Chapter Two

by Kaci

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"So, you are my new mentor. Let's see how much you know. Tell me about Shakespeare's sonnets." Richard grinned at the man, hoping that he was somewhat intelligent.

"Oh, I guess I could, but I'd find it more interesting for you to tell me."

At the look Master Richard gave him, he sighed and capitulated. "Okay, lets start with why Shakespeare is considered the father of literature."

James started slowly and built the story with many anecdotes to make it interesting.

Richard listened quietly. He knew most of what Ellison was saying but he found it enlightening to hear the story told like a novel, instead of the dry academic monologue of most teachers. Nodding his head, he agreed with certain points, keeping his own counsel. At the end of the narrative he smiled at James.

"You're good, very good. Okay, you can stay. There are only a few facts you have wrong. You want me to tell you what they are?" Richard waited to see if James was the kind of person, who could take advice or to just give it.

"Of course, what did I miss?" As Richard started talking James groaned to himself. This kid needed a tutor like a hole in the head. He was brilliant, he should be teaching me instead.

"Richard," James asked. "Exactly how old are you? How would you ever know all those facts?"

"Eighteen, last birthday. I'm a genius, didn't you know?"

"I heard you were very gifted, but no, no one ever told me you were a genius." Jim said dryly.

"So, now you know. Race you home!" Richard took off at a gallop hoping to outrun his new tutor. * I'll show him who's the boss.*

Jim's horse reared up and they broke into a full-fledged gallop across the paddock. The wind sailed through his hair. A surge of adrenaline poured through his body, making him more acutely aware of his surroundings. The feel of the air on his skin, the birds singing in the trees, the smell of the wet grass beneath his horse's hooves, all added to make him lose awareness of his surroundings. A small rabbit jumping in front of his horse didn't break his concentration. All he felt was empty air as he flew over the horse's head.

Richard turned to look behind him, to see how fast Jim was gaining on him. He watched in horror as he saw his new tutor sail over the horse's head. Sharply turning the reins, he galloped quickly back to the man on the ground. *Oh Gad, don't let him be dead, Father will whip be for sure.*

Dragging back on the reins he jumped off his horse. Jim lay unmoving on the ground as Richard ran his hands over the man's legs and arms. The young man noted how well muscled and finely structured the older man's limbs were, but they seemed undamaged. He gently turned the man over, pulling him into his arms. "Jim, do you hear me?" A silence met this query. "Jim, come on man, open your eyes."

A sound impinged on Jim's hearing. A voice telling him to come back. Slowly his senses came back online. A distant thump kept reverberating in his ears, a dull thud like motion that kept going. Finally, opening his eyes, he gazed up into the bluest eyes he'd ever seen. The deep dark pupils expanding outward as their owner gazed back at his intense stare. He could literally zone on the eyes above him. His hearing started to return to normal, except for the thumping sound. It finally dawned on him... it was Richard's heartbeat.

"I'm all right. Help me up, Richard." Using his strength of will he shook off the last of his stupor, and gaining his feet, he rested his hand on the boy's shoulder. "I'm fine, really, just a little winded."

"Thank God. You scared me, man. I thought you'd died or something. What's with you, anyhow? Why did you take a toss like that?" Richard kept his hand supporting Jim.

"I don't know. I...I sometimes just lose myself in my surroundings. It's weird. I have all sorts of strange reactions, with my hearing, taste, eyesight, and even touch. I..." Jim came to a halt, amazed that he'd mentioned his eccentricities, that was so unlike him. The young man appealed to him so deeply he felt so at ease that he could lower his barriers.

"I have read of this somewhere, I'm certain. I can't quite remember where, but I'll find it for you. Can you get back up on your horse? Do I need to go get a wagon for you to lie on?"

"No, I'm fine now." Jim limped over to his horse and tried to mount him. Richard watched him closely, gauging his strength.

"Here, let me help you." Cupping his hands he made a foothold for Jim to use. Once Jim was on the horse he helped him gather the reins. "We'll ride slowly."

Taking their time, James realized it was well past the hour that Lord Burton had allotted to find his son. As they came back into the yard Richard could see his Father waiting for him. Straightening his body he rode purposely up to the door.

Get off that horse!" Richard slowly dismounted, turning to glare into his father's eyes. "Get in the library, now." The deadly voice made Richard and James cringe.

"He's fine, sir. It was my fault it took us so long to return, my horse stumbled and fell." James inserted quickly.

"Mine your own Ellison, this is My son, MY business. " Lord Burton smiled at the tutor. But that smile faded as he turned to stare at his son. His voice dipped with barely controlled rage. "I told YOU to go into the library." Richard took a deep breath and entered the house. "Simon, show Mr. Ellison to his room." Pivoting sharply, Lord Burton grabbed the horsewhip from James's hand and entered the house, slamming the door to the library behind him.

