The Pet
Chapter Seven

by Ellymay

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This is my first attempt at writing. It's a Star Trek original series story. Star Trek and its characters are the property of Paramount pictures, and this story is just a work of fan fiction. It's just for fun and not for profit.

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It was the ambassador who spoke first, ultimately asking the question most prominent in my mind. "What happened, Ambassador?" He requested of Spock.

All the anger the Ambassador displayed earlier was now absent and his voice once again sounded calm. His face appeared remarkably concern as he studied my first officer standing beside him. He was either completely innocent or was a masterful actor. Despite my suspicions, I could see no guilt or subterfuge in his attitude.

Spock deliberately ignored my presence, discussing with Ambassador Taduran what information they both had gathered over the past two days. Listening to the two ambassadors consulting with each other along with the information I had gathered I could almost put all the pieces of the puzzle together.

Spock was about to begin speaking to the assembled ambassadors at the conference when the hotel guard had entered the room. He quickly located Spock as well as Ambassador Taduran and discreetly informed them of an attempt on the Betazoid Ambassador's life and my mysterious disappearance. Ambassador Taduran realized just how important Spock's speech would be and how it would affect things on Stoamer. He knew it would be imperative that the crime as well as my continuing disobedience remains concealed so as not creating any discord between Stoamer and the Federation. He also knew that if the investigation were left up to the local constabulary the true culprit would undoubtedly get away. He decided that if the mystery were to be properly solved he would have to investigate it himself.

He first spoke to the administrator, telling of his decision to investigate the attempt as well as locate me for questioning. He also decided to speak to the wounded ambassador and report this information to the authorities. This would then pacify the local police. He requested firmly that the attempt on the ambassador be kept quiet until he was through with his investigation.

He explained to Spock that when he found where I was he would return to the hotel and wait for him. Spock should go on with his speech and appointment with the Stoamer's Administrator as planed so as not arouse farther suspicion. Spock and the Administrator both agreed with his logic and gave Taduran full authority in the investigation. Spock gave the ambassador a key to his room so he had a safe place to bring me on his return. Taduran finally left with the guard for the wounded ambassador's room.

The Betazoid Ambassador told the guard and Taduran that it was the Tellerite Ambassador that had tried to kill her and not Spock's pet. He wanted her to side with him against the Federation pertaining to the trade agreements. He knew that she was close to the Administrator and so would be a powerful ally for his side in the conferences. When she refused to the Tellerite Ambassador's demands he threatened her with the knife. In their struggles he managed to stab her. Notably frightened about the outcome of the incident he proceeded to flee the room. It was this information that sufficiently cleared me of all the charges and Spock's position with Stoamer was safeguarded. However it did not exonerate me from the fact I had completely disregarded Spock's orders and departed not only the room but the hotel as well.

With the Ambassadors written statement in hand, and the knowledge he received from the authorities of where I was being held, Ambassador Taduran left the room to get a message to Spock. He then, knowing that I would not be going anywhere soon, insisted on helping the local police find the Tellerite Ambassador. This is why the Ambassador took so long before he was able to gain my release.

Ambassador Taduran had to retrace the Tellerite's steps through the town to gain enough information as to where he went after departing the hotel. When he was directed to the house the Tellerite had stopped at Taduran almost lost the trail. Fortunately one of the officers working with him discovered a man who observed the Tellerite hanging around an abandon warehouse on the outskirts of town.

Taduran and a small group of officers proceeded to this warehouse to investigate why the Tellerite Ambassador found it so interesting. Discovering the boxes and crates all addressed to the warehouse with his name most prominent on the labels they proceeded to have them opened.

The content of each container was an assortment of mining accessories required for the extraction and processing of dilithium. It was certain to Taduran that the Tellerite was planing on the takeover of the dilithium trade with Stoamer. The authorities would have become suspicious if an off world Ambassador had received such a large shipment of mining and processing equipment. By shipping under Ambassador Taduran's name the Tellerite was safe from the threat of his underhanded dealings being discovered before he was ready to reveal his plans.

After securing the entire warehouse with a team of officers, Ambassador Taduran then took a small assembly of men to continue the search for the Tellerite. He questioned several people in the area of the warehouse until he found one who had seen him within the last two days. Following this new lead he discovered the most resent of the Tellerite's activities.

It wasn't too much longer when he finally caught sight of the Tellerite in the streets. That's when the chase began. In the end the Tellerite was cornered on the upper floor of an abandoned building. When Ambassador Taduran and his assemblage arrived he tried to persuade the Tellerite to turn himself in. The Tellerite tried to rush the small group surrounding him instead. In doing so he tripped over some debris, slipped, and plummeted four stories down to land on the top of a ground-car parked in the alley.

With the Tellerite Ambassador dead, Taduran returned to the hotel to inform the Administrator. He reported in with the Administrator's aids as well as giving a report that explained the results of the investigation. Then he made a duplicate copy to send to the constable along with the men he had borrowed for the investigation. This done he went to Spock's room to wait for him.

When Spock did not return, Taduran inquired of his whereabouts from the hotel manager. The manager informed him that the Federation Ambassador was still in a private meeting with the Administrator and could not be disturbed. So Taduran left a message that he would retrieve me and return to Spock's room to wait for him there. He then proceeded on to the jail to see about obtaining my release. This brought Spock up to date with Ambassador Taduran's comings and goings.

Spock continued the story by telling of his meeting with the administrator. The meeting went on well into the night, as the administrator wanted to hear more and more about the Federation and their proposed trade agreements. He was so pleased by what he heard that he agreed to speak to all the Ambassadors concerning Spock's ideas when the conference convened again.

