The Babysitter

by Pepper

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This is a Take 2 Danville Universe story. It takes place while Fox is 16 years old and in Washington, D. C.

Main Characters: Fox Skinner, Walter Skinner, Jr., Andy and Eileen Skinner, Haley and Brian Skinner.

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Fox came down stairs one Saturday morning to find his Dad on the phone with his Uncle Andy. He only heard one side of the conversation but he didn't like the sound of what he was hearing.

"Yes, Andy...bring them by. I won't be here but Fox won't mind in the least. He loves his cousins..." When Fox heard that he was being volunteered by his Dad for something to do with his cousins he tried to get his Dad's attention and kept shaking his head, "NO!"

Finally, his Dad looked up, noticed him and said, "Wait a minute Andy, Fox is trying to tell me something. I'm going to put you on hold for a few minutes."

"Yes, son...what's so important that you need to interrupt my conversation?"

"Dad, I have plans for the day. I'm going to be meeting friends at the mall this afternoon."

His Dad looked at him and explained, "Fox, an emergency has come up and they can't get a babysitter on such short notice. I suggest that YOU reconsider and decide to be the babysitter they need. Your friends should understand about family emergencies. This is only a suggestion although if your attitude doesn't change it will be an order and YOU will be baby sitting your cousins Haley and Brian today, AM I MAKING MYSELF CLEAR, SON?"

"I guess I don't have ANY choice in the matter, DAD," Fox replied insolently and left the room.

Walter returned to his conversation. "Andy, bring them whenever you want. Someone will be here and they will be in good hands. Stay as long as you need to, in fact just plan on them staying the night and you can pick them up in the morning. See you soon."

Having finished his conversation he went in search of his son. He found him in the kitchen eating breakfast. Fox was just finishing a bowl of cereal so Walter waited until he had finished before approaching.

"Fox, I don't appreciate being talked to like you just did. If you don't watch it you will be experiencing some attitude adjustment."

"I didn't appreciate being volunteered for baby sitting without being asked first," Fox answered back vehemently. That response got action from his Dad. Walter went to the kitchen drawer and pulled out a wooden spatula and went back to his son. He yanked him up and over the table and swiftly pulled his jeans and briefs down.

"No, Dad. I'm sorry...don't paddle me...pleaseeee," cried Fox who recognized his error only a few minutes too late.

Once he had his son's bottom bared, he went to work on heating up his son's backside.

SWAT...SWAT...SWAT...OWWW...OWWWHH. Walter gave him only six licks but it was enough to bring Fox to tears.

"Fox, I hope you have learned your lesson about talking back to me."

At Fox's nod, his Dad engulfed him into the all-forgiving hug, which Fox returned with great gusto. "Now go and wash your face. Afterwards you might want to call your friends and tell them that you won't be able to join them today."

It was an hour later that Andy and his children showed up. Andy was carrying an overnight bag for each of his children. "Walter, I can't thank you enough for this. Here's the number where we can be reached, just in case. Where is Fox, I want to thank him for giving up his Saturday to take care of my little darlings?"

"Fox, come down please; your Uncle Andy wants to talk with you," called Walt. It was only a few minutes later that both teenage boy and dog came running in.

"Hi Uncle Andy, Haley and Brian," greeted Fox.

"Haley and Brian come with me and I'll show you where you will be sleeping tonight," said Walt as Andy and Fox began to talk.

"Fox, I want to thank you for giving up your Saturday to watch over your cousins. This meeting came up at the last minute and we couldn't find a babysitter on such short notice. Now I want you to take this," pressing several bills into Fox's hand, "It's for your time," instructed Andy.

"Uncle Andy, I don't think my Dad would want me to take money for helping out family," Fox protested, without even looking at the amount of money Andy was pressing into his hand.

"Fox, please take the money. It will make me feel better for taking you away from your plans. It will be our secret, we won't tell your Dad." Andy continued to plead, Fox finally nodded and put the money in his pocket just in the nick of time, as his Dad was returning with Brian and Haley following behind.

Andy turned to his children for the final good byes. "Brian, Haley I want you to mind your Uncle Walter and Cousin Fox as if they were me, do you understand?"

"Yes, Papa," both kids said in unison. "Then come and tell me goodbye and I'll see you tomorrow," said Andy.

While Andy was saying his good-byes, Walter took Fox aside and said, "Son, I put the kids in your room for the night. They'll sleep there and you can either sleep with me or on the couch in the living room, the choice is yours."

