Hot Buns

by Pepper

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I want to thank Judy, my beta, for all of her help with this story.

Main characters: Fox Skinner, Walter Skinner, Jr., Dana Scully & Fiona Barefoot

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Art instead of Music. Fox liked everything about Art, at least, until the first art project was due.

His teacher, Mrs. Jena Stamps had started class with, "Good Morning class. I know I have some Rembrandt's and Van Gogh's among you; but to be sure I'm going to assign you a project to do to learn what talents you have. This is the first week of September; your assignment is due on the last school day of the month. You can only use the materials on this list," she said as she handed out lists to her students." She listened as the moans and groans of her students were heard as they read the requirements of their art projects.

"Blast it," thought Fox as he continued to read, "materials that can be used: watercolors, colored pencils, crayons, tempera or poster paint (but only in the presence of the teacher). Each student can draw, paint, or make collages. They can use sketchpads, posters, or watercolor paper. You must do this assignment without adult or parent help. If you have any difficulties with your projects, please come to me."

After reading the assignment Fox didn't know what he could do and decided to put it off until later. Whenever a classmate asked him what he was doing he implied it was a secret and changed the subject sure that something would come to him in time to do the project.

So when he awoke Thursday morning it came to him that this was the last school day of September and he had nothing to hand in and would probably get a failing grade. He knew he should have told his Dad before now that he hadn't done the assignment, or even started it but was afraid that his Dad wouldn't understand and punish him. It was in that state of mind that Fox came up finally with an idea. He had been thumbing through a magazine while at the breakfast table and a news item had caught his attention. As he read the article a smile began to form on his lips and suddenly he thought, "I can do this. It is original and I can do it just before Art Class, during that free period." He could get all of the materials he needed from the storage room next door to the art class. With the problem solved, he returned to his breakfast and ate every bite.

It was 10 o'clock and AD Skinner was in a meeting with Special Agent, Dana Scully when Kim, his secretary, interrupted him by buzzing his phone. Skinner was discussing Fox's condition with his partner when he was interrupted. He answered the phone with a terse, "Yes."

"Mr. Skinner, a Fiona Barefoot is on the phone for you. Do you wish to talk to her?"

"Yes, put her through," and waited until the connection was made. "Fiona, Hi. What's wrong?"

Dana watched as the face of the AD got redder as he listened and wasn't surprised, with her partner's record for getting into trouble, to hear him roar, "HE DID WHAT?" She waited until he had put the phone down to ask, "So what did he do this time?"

"Oh, nothing much. He had an art project due today and put off doing it until an hour before class."

"What exactly did he do, sir?"

"It seems that he got into the art storage area and set up everything he needed for his art project. He poured some red paint into a shallow pan, and then with a canvas positioned nearby he removed both his pants and briefs (to keep them from getting paint on them) and sat in the red paint, covering his buttocks." Walter paused as he heard Dana giggle and glared in her direction.

"I-I'm sorry-y, sir-r," laughed Dana as she tried to stop the giggle from continuing.

Walter continued the explanation with, "As I was saying he sat in the red paint covering both buttocks. He then stood up and carefully positioned himself over the fresh canvas and sat down." He paused once again as a chuckle was heard. He quickly blurted out the rest of the explanation, "When the he arose a perfect impression of his buttocks was left on the canvas, which he titled HOT BUNS before he started to clean the paint off."

"Oh, s-sir," laughed Dana out loud. "That sounds like something Fox would do, at least the part about acting without thinking," and continue to laugh so hard that tears began to race down her face.

"Dana, this is serious...not only did Fox disobey his teacher about using the paint without her being present but he lied to one teacher just to be there doing the project and then he was caught bottomless with a red painted bottom by his teacher. Can't you just picture it?"

There was silence as Walter thought about what he had just said and then without warning he started to laugh out loud as well. Soon all that could be heard was laughter coming from the office of AD Skinner.

Kim was startled by the laughter but decided it was much preferred from the yelling that often came from the office. After a while the laughter quieted down and Kim resumed her work, wondering what was the cause.

Dana wiped her eyes and asked, "was Fox able to get the paint off or is he destined to have a red bottom until it wears off?"

"The tempera paint is water based, thank goodness, so all it took was soap and water to get it off. However he will be sporting a red bottom for the next few days and all by my own hand. He has suspended for the rest of the day and tomorrow.