The whole time Spock was detained with the administrator he had been worried about where I was as well as if I was safe. He couldn't let on just how concerned he was, nor could he excuse himself from the meeting without the Administrator becoming suspicious. He did however leave as soon as the meeting was convened and hurried back to his room to determine his next move.

Upon finding both Ambassador Taduran and myself unharmed, he set about to discover what happened concerning the charges against me. As both individuals continued to relate each other's side of the story, I started to feel worse than ever about what I had done. I had put them to so much trouble this day. Spock's worry over my disappearance and not being able to do anything about it was the hardest to take. If I had done what he had told me to do, and stayed in my room, I would not have been under suspicion for the attempt on the Betazoid Ambassador's life. Spock had enough to deal with at the conference without having to put up with my impudence as well.

Punishment would be inevitable this time. There would be no getting around that. The question was what type of chastisement I would be receiving. I was growing suspicious as to which of the two individuals standing in front of me would punish me as well. Both the ambassador and Spock seemed equally angry with me. Both went out of their way for my benefit.

I had already received a sample of what Ambassador Taduran considered a fit punishment, and knew I did not want any more of that. I was positive that Spock would not stand by and allow Taduran to abuse me in that manner. I was a Starship Captain after all, even if in disguise.

Spock was my first officer though and my friend so I could not believe he would go to the lengths that Ambassador Taduran might in punishing me. Also, I was supposed to be Spock's pet during this mission, and Spock knew this was just a role. That's why I was really hoping that Spock would ask the Ambassador to leave. In this way Spock would be able to punish me in private. I knew that he at least would be reasonable about it if I could just speak with him alone. I felt foolish standing there anticipating what was to happen to me.

The moment I was apprehensive over was soon at hand for I noticed both individuals turn to me. I knew right then and there, that no matter who it was they determined would be the one to punished me, it was going to be in front of the other.

The ambassador showed no sign of leaving so I would not get the chance to talk privately with Spock after all. It was Spock who then stepped forward to recount all the pandemonium that I had created since arriving on Stoamer. All of his warnings that I had chose to disregard. He told me of my habitual willfulness as well as how my actions could have cost the Federation dearly. It was then that he asked me what I thought my punishment should be. I suppose this was his way of giving me a chance to make amends before he was forced to recount to the Admiral the status of our mission.

So here I now stand, thirty-two years old, hands clasped in front of me my shoulders bowed, endeavoring to look submissive. I feel much the same as I did when as a child I had to wait in my room until my father could spank me for misbehaving.

"Oh, God!"

Spock would not think like that. Would he? No! So what could I say to these two individuals to explain my most recent behavior? "I don't know?" That would be a poor excuse and one not worthy of a Starship Captain at that. The question before me was how do I explain my immature conduct to Spock, when I really didn't know what else I could say to him.

So with a shrug of my shoulders and my most disarming smile I jokingly replied, "You could send me to my room with no supper?" "No, I guess not. Look, Spock, I know I have created a tremendous amount of difficulty for you. I'm genuinely sorry for that besides you know me well enough that I can't actually charm my way out of this. So I wont even try, but I don't know what to say to you. For some reason I just haven't been able to stay out of trouble."

"You have always managed to encounter adversity in the most improbable of locations. You also seem quite adept at talking your way out of dilemmas with that childish charm of yours. It will be interesting to observe how you contrive to persuade Admiral Nagura of your innocents in this circumstance."

Spock declared in a manner that left no doubt as to just how angry he actually was. All I could do now was to lower my head and wait for their decision. There was nothing more I could say that would not get me deeper into trouble.

"It would seem," Ambassador Taduran said. "He cannot be left alone, nor can you, Ambassador Spock, trust him with you in public. Perhaps then I could be of some assistance in this matter. I could take him into my fold for you while you finish up with the administrator. I do seem to have a great deal of free time on my hands now that my duty to the conference is finished. I have with me only one of my pets so it would not be too troublesome for me to take on the responsibility of another."

He then turned to me to continue in a very significant tone, " It may do this one a bit of good to receive a little instruction by a professional as well. That is, ambassador, with your permission of course."

As Spock contemplated this suggestion I started to get decidedly worried. I did not like the sound of what the Ambassador was insinuating with regard to professional instructions. I defiantly did not want to be turned over to the Ambassador no matter what yet I realized all to well how much of a voice I would have in this decision. I did not have long to wait before Spock's contemplation brought him to the only logical conclusion he could make considering all the trouble I had thus far caused him.

"You are undoubtedly right Ambassador," he replied. "He is far to untrustworthy to remain here alone or in the conference with me. I should be able to conclude the rest of my business with the Administrator in the next two days." He continued. "Then my report to the Admiral and his response would take another day due to the distances involved. I would say a total of three days at the most would be sufficient to conclude all my obligations here on Stoamer. If you were to take on the responsibility of my pet during this time I would be most indebted to you Ambassador Taduran."

I don't believe this, Spock, agreeing to give this person, (this enormous individual) custody of me for a possible three days. I would have to answer to his authority or suffer his idea of consequences. Well, I did not appreciate this. I didn't even expect it of Spock, but I suppose I deserved it. After all the inconveniences I have caused lately. The problem is what happens if I blunder again? I shudder to think of that. I would have to be on my best behavior from now on.

"Then it's all settled." Ambassador Taduran proclaimed with a maliciously smile on his face. "Tomorrow before you leave for the conference drop by my room and I will proceed in giving this one a very necessary training lesson."

The End

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