. All us kids have been warned to stay away from there. It's not safe. Most of the mine shafts have flooded and it's supposed to be haunted." Tommy's eyes grew large as he thought of the ghost stories that have gone around ever since he could remember.

" don't mind if I take this upstairs, do you?"

"N-no, I guess not. Just, whatever you do, DON'T let Ma see it. She'd have a fit if she suspected we were even *thinking* of that place. Let me tell you, that is something you do NOT want to see."

Indy carefully folded the map and put it in his back pocket. "I want to study this a little closer and see if it makes any sense."

"Well," Tommy said as he put his hands on his hips. "If she finds that," he pointed at Indy's back pocket, "I know nuthin'! I'm not getting my butt tanned again so soon."

Indy laughed, "Well, same goes for those girlie pictures you put in your pocket. I saw you."

Tommy laughed too and stuck out his hand. "Okay, it's a pact. We both know nuthin'. Shake."

The two boys shook hands and returned the trunk to it's spot on the shelf. They both took their contraband to their rooms and hid it, then returned to weeding the garden just like nothing had happened.

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The next week passed quickly and Indy hadn't made much progress with the map. Between school and chores and Abbey's watchful eye information gathering was much harder than the young treasure hunter imagined.

It was Wednesday morning and the school day had started like all the others, not very exciting. Indy watched as Mr. Becker drew a map on the blackboard.

"We're going to focus on Africa today."

{Ah, maybe this will be more interesting.} Indy thought. He'd been to Africa when he was younger and knew quite a bit about the geography, customs and people there. He listened as Mr. Becker gave his rather stale opinion about the beautiful land. The longer he listened the more aggitated he became. Mr. Becker not only voiced his unpleasant opinions about the land, but also about the people and their way of life.

"That's not true!" Indy shouted, slamming is fist down on the desk. "I met lots of very nice people when I was there. I met an African boy named Meto, we were very good friends. He took me to see the village elders and...."

"SILENCE!! Are you calling me a liar young man?!" Becker yelled, his face becoming red with anger.

"You don't know everything.....siiirrr!" Indy couldn't help the sarcastic tone that crept into his voice. "In fact while I was there, Teddy Roosevelt taught me how to fire a rifle and..."

"ENOUGH!! I will NOT tolerate lying!!"

"I'm NOT!" Indy yelled back.


A hush fell over the class and all eyes were on Indy. Tommy couldn't believe the hole Indy was digging. No one *ever* talked back to Becker.

"NO!" Indy yelled, standing his ground.

That was all Becker needed. He practically flew down the row of desks. His jaw was clenched and even his eyeballs had gone red. Indy backed up instinctively only to be stopped by the wall behind him. Becker grabbed is arm and dragged him to the front of the class.

"Let go of me!" Indy demanded, but Becker was much stronger than him.

Becker's right hand clamped onto the back of Indy's neck and soon Indy found himself nose to the wall. Directly in front of him hung the paddle that Becker so freely used.

"Your already getting a paddling after school young man and you have until lunch to apologize to me or you'll be getting one while the rest of the class is outside for recess as well." Becker used his grip on Indy's neck to push the boy's face closer to the paddle. "You keep your eyes on that paddle and just imagine what it is going to feel like, boy. I knew you were a trouble-maker the first time I saw you."

Indy's fists were clenched at his sides and his breath was quick and heavy as he tried to control his anger. The paddle was inches from his face and he knew by looking at it that it would undoubtedly work very well, but there was no way he was going to aplogize to that stupid man. He stood perfectly still as the clock ticked away the remaining minutes until the lunch break. His stubborness wavered slightly as he heard Becker dismiss the class, but he wouldn't apologize.

"Well young man?" Becker said in a superior tone. "What do you have to say?"

Indy remained silent and didn't move.

"I won't ask you again."

Indy was still silent.

"Have it your way you little..." Becker roughly dragged Indy over to his large wooden desk and pushed him forward until his hips met the edge. "Bend over and grab the sides!"

Slowly Indy bent at the waist until his chest rested on the surface of the desk. He reached out with his hands until he could grasp the edges of the desk. He could hear Becker getting the paddle from the wall and his grip on the desk tightened.

"Okay boy, let's see if six swats from the *Board of Education* will loosen your tongue." Becker rested the blade of the paddle acoss the seat of Indy's trousers. It easily covered both cheeks.

Indy squeezed his eyes tightly closed and clenched his jaw. He felt the paddle move away and then....*WHAAACKKKKK!* it slammed across the center of his backside. The power of the swat nearly knocked the wind out of his lungs and a split second later the pain registered in his brain. The almost unreal stinging, buzzing sensation of a hundred bee stings exploded across his bottom and it took all his strength not to yell out. He was NOT going to give the teacher the benefit of hearing him yell.


The second swat exploded across his dazed cheeks in exactly the same spot followed swiftly by the third. Indy banged his forehead against the desk and his grip on the edge of the desk tightened until his knuckles turned white.

"Still nothing to say boy? Well, lets see if these last three help, shall we?"


The fourth swat landed lower and the newly assulted area blazed. This swat brought tears to Indy's eyes, but he still was silent.



The fifth and finally sixth swat nearly lifted him off his feet, but not even a yelp escaped his lips. His bottom throbbed and he knew sitting at his desk for the rest of the day was going to be bad to say the least. His silence angered Becker and the teacher nearly swung the paddle again.