"Sir, what are you going to do to him?"

"He wanted hot buns and I'm going to give him hot buns, specifically red hot buns, and as soon as we return home. Excuse me Dana, I have to go and get my artist," and left her standing there.

It was during the drive over that Walter was able to reflect over the mess Fox had just gotten himself into today and thought, "only my son would have come up with the idea of using his butt to paint with. We'll just see if he likes the way I plan on painting his butt once we get home." He stalked to the Headmistress office to discover his son sitting on the bench outside her office. Fox looked up at his approach and quickly looked back down. Walter could see the anxiety in his son's face and stopped in front of him. "Fox. Look at me son," as soon as he had Fox's attention he continued, "I want you to wait in the car for me while I talk to Miss Barefoot, the car is unlocked."

Fox fled the office glancing back as he left. He saw his father knock and then enter Miss Barefoot's office. "I'm in trouble now," thought Fox as he left the school. He quickly put his backpack in the backseat and hopped up front to await his dad. He was so wrapped up in his misery that he didn't even realize his father had returned until he heard the door shut.

He sneaked a look at his Dad's face and gulped, "He really looks mad," he thought as he tried to get the courage to explain. "Dad?" And as his father turned to look at him, Fox hurriedly said, "I can explain."

"Not now Fox...wait until we get home; then you can have my undivided attention. Until then you just sit quietly and rethink your actions today."

What Fox didn't know was that his Dad had brought along his painting. He also didn't know what plans his Dad had for his painting and if he had he would have been horrified. Walter had put the paining in the trunk of the car and was now entertaining ideas of how to put it to its best use. One idea was to compare the red bottom on the painting to his son's bottom at the completion of his spanking.

Another idea was the frame the paining and then to hang it up in his son's room as a reminder of what can happen if next he acted foolishly. In the end Walter decided to put both plans to use. Soon he was pulling into their drive as he glanced at Fox. He was sorry to see the tears cascading down his face.

"Dad-d, I'm-m sorry-y-y-y-y. I k-know you-u can't forgive me-e-e-e for all of my screw-ups-s-s-s," sobbed Fox.

Walter released his seatbelt and scrambled over to Fox and had him in his arms in an instant. "Son, there is nothing you can do that I won't forgive. I love you, son and that covers a multitude of screw-ups. Now wipe your tears away and lets go inside the house." They each got out of the car and Fox rushed into his Dad's arms where he was engulfed into a loving hug. Once he had himself back in control Father and Son walked into the house.

Walter steered his son into the living room and said, "find yourself a comfortable chair and sit down, while you are able to, and rethink your day and how you came to be in trouble. I have a couple of things I need to do first. I will come back in a few minutes which should give you plenty of time to gather your thoughts," and left him there.

Fox grimaced at those words but did as he was told and began to review the day. "Everything was going great," he thought, "at first." He had gained entrance to the classroom where Art was taught easy enough. He had lied to his study hall teacher, Mr. Banning, and got a pass to the library. The classroom was on the way to the library and had sneaked in.

He remembered Mrs. Stamps, saying that their class was the first taught and that wasn't until 10:00 each morning. He went into the storage area and using a light from the closet area had poured out some red premixed tempera paint in a shallow pan. He then positioned a fresh canvas nearby. He remembered to bring over a pan or water and paper towels for the clean up. He removed his pants and briefs, so they wouldn't get paint on them, and carefully sat in the red paint. That paint had felt so cold and slimy when he sat and he had carefully stood, allowing for any dripping, made his way to the canvas and sat firmly on the canvas. He carefully stood so he wouldn't smudge the painting. He finger painted the title under the painting. He thought HOT BUNS was cute and would bring on some laughter from the class.

It was while he was cleaning up that his world came crashing down because all of the sudden the lights came on, flooding the room with light. Without thinking he turned to see the astonishment on Mrs. Stamps' face as she surveyed her near naked student staring at her, he turned away quickly giving her a good view of his red bottom and he blushed. He knew his face was now as red as his bottom and he prayed that a hole would open so he could fall in. He realized it didn't when she calmly asked, "So you read that article on the actor who painted with his butt, too."

Fox had nodded but refused to answer out loud. He was mortified at being seen by a woman. Mrs. Stamps seem to understand that and had only said, "Get yourself cleaned up and redress. I'll wait for you out in the hall. And Fox, don't forget to bring your painting with you."