"MY room," Fox began to shout but his Dad took him by the arm, pulled him into the kitchen and smacked his bottom once, quickly ending his outburst.

"I'll take the couch," replied Fox sullenly, rubbing his bottom. That one lick woke a bit of heat in his bottom.

"Fox, if I were you I would take this with good grace. I would hate for your cousins to witness you getting another paddling today and I know you don't want them to see you crying." Fox quickly nodded his head.

"Okay, you get out there and entertain your cousins. There should be plenty around here to do; you have videos and board games. I'm sure a smart boy like you can find other things to amuse them with. Now do whatever they like, within reason, until I get home tonight and I'll take you to whatever football game you like. Is it a deal?"

Fox thought for a moment and nodded.

"Now let's go out and join them, Andy should be ready to leave."

They timed it perfectly and said their good byes. Walter turned to the kids and asked, "Well, what do you want for lunch?"

Brian and Haley turned to each other and with huge smiles they said, once again in unison, "PIZZA."

Fox and his Dad had to smile at the response and Walter said, "Get your coats and we will go. Kids do you have any place in particular to go for the pizza?"

"Chucky Cheese, please Uncle Walter," pleaded the kids.

At Chucky Cheese Fox tried not to enjoy himself, after all he wasn't a child; but in the end he was enjoying himself as much as his cousins were.

After lunch they returned to the apartment where Walter got ready to go to work. He left soon afterwards with only a few words for the kids. "Haley? Brian? I want you to mind your Cousin Fox today. Do you understand?" After both kids nodded solemnly, Walter then turned to his son and said, "Behave, son, please," and even though he didn't say or else his eyes did and Fox nodded as well.

For the rest of the afternoon Fox did his best to mind his Dad and do whatever the kids wanted to do. They played all the video games he had, some of them so many times that Fox was ready to scream. They watched an old Disney movie the kids liked and then took their fun outside and played with Yoda in a nearby park. They threw Frisbees and balls and Yoda faithfully brought them back. Tired after all of that activity they returned home for some rest and snacks.

Fox turned to his cousins and asked, "Well what do you want as a snack?"

"ICE CREAM, PLEASE!" Shouted the kids and Fox went to see if there was any. He opened the freezer and found nothing. He returned and was about to tell them the bad news when an idea occurred to them and instead he said, "We don't have any so why don't we go to an ice cream parlor and get some there?"

As soon as the kids heard ice cream parlor they excitedly said, "Yes." Fox didn't even leave a note thinking they would be back before his Dad would return from work. As they were heading out the door the phone rang and it was Dad. He asked how things were going and Fox answered truthfully and concluded that they were going to have some ice cream for a snack. Satisfied that everything was well in hand Walter hung up.

Minutes later Fox and the kids were on their way to the bus station and eventually to the nearby mall for the ice cream. Yoda was left in the apartment to await their speedy return. As soon as they entered the mall the kids saw the Toy Shop and requested to go. "Please Cousin Fox, can we go and look around."

Fox noticed that there was an Arcade next door and said slyly, "First lets get our ice cream and then on the way out you can look around the toy department and I'll play some games next door. Then we'll go home." The kids excitedly agreed.

The ice cream parlor was called "Ye Old Ice Cream Parlor" and the decor was that of the 1920's. Fox and the kids eagerly approached the counter and waited their turn. They used the time to pick their favorites. Fox had a double scoop of chocolate chip cookie dough and Brian got a scoop of chocolate chip and chocolate swirl. Haley opted for a strawberry sundae. They found a place to sit and enjoyed their treats. Soon the ice cream was gone and it was time to play. Fox led them back to the Toy Shop they wanted to explore while he sauntered over to the Arcade. He told them to stay and he would return in a few minutes to get them. Unfortunately, Fox found a neat game and soon lost track of time. The kids got bored and wandered off.

It was an hour later that Fox finally quit, looked at his watch, noticed the time and rushed to pick up his young cousins and head back home. He hadn't meant to stay away so long playing that game.

He started to panic when he couldn't find Haley or Brian anywhere and ran out into the mall screaming their names. "Brian!" "Haley!" People turned to look at him as he ran past. He looked for at least 30 minutes frantically calling before coming to the realization that he would need help and contacted the Mall Security and his Dad.

"Dad?" Sobbed a scared Fox, "I've lost them. I'm at the East Side Mall. We went for ice cream...Toy Shop with Arcade next door...lost track of time and can't find them. I've looked everywhere. I'm sorry Dad."