"GO!" Becker yelled. He watched as Indy slowly raised himself from the desk. "We'll see if you're still as silent after school, Mr. Jones."

Indy winced as he stood. He kept his head lowered so Becker wouldn't see the tears that were running down his cheeks and slowly and stiffly he walked to the back of the room and out into the short hall. Indy leaned against the wall and rubbed his stinging cheeks trying to regain his composure before he headed outside. Quickly he ran his hand across his face and wiped away any traces of tears. As he stepped outside he was faced with a silent group of kids, almost everyone from the class room. He walked down the steps and they parted, letting him pass. Tommy caught up with Indy and patted him on the shoulder.

"Wow! Everyone is impressed. You didn't yell once. I don't think anyone has ever taken six swats from Becker and not yelled out." Tommy patted his shoulder again proud that he was Indy's friend.

"We'll see how quiet you are after school!" Freddie Miller challenged. "Nobody can take twelve swats! You'll be yelling like a girl for sure!"

"Shut-up Freddie!" Tommy yelled coming to Indy's defense.

"Oh yea!"


The bell sounded for the end of recess and the kids began filing back into the school dissipating any confrontation between Freddie and Tommy. Indy walked in slowly, behind everyone else, and kneaded his aching bottom. He was not looking forward to sitting on that hard desk chair and even less to the end of the school day.

For some reason, Indy noticed, every other day dragged on eternally until 3:00, but not today. In what seemed an unbelievably short time the bell rang and the class bolted from the room. All except Indy and Tommy.

"Tommy," Mr. Becker said. "You can wait for Mr. Jones outside."

Tommy shrugged, there was nothing he could think of to do to help Indy. With a reassuring smile he left to wait outside. Indy watched as Becker took the paddle from the wall again and stood next to his desk. Mr. Becker crooked a finger at him and Indy slowly walked to the front of the room and bent over the desk never once looking at the teacher.

"One last chance Mr. Jones. If you apologize to me now I'll only give you one swat instead of six."

Indy thought about it, but it was the principle of the thing. No, he wouldn't give Becker the satisfaction. He remained silent and held on tightly to the desk.

Mr. Becker shook his head, a little of his earlier anger returning. "Well boy, if that's what you want..." He drew the paddle back and smacked it hard across the small bottom. "THAT'S what you'll get!"

The first whack immediately brought back the sting of the earlier paddling and Indy was doubtful that he could stay silent for five more. The next two whacks landed low, across the base of his bottom cheeks, lifting him up on his toes. The fourth swat forced a small yelp from Indy and Becker smiled. Now he had him.

The fifth hard swat was aimed at the tops of Indy's thighs.

"Owwww!" Indy cried out and quietly began to sob not only from the blazing sting of the paddle, but also out of anger with himself for yelling.

The sixth and final swat landed hard and across the base of his inflamed cheeks.

"OWWWWWW! Ohhhhhhh!" Indy sobbed.

Mr. Becker returned the paddle to the wall as Indy levered himself up off the desk.

Becker grabbed Indy's chin and lifted the tear stained face up until he could look into the young man's eyes.

"Did you feel that young man?"

Indy nodded slightly not trusting his voice.

"Are you going to contradict me again?"

A slight shake of the head was Indy's response.

"Get out of here."

Indy quickly picked up his books and headed to the door.

"Next time I won't be so easy on you!" Mr. Becker yelled to Indy's back.

{EASY!?} Indy couldn't get out of there fast enough. Luckily his throbbing backside kept his mouth from getting him into more trouble.

Outside, Tommy took Indy's books. "Wow! Are you okay?"

Indy nodded as he walked next to the younger boy. "Where's Freddie? I thought he'd be out here for sure."

Tommy laughed. "He was until he realized he cried more at only four swats a couple weeks ago! He's basically a chicken anyway, especially with no audience." Tommy stopped and faced Indy. "How did you take all those without yelling?"

"I did yell."

"Yea, but that was nothin'."

"I was so mad at him....I don't think I could do it again though." Indy gently rubbed his right butt cheek. "Do you think he'll tell my dad or your ma?" A slightly worried expression crossed Indy's face.

"Naw! At least I don't think so. Usually he only reports stuff like bad grades or tardiness. Sometimes I think he actually *enjoys* wacking us and if he reported every incident then everyone would know just how often he does it. The one you have to watch out for is Principal Davies. He'll talk to your dad, or my ma, every time. And I don't know about your dad, but if I get paddled at school I'll get it again at home from ma. Did you really hunt in Africa with Teddy Roosevelt?" Tommy asked his eyes filling with excitement as he tried to change the subject.

Indy chuckled at the look on Tommy's face. "Sure did! And he shot a huge lion too!"


Indy filled Tommy's head with all kinds of stories as they walked home and it helped to take his mind off his aching behind. The walking itself helped a little too, but Indy wouldn't be surprised to find his bottom bruised when he checked it out later. Now all he had to do was sit through dinner and probably breakfast without Mrs. Johnson noticing his discomfort.

Now that Indy was personally acquainted with Mr. Becker's paddle he kept an even lower profile at school. Becker watched him very closely. In the back of his mind he still wasn't satisfied and really wanted another round with young Mr. Jones. The kid had a willful streak that irked him. Indy was definitely on his *list*

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