It had only taken him a few minutes to wash the paint off and dry off as best he could and redress before he came out with his paining under his arm. His face was still a bright red from embarrassment. They had walked to the Headmistress office in silence. Once there they had gained entrance to Miss Barefoot's office where he had to explain in detail what he had done. Mrs. Stamps had hurried back to class while Fox was told to wait outside the office on the bench while she called his Dad.

Fox was so wrapped up in his thoughts that he didn't even hear his Dad enter the room until his Dad said, "I'm ready for your explanation now, son?" and he looked up. There was no way he was going to relive that embarrassment again so he just said, "Well, I had an art project due today and wasn't prepared so I read about this actor doing the same thing to raise money for an charity. I thought that if he could do it so could I...Am I going to get a spanking?"

Walter had listened carefully to his son's explanation and it had taken all the willpower he had to continue to look stern and not give in to laughter. His answer was one that Fox knew by heart. "What do you think; don't you think you deserve one?"

Fox shook his head and said, "No, not really. I did my art project. All I'm really guilty of is waiting to the last minute to do it."

Walter just stared at him. The longer he stared the more Fox squirmed in his chair. His consciousness was starting to bother him. He knew he deserved to be punished; it was just that he didn't want to be spanked. It hurt too much. Finally, he couldn't take it any longer and stood up and went to the table and lowered his pants and briefs. "Can we just get it over with?" He said as he bent over the table.

Walter went to him and rubbed his back saying, "Good stay there for a minute," and went over to pull the painting out from its hiding place. (Fox had kept his head down, preparing himself for the pain to come, and hadn't seen the painting, yet).

Walter went over to a nearby desk and pulled out a paddle from the middle drawer and went back to stand next to his son. "Okay Fox, you know the drill...what are you being punished for?" He then gave Fox the first lick, which brought forth a mighty yell as his left buttock burst into flames. "YEOOOOWWWWCCHHH," yell Fox and hurriedly said, "I'm being punished for disobeying Mrs. Stamps by using the tempera paint out of her presence." SMACK...Walter laid on another had lick to his right buttock and asked, "What else?"

"OOOOWWWWW," Fox cried answering quickly, "For lying to Mr. Banning." Walter laid on 6 hard licks; all to his son's sit spot, for the lies. "What else?" Fox yelled out without thinking, "for being seen without pants on by Mrs. Stamps?" Walter held the licks and answered, "No son, you are being punished for the underhanded way you decided to do your project and putting it off until the last know better than that." He then proceeded to paint his son's bottom red, pausing along the way to compare colors.

Fox didn't catch on until his bottom was a fiery red and he was sobbing. "OWWWWHHHHLLL...I'm more...pleaseeeee."

"I'm sorry son, I can't stop until your bottom is the same color as your painting," pointing to the painting positioned to one side of the table. Fox turned his head and saw the painting for the first time and blushed. After a few more licks, Walter was satisfied with his talented painting technique and put the paddle down.

"Fox, I want you in that corner for the next 30 minutes...with your red hot buns showing...and then we will talk afterwards," pushing him to the nearest corner. Fox sobbed as he was pushed into the corner. He hated this. Corner time was bad enough without having his sore red bottom on display and HE cried out his pain and embarrassment.

Walter used the time to take the painting down and remove it from the room. He took it at once up to Fox's room where he put it in a straight chair near his bed. There was no way Fox could miss seeing that painting, no matter where he was in his room.

He went downstairs and released Fox from his corner and allowed him to pull both his pants and briefs back up. He winced as his sore bottom made contact with the soft cotton briefs and sobbed as his bottom throbbed.

"Fox, come to me, son," said Walter as he sat in a nearby chair. Fox gingerly walked to his Dad. Walter engulfed him the all forgiven hug and held him for a few minutes. "Fox, you have been suspended for the remainder of the day plus tomorrow; I think you can expect to do a bit of work tomorrow. I'll have a list of chores for you to do in the morning...and you will finish tomorrow with a bedtime spanking. I feel that by tomorrow night you will rue the day you ever came up with the idea of painting with your butt. In fact the next time you feel the need to do so, just let me know. I'll be happy to paint my own version of hot buns."

The End

Author's Note: Ok, how did you like my story based on DD's art technique?

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