"Fox, calm down. I'm on my way. Have you called the police? You've got the Mall Security looking? Fox don't move from that phone," and with that he was out of the door. On the drive over he contacted the police and by the time he arrived there were police everywhere. He located his son and engulfed him in a hug. The hug did wonders for calming him down.

He led him to a nearby bench and sat with him. "Okay, take it from the top and tell me everything," requested his Dad. Fox took a deep breath and started by telling him that they had played hard at the park and wanted a snack. The kids had wanted ice cream and they were out so they came here. He left them at the nearby Toy Shop while he wandered over to the Arcade next door. He had meant to play only the one game but somehow he couldn't stop playing for some time and when he had he went looking for his cousins only not to be able to find them. He concluded with, "Dad, I looked everywhere, called for them, but nothing and then I contacted the Mall Security. I'm sorry, Dad. What am I to do, I've lost Uncle Andy's children," and started to cry again.

Walter was about to comfort his son when he heard a voice, "Sir, are these the children in question?" It was a young police officer named Thompson and he had Brian and Haley with him.

Walter and Fox rushed to the children. Fox was on his knees in an instant and pulled both children into a hug while his Dad talked with the officer.

"Yes, where did you find them?"

Officer Thompson replied, "I found them in the Sears store; in fact they were in the bedding department, asleep on one of the beds. When I was talking with them they mentioned that they were waiting for their cousin to pick them up and they got tired and wandered to the Sears store next door and laid down on a bed and went to sleep."

Walter called the assembled Police Officers and Mall Security Officers to him and thanked them for their help, then left with the children in hand. With the kids in the back seat Walter drove home. Fox had a cousin on each side of him and didn't move or say a thing on the ride home. The kids leaned into him and slept.

Fox carried Haley in while his Dad carried Brian. They placed the kids on his bed and left them there to sleep. Quietly they tiptoed out and returned to the living room where Walter finally turned to his son.

"Fox, I want an explanation on why you took them to the mall. I don't believe I gave you permission to go."

Fox shook his head and tried to get himself out of trouble. "Dad, you told me to do whatever they wanted and they wanted ice cream. The best ice cream is at the ice cream parlor at the East Side Mall. I was just trying to please them."

Walt looked sharply at his son and said, "I think I told you to do whatever they liked but only within reason. Taking them to the mall for ice cream doesn't fall within reason and you know it. I'm very disappointed in you son. You will be punished for your action."

Fox nodded, he knew that he would be punished for this but he didn't care now that the kids were safely home.

His Dad continued, "Now, I also think you should be commended for your actions in trying to locate your cousins once you realized they were missing. Your thoughts were only on them. Your searching and then contacting Mall Security and finally me was what you should have done, however if you had stayed at home that wouldn't have been needed. You will be punished tomorrow after your cousins leave. There will be no television or Internet for you for a week. After supper you will go to my room and read. I want you to go to my room and stay there until supper thinking about what could have happened if your cousins had not been found. Stay there until I call you."

Fox dejectedly went into his Father's room with Yoda following behind. This was worse than he thought for soon his active imagination had come up with other situations the kids could have been in and he was soon sobbing on his Dad's pillow. He was still sobbing when Walt came in a few minutes later and found himself in his Dad's arms sobbing his heart out. "Oh, Dad, I'm so sorry. I won't ever do this again. They could have been taken by someone or mugged or something and it would have been my fault."

His Dad only held him until he had cried himself out. "I know this is an hard lesson for you to learn son, but you must never let your cousins or anyone younger than you out of your sight. This world is not safe anymore, especially for the young. I know that next time you will be more careful with them. go wash your face and come in for supper when you are ready. We are having some of your Gram's homemade Vegetable Beef Soup that she put up for us the last time they visited." After a final hug he left his son and went to check on the kids. He found them awake and hungry.

The rest of the night went fast. After supper they all, except for Fox, set down and watched television and soon Walter was tucking the kids into bed. Fox had been sent to his Father's room, since part of his punishment was no television for a week starting that night. Knowing how upset Fox was about what had happened his father insisted that he sleep with him and Fox quickly agreed. He had been dreading sleeping by himself that night, but sleeping besides his Dad and with Yoda on the other side he slept soundly.

It was about 9 in the morning when Andy and Eileen came for the children. Walt asked Andy to stay for a minute and insisted that Eileen and the children wait in the car. Andy was puzzled but did as he was asked. As soon as his wife and children left Walt turned to him and said, "Andy, something happened yesterday that you need to know about. Since Fox was left in charge I think he should be the one to tell you."

