Chapter One

by Kaci

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Rating: NC 17

Type: Pre-slash Chapters 1-3 Slash-4-5

Warnings: m/m, discipline

Category: Historical

Date: March 3rd, 2001

Fandom: Sentinel J/B

Beta: Brenda....thank you!

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The hard slamming of the front door brought Jim's head swiveling around toward Sandburg. *House rule number nine: Thou shall not slam doors:* ran through his mind.

"Jim! You won't believe what I'm going to do!" Blair tossed his backpack on the floor and more or less jumped into Jim's lap.

"I believe that. Hey, easy on the family jewels, Sandburg!" Jim repositioned Blair, then looked up into excited blue eyes.

"This is awesome! I'm going to have life regression! I can't wait, do you want to come and watch?"

"Wait a minute Darwin, what's life regression? It sounds painful." Jim cuddled his guide just a tad closer to his body. "Is this anything like learning to control your temper?"

A deep chuckle sounded in his ear. "No, you're so out of it. Life regression is when you're put under hypnosis and then the therapist takes you back through past lives. As a matter of fact, I just saw it done to someone we both know well." Quirking his eyebrows suggestively, he leered at his partner. "Margaret."

"Margaret? No way, she's to down to earth for that bullshit." Seeing the blue eyes in front of him grow round with the truth of it, he murmured, "well, she should be. You," poking his finger in Blair's chest, " are not going to do it. That's it."

Standing up abruptly, he felt Sandburg slide off his lap onto the floor.

"Oh, yes I am. Listen! Jim, this is so fantastic. Margaret went all the way back to 1241! She was a scullery maid that worked in a castle. She told us all about it, it was so cool!"

Jim felt his stomach dropping. The Sandburg Zone again. "Look Chief, we have enough creepy things happening in our life without trying to find more."

Hoping against hope, he grinned at his guide. Sighing, he turned at the look of determination on Sandburg's face. It was apparent that idea wasn't going to work.

"Jim, I was hoping you'd be more open to this, but hey man, I don't need you there to hold my hand. I'm doing it tomorrow." Blair walked into the bedroom and slammed the door.

"Fuck off, Jim." Blair murmured under his breath.

"Blair, you get back in here right now! I mean it Sandburg!"

Blair picked up a pillow on the bed and threw it at the door. Slowly he opened the door to find Jim standing with a deep scowl on his face.

"I'm sorry."

"Here. Now." Jim pointed to a spot in front of him, and watched his lover move hesitantly toward him. "You are not having a past life experience. Do you understand me, Blair Jacob Sandburg?"

"But Jim...."the words barely left his mouth when he felt himself hauled over his Sentinel's knees. A hard swat to his bottom was followed by eight more.

"Please....stop.....Okay, I won't." Blair started sobbing.

"I know you won't and don't' you ever talk to me like that again." Another three swats warmed Blair's bottom, before he was dumped on the floor. "Go to bed." The quiet voice moved him quickly to his room. He knew better than to argue with Jim when the Sentinel was in protective mode. He was lucky to be let off so lightly.

* * * * * * * * * *

"Blair, just take a deep breath and let it out slowly. Good. Now watch the pendulum swing back and forth. That's it. You're relaxing and traveling backwards in your life. Okay, you're now twenty -six and you're here at Rainier. Something exciting is happening to you. Think back, what is it?"

A sudden knock on the door had the doctor's assistant jumping up to answer it. She placed a finger on her lips for Jim to remain quiet. The doctor motioned for him to take a seat. Jim watched Blair as he was put through the paces of a hypnotic trance. Sighing, he wondered how much longer he would be able to sit through this silliness. When he got his little boy home, he wouldn't be able to sit for a week.

Blair smiled, " I found the Holy Grail." At the amused looks around the room the doctor continued.

"I see. Well, that is some accomplishment. Why don't you tell us about it."

Blair frowned, " I'm not supposed to talk about it. But he's one good-looking hunk." The room broke out in snickers as all faces turned to Jim's blushing face.

