Family is the Greatest Gift

by Michele

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Rating: PG.

Category: Skinner/Mulder family, no slash, and no spanking

Comments: Thanks to Rachelle for her help and encouragement. Also thanks to Xanthe for letting me post my first story which has no actual discipline

Summary: Skinner and Mulder reflect on their last 7 years together.

Spoilers: Story begins at the end of episode Dead/Alive. I am using Danville universe with Rachelle's permission. One minor change, Scully is not pregnant.

Disclaimers: The character's are not mine, a guy with the initial's CC owns them.

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I'm sitting here next to his bed, a place I had never expected to be again. My God, 3 months ago I stood by his grave. I had buried my son. Now he lies in the bed before me, sleeping peaceful. My Son, alive. Miracles still happen.

I think back to 7 years ago when he was assigned to my department, I didn't know how important this young man would become to me as he walked into my office. It did not happen immediately. At first, I thought he was a pain in the ass, a punishment from my superiors. I had heard of him of course, he was brilliant, the best profiler at the bureau, but uncontrollable. But we learned to work together. He does not trust authority figures, starting with his father, but gradually, he realized that I was on his side. I started to realize how much he was putting his life in danger. That "I don't need anyone's help" attitude was going to get him killed. So one night I took my father's advise and gave him a good spanking. Me, Walter Skinner, by the book Skinner they call me, spanked his agent. I thought I just threw my career away but he accepted it, acknowledged his need for someone to haul him back in line. And from there our bond grew until about two years ago when the aliens first experimented on him.

Sometimes I still can't believe he was turned into that child Alex Krycek left on my door step that morning. At first his partner, Dana Scully and I searched for Mulder, not knowing what had happened to him. How could we possibly have guessed? It was so preposterous. Then the hospital's testing revealed the baby had Mulder's DNA. So we concluded the child was his clone until at last, we learned the truth. From Krycek, yet again. The baby was Fox Mulder, not a clone, not Fox's child but Mulder himself, reduced to a 10 month old. So I asked myself, where does the child belong? I took him to his mother's but she said no. Thank God. At the time, I thought she was a selfish bitch but her decision was the right one. Somehow she knew this was Fox's second chance for a happy childhood and that I was the one who could make that happen. And so, I knew God had answered my prayers, had given me a child long after hope had been abandoned. And I was going to make sure that my son, Fox, had the childhood he missed the first time around.

He aged incredibility fast, because of the alien technology. In the span of just a little more than eight months, Fox grew from being a couple months old to near forty. The adjustment was hard for both of us when he became a man again. We worked through it, sometimes, when he needs to, he still calls me dad. And he will always be my son. He was back to Fox Mulder, agent of the FBI for about seven months when the bastards took him again. But it was different this time, he was abducted right before my eyes, to a spaceship...And there was nothing I could do. He was gone in a blink of an eye. They kept him for seven long months, only to return him to us, dead. I knew a pain I'd never conceived of when we buried him. But there are miracles and 3 months later he is alive. How? I don't understand it myself and I don't care. My son is alive.

This brings me back to the present, sitting here in a hospital room. He woke from his coma a couple of hours ago, Scully was with him. I got to the his room minutes later and have not left his side since. My family will all be here tomorrow. The doctors tell me he will make a full recovery but it will take months. He is just like a newborn after the months of torture and weightlessness. The doctor thought the news would upset me. No, it doesn't. Two years ago I got the privilege of becoming Fox Mulder's father and taking care of him is part of that privilege. One I would not miss or delegate to anyone else.

One month later: McLean, Virginia

Walter looked around the family room for Fox. They had converted it into a bedroom for him to use during his recuperation. His balance and coordination were slowly returning and the physical therapy was strengthening his muscles but he still was very weak and tires easily. He was also not allowed to get out of bed without someone's help and then for only short periods of time.