Fox had been following this conversation in dread and had assumed that his Dad would tell his uncle what had happened. He was totally unprepared to tell what he had almost allowed to happen and he cried out, "Noooooooooo. Please Dad, you tell him."

Walt only looked at him and said, "Fox I know this is hard for you but since you were in charge you have to be the one to tell. Go on son and tell your Uncle Andy the truth."

Seeing that he had no choice, Fox took a deep breath, looked down at the rug, and mumbled, "Uncle Andy, I lost the kids yesterday at the mall. They were eventually found. They were unhurt and sleeping on one of the beds in the bedding department in the Sears store. I'm sorry."

Andy looked stunned for a moment. He was trying to grasp what he had been told and when it finally sunk in he nearly lost it. "YOU lost"

"I...I took them to the East Side Mall to the Ice Cream Parlor there. The kids wanted ice cream and we were out and the ice cream there is the best. They wanted to explore the toy shop and I wanted to play some games in the Arcade next door and I...kind of...lost track of time...and when I remember and checked...they were gone. I'm sorry Uncle Andy," cried Fox. He still couldn't look him in the face.

"Fox, I entrusted my children into your hands them?" Andy was so choked up he had trouble talking.

Walt saw his distress, led him to a chair and pushed him into it. "Andy, Fox did wrong and he will pay for it, trust me. However when he realized the kids were missing he did everything he could to find them. First he searched himself and then he contacted the Mall Security and finally me. I contacted the local police and finally an Officer Thompson found the kids at the bedding department of Sears. Sears was next door to the Toy Shop so they didn't wander far. Andy, Fox realizes the dangers the kids could have gotten into and it has hit him hard. He will never leave them, or any young children in his care, alone again."

Andy looked from Fox to Walt and back again before he finally said, "Fox look at me," and when he did, Andy could see the sorrow in his eyes and knew he had learned a hard lesson. Forgiveness flooded his heart. He stood up and opened his arms. Fox fell in them crying over and over again, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Andy began to cry as well and held Fox until they both had heir emotions under control.

Walt told his son to go to his room and wait for him. Fox fled, glad that his spanking/paddling was at hand. He hated to wait for it and was nervous. He knew that once it was over with the offense would be wiped clean and he would begin to "feel better".

Andy waited until Fox was out of earshot and asked, "Walter how harsh are you going to be with him?"

"I'm going to give him 6 licks with the paddle. Although he has punished himself with all the worry concerning the kids' disappearance he still must be paddled for disobedience. Once this is over he can finally put it behind him and get back to living. He has been so nervous since the kids safe return."

Andy made his good byes and left. He would have to tell his wife what happened yesterday and have a long talk with his kids about wandering off, so this would not happen again.

Fox waited in his room for the inevitable paddling to take place. He realized while waiting that this offense would probably be punished with the paddle. As his Dad came into the room he saw he was right when he saw the paddle in his Dad's hand.

Walt carefully closed the door trapping Yoda on the opposite side of the door and approached his son. "Fox please lower your pants and underwear and lean against your desk."

Fox hurried to obey and soon he felt his Dad's hand on the middle of his back. Then he heard a swish and felt the paddle hit his right buttock. SMACK... The pain blossomed on his buttock. He gasped at the pain but before he could voice it he heard the paddle strike his other buttock and pain blossomed there as well. He finally voiced his pain in a mighty cry, "Oooowwwhhhlll." The pain began to build as the licks continued on the same spot as the first. His Dad had decided to focus all of the licks to his son's sit spot of both buttocks making sure that for the next few days Fox would remember the incident every time he sat.

As soon as the last lick was given Walt threw the paddle down on the bed and swept his son up in a loving embrace. Fox wept on his Dad's shoulder knowing that all was forgiven and would never be brought up again. Walt held his son until the crying had stopped and then helped him to his bed where he gently helped him to lie down, before leaving. Fox stayed in that position for some time and eventually fell asleep.

Walt returned later to check on him and gently pulled his paints and underwear completely off before pulling up a sheet to hide his sore bottom. He would return later to apply some soothing gel to his sore bottom but would let his son sleep a little longer.

For the next few days every time he sat he was reminded on why he should never misuse the trust entrusted to him and vowed to be the best babysitter of cousins he could be. It was hard not to turn on the TV or use the Internet for the upcoming week but finally it was over and the following Saturday found son and Father enjoying the comradeship in watching a college football game when suddenly the doorbell rang.

As