James hesitated but finally opened the door to the library. Richard's father had him stripped and bent over the sofa, with his hand holding the whip ready to make the first blow across his back. James strode over quickly grabbing his hand before it could descend.

"You hired me to discipline your son, let me take care of this," he abruptly spoke. "Richard needs to learn who is the mentor in this relationship." James held his breath, afraid that the father would dismiss him.

" want to whip him? Fine. I expect a good thrashing, Mr. Ellison."

Tossing the whip to James he slammed out of the room. Richard lay completely still, not sure if he should be happy that his father had left or be in terror from his new teacher. Big blue eyes searched the man before him, hoping for some compassion. James took a deep breath and threw down the whip.

"Stand in the corner young man. I need to think about your punishment." With a little push he placed Richard in the corner of the room. "Don't move and don't sit down."

Richard stood quietly for a while but then began to fidget. Deep red slash marks all ready ran down the young man's back from previous beatings.

"Richard, come here." Watching the boy move toward him, reminded James of his own father and the punishments he had endured. "I'm going to spank you, but I won't hurt you. Do you believe me?" Pulling the boy closer he held him close for a minute then drew him gently across his knees. James smacked him sharply on the bottom a few times then let him up. "You will also write, "I will not take my Father's horse without his permission", five hundred times. We don't know each other very well yet and I hate to start out this way, so I'm letting you off easy. Next time you'll have a better understanding of our situation. I won't stand for any nonsense, and I will use a paddle. Do you want to discuss this?"

Richard shook his head and hurriedly let himself out of the room. A maelstrom of questions whirled about in Richard's mind, but now was not the time to test the patience of his new teacher.

James lay on his bed listening to Richard cry in his room. Opening his door, he quietly entered the hallway, hunting for Richard's room by the sound of the crying. He turned the bedroom doorknob quietly and barely opening it a crack he slid into the room. Richard lay on the bed in a curled ball; his shirt lay discarded on the floor.

James drew a deep breath. The boy's back had been striped with deep red slashes, sometime in the past week or so. Pouring some water into a pitcher, he quickly damped a small cloth. Easing his body down beside the boy, he gently placed the cloth against the boy's back. Feeling a deep shudder course through the small body, he leaned in and whispered to Richard.

"Shh, it only me. I'm sorry this happened to you." Jim continued gently sponging the boy's back with cool water. "Do you need a doctor? I didn't hurt, you did I?"

"No, it was nothing you did. I.....just can't seem to stop crying. The old man likes to beat me; it makes him feel a powerful. Someday, I'm going to kill him." The words were uttered void of any hatred. He simply stated fact.

James froze at the words. These were not the words of a child. They were the words of man filled with a desire for revenge. Pulling the boy into his arms, he carefully rubbed his forehead with the damp cloth. Settling his back against the headboard of the bed, he nestled the young man against him. As if finding peace, Richard fell asleep in his arms. James allowed this for only a short while, he could get to accustomed to this closeness and the feel of this young slim body against his own. Sliding silently from the bed he covered Richard with a soft blanket. Pushing wild auburn curls back from a fevered forehead, he gazed down at his young charge with a thoughtful expression.

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The routine of teaching was definitely an improvement over the routine of the Army. First, the student was in the room before the teacher. Unlike some of the men in his platoon, this young man was dedicated to improving himself.

Richard was always lost in some book; so enthralled he would even fail to look up when someone entered the room. Amazing amounts of knowledge were consumed every hour.

"Richard, what university do you plan on attending?"

"My father's I guess. I want to go on a grand tour, but I doubt it will be allowed." Richard gazed out of the upper story window of the castle, a far-away look in his eyes. "I want to see far away places and study different cultures. Have you ever seen the Arabs, Richard? The long robes they wear enfolds their bodies so the heat doesn't sap their strength. Or the Pyramids in Egypt? I want to see Paris and the Eiffel Tower, Italy and the leaning tower of Pisa. I want to see..."

"The world. Got it." James grinned at his young charge's dreams. " I felt the same way as a young man. The world was just waiting for me to discover it. I left my home for the Army, thinking that would be my way to see the world, but it's not all adventure and discovery, young Richard."

"Yes. But I'm going to make it an adventure, James. I know I'm going to do something outstanding. My life won't be some obscured dream of my Father's."

Blair turned away from the scene outside and looked James in the eye. "You could go with me."

The quiet voice stirred James soul. He shook his head slowly, "Richard, you're only a...young man. You have lots of time to see the world, let's just get through these texts I want you to study." James tossed Richard a book on mathematics. "Sit." Turning away he motioned for Richard to take a seat. "Now we need to cover these geometric figures." Richard bit his lip, but sat down, drawing the open book towards himself.

Ellison was a taskmaster, but he was also not too rigid to change his mind. Glancing at his watch, he hurried through the math problems, he had an appointment with a ship captain that night in town. He'd have to sneak away but he'd been doing that for years.

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