"All right, I think that's enough. You're traveling backward again; your fifth birthday party's going strong. Tell us about it. " A small high childish voice broke from Blair.

"I didn't have a birthday party. Naomi says that only babies need parties. We're going to Las Vegas instead. I hope Uncle Joey's there. He's so much fun, he'll take me to the racetrack."

"That must be fun. Are the horses racing?" The doctor looked around the group of smiling people.

"Yeah, but...we're in this room and it's got all these words written on a board. I asked Uncle Joey but he said they were...umm, bookings. I couldn't see the books but I wanted to read one. Do you know I can read almost any book? I'm a child prodigy, Naomi says so."

"Okaaay. You're going back in time now Blair, back to birth." Blair curled up in the chair, his thumb sticking in his mouth. "That's right. On back we go, back into the're getting smaller an smaller, just a tiny seed. Now you're traveling all the way back, back before you were conceived, back into your past lives. Let the clouds part and see your past life, Blair. Look for it... it's there."

The group leaned forward as Blair's blank expression started to change. Jim struggled hard not to interfere. A look of wonder filled Blair's face. Then a strong word broke from his mouth.

"Tell us, Blair. Where are you, what are you doing?" Blair pulled himself straight in the chair and started talking. Blair spoke in a clipped British accent to someone...not anyone in the room.

"I don't give a damn what my father said to you Banks, but I will ride that mare."

* * * * * * * * * *

The young man strode down the dirt path toward the stables. Today was the day he was going to ride Storm. Looking around, he noticed that all the servants were watching him. He sighed; he could never go anywhere or do anything without someone interfering. Wealth was his father's end all and be all. This time he wasn't going to let his father stop him from doing something he wanted.

The stable doors were standing open. "Joel, saddle Storm for me." Richard unfurled the saddle blanket, shaking it out. Handing it to the servant, he then picked up the halter and bridle.

"Master Richard, I can't do this. Your father sent down strict orders you are not to ride that horse. He'll whip me good if I disobey him."

The old man cringed away from the fire in the young man's eyes. Richard tossed the blanket onto the horse's back.

"Go on. Get out of here. I don't want you to get in trouble. But, I am riding this horse."

When he finished saddling up the mare, Richard led her out of the stall. Patting the mare's neck, he whispered into her ear.

"You better not toss me, or I'll make sure there will be no oats for you later." Scratching behind her ear, he mounted the quiet horse.

"See, Joel, she's fine." Nudging the mare's sides with his heels, he rode off toward the back meadow. He heard the cry of the old man: "Lordy, Master Richard, your father is going to beat you black and blue." Richard chuckled.

* I bet that's right, but I'm eighteen and I'll do as I'm damn well please. *

* * * * * * * * * *

Richard's father sat behind a large desk in his library. He was interviewing yet another candidate to be his son's tutor. He liked what he saw in this man.

Tall, strong, intelligent. He read on the man's resume, the ex-Army captain had been with Lord Nelson for three years teaching his son lessons and riding skills. He was surprisingly cultured for an American. Now that Nelson's son had left for his grand tour, James Ellison was in need of a new position.

"So, Mr. Ellison, Jarod Nelson has grown up and you're looking for a new student. What led you to me?"

"Lord Nelson said he met your son at his home last year, he thought I'd enjoy working with him. I hear that he's very gifted in knowledge."

"Oh, Richard's smart all right. Much to smart for his own good, if you ask me. He ran circles around his last tutor."

"Well, Sir, I'd be more comfortable as his companion at this stage of his life. He's really to old to need a tutor and if he's as smart as they say, he doesn't need one. But... I can help guide him in the direction you think he should go."

"I see. More of a mentor figure. That should work out. Richard is a touch headstrong, if you catch my meaning. My wife, Naomi, always spoiled the boy. He should be improving his skills as a marksman during the day and at the clubs in London seeking the affections of the young ladies at night." Lord Burton smiled to himself, thinking about his own youth. "Instead, here he sits, his head in a book, riding around the estate for his only exercise."

"Has your wife passed away, sir?"

"Oh no. Nothing that considerate, she deserted the boy and me for another man. I don't discuss that part of my life."

Lord Burton looked out the window across the lawn of his home. Frowning, he saw old Joel running toward the house.

"Something must be wrong, I haven't seen the old man run like that in a long time." Hearing a commotion outside the room, Lord Burton turned toward the door as a tap sounded on the wood paneling.


The old man wheezed as he entered the library. "I'm sorry to disturb you sir, but young Master Richard has taken Storm out for a ride." "Damn that boy! I told him not to touch that horse! That mare is worth to much money to be ridden."

The old man drew back in fright from the look on Lord Burton's face.

"Get my horse saddled immediately. I'm going after him." Striding from the room, he stopped at the door to grab his horsewhip. "I'll give Richard something to think about."

"Sir, let me go after young Richard. I'm sure I can control him." James found the words escaping from his lips. The thought of this man beating his son in a rage was enough to turn his blood cold. "I'll discipline him."

Lord Burton paused, as if deciding how far to trust the man before him.

"Okay. But take this," Lord Burton thrust the whip into his hands. "If he gives you any trouble, use it. I want him back here in my office within the hour." Burton strode back into the library slamming the door. James gently placed a hand on the old man's back.

"Can you tell me which direction young Master Richard has taken?"

"Off toward the back meadow. I...I didn't want to come here, but if something had happened to him, Lord Burton would have killed me sure." The fear of Lord Burton sounded in the old man's voice.

"Don't worry, everything will be all right." James assured the stable hand. Taking the whip with him, he went out to his horse. Mounting quickly, he noted the direction in which the old man pointed to find his new student.

* * * * * * * * * *

Richard was having fun, the horse was marvelous. She had not a mean bone in her body, but she habitually kicked out behind her. He put the horse through her paces, not letting up, showing her who was master. A sound in the distance drew his attention; a rider was fast approaching. It was a man, and one who did not resemble Richard's father in the slightest. Probably a servant sent to haul him back home. Grinning, he let Storm have her head, and burst into a fast gallop. *Catch me,* he thought. The horse at full gallop was hard to control, but he was confident he would be all right.

A large hedge ran around the end of the property. Richard rode straight toward it, knowing if he jumped it that the servant would never follow him. Rising in the saddle, the horse leapt, flying through the air, with room to spare. Pulling his horse up on the other side of the bush, he waited to hear a pleading voice asking him to return.

James fearfully watched the young man sail over the hedge. One fatal move and the horse and rider would have ended up tangled in the hedge thorns. Taking a deep breath he urged his horse faster, pushing him to make the jump. The horse gathered speed, raising his haunches at the critical moment. Up and away they flew over the hedge. Letting out his breath, James looked for the young man, finding him sitting sedately watching him about twenty feet away.

"I'm impressed. I didn't think you'd jump it."

"Really. I guess you know why I'm here."

"Oh, definitely. But who are you? You're not one of my Father's staff."

"No, I'm your new companion. Your Father requests your company back in the library of your home."

Richard stared at the man before him, judging him on his intentions. They stared at each other, until Richard dropped his eyes. Turing his horse he trotted over toward the man.

"I only wanted to take her for a run. My Father never listens to me when I tell him I'm a superb horseman."

"Yes, but this isn't the way to prove it, is it?" Silence met this remark. "I'm James Ellison. I was Jarod Nelson's tutor for three years."

Richard nodded towards the whip that Jim held. "Why do you have my Father's horse whip?" he asked tremulously.

Jim looked down at the whip; belatedly realizing he'd been holding it the entire time.

"Your father handed it to me to beat you, if you didn't return with me. Are you ready to go home?"

"I wanted to see if I could ride the mare and I can. So, I'll be glad to return home."

James studied the young man before him. Masses of glossy auburn curls, deep blue eyes, and lips so full they would settle into a pout in a moment's notice. Very pretty indeed. Maybe that's why his father kept so tight a rein on him. With both men and women wanting to get their hands on this young man, it would be difficult to keep him pure for long.

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