This was the period in Fox's healing process that Walter dreaded. No two ways about it, Fox William Mulder was a terrible patient. His personality went from an intelligent 40 year old to a bratty 2 years old in the blink of an eye at times like this. And Walter Skinner did not know what to do about it. He would try to cajole, then talk, then scold, and finally threaten. But nothing worked. If he turned his back on Fox for one minute, the Kid was out of bed. His normal way of treating bratty or disobedient behavior would be to put Fox over his knee but the doctor said Fox needed to be handled very gently right now and that he should not get emotionally upset. Well, a good spanking usually got all of Fox's emotions running on high, so no spanking. Tomorrow, Walter realized was Fox's doctor appointment and Walter was going to have a talk with the man. But right now he had to find Fox, again. "Fox were are you" yelled Walter.

In the back yard, behind the garage, I sit idly on the new grass with my back against the wall, thinking about everything that's happened to me in the last seven years. How I've gone from a lonely, obsessed FBI agent with one friend, my partner Dana Scully, to having an entire family. My very big loving family which included grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and the very best Dad in the whole world. Sometimes I wished I'd been born a Skinner but then, maybe, I appreciate their love more because I had to search for it. I had to live a long time...and deal with a lot of shit in my life but somehow I've come out the other end whole...And sane...And happy.

Walking into the Assistant Director's office all those years ago, I never accepted to walk out with a family. But that's what happened. It was not an overnight thing but something that we both worked towards everyday. Even before either of us knew that's where we were headed. Slowly, so slowly I began to start to trust AD Skinner. Even Scully did not trust the man at first, but I knew she was wrong... Call it one of my hunches, I knew he was on our side. I'm not even sure why I knew, or how-but I knew.

That is not to say I wasn't reamed out almost every other day in his office. Skinner would bellow that I took to many chances, was going to get myself killed one day. After a pretty nasty case, where I was almost killed, he called me to his office to offer me a deal. See I did some really stupid shit and was going to get kicked out of the bureau. Well, making a long story short, he told me he would save my job and my life if I agreed that I needed some guidance. Well, his guidance generally turned out to be an object of some kind applied to my bear backside. It could be a hand, belt, paddle, and of course, my favorite, the razor strap. See this thing has it's own name, it's called the Persuader... Well, I guess I was really fucked up because I accepted his deal.

The funny thing is, it was the best deal I ever made. Slowly our relationship started to change. He became a sort of surrogate father. Because not only was he good at the discipline but he was good at giving hugs too. Then we started to spend time together, dinners, sports events, movies, stuff like that. When he found out I was going to be alone for Thanksgiving, he invited me to Danville, there I meet his entire family. They treated me just like one of them, like I was the AD's son. Me being Fox Mulder, I got into some trouble with the AD and got introduced to the Persuader that weekend, but that is another story.

So does my life settle down and we all live happier ever after? No. Did I mention, that I am searching for my sister, who I believe was taken by aliens? Well, the aliens apparently wanted to mess up both the Mulder children because they turned me into a baby. God, sometimes I can't believe it myself. But it did happen and thank God for a man named Walter Skinner. See my mother did not think she could raise me again so she basically left me high and dry, Maybe it was something she knew was best for me. Or maybe she just didn't want to be bother. So who came to my rescue? AD Skinner, that's who. My Dad. Being his son was the best eight months of my life. I never felt so loved, wanted, safe and secure. It was hard when I became an adult again but we got past the rough stuff and had this really great relationship. Then the aliens strikes again. Sometimes my life sounds like a bad movie. Yes, I was taken by them this time for seven months. On the spaceship, experimented on, the hole nine yards. They dumped me back on earth and tried to turn me into one of them. But to my rescue again came my Dad and Dana Scully. They stopped the virus and I am on my way to recovery.

Oh shit, I hear my Dad yelling. The poor guy is going to have a coronary. I am not that helpless, I can get out of bed without falling over. Want to know a little secret? I know what the doctor told my Dad. Not to get me emotionally upset. So for the time being, Fox can be as bad as he wants and my Dad won't lay a finger on me. I know that I am being really devious but, come on, a guy has to have some fun when he is stuck in bed all day. And once in a while I ought to get to put one over on him right? Right?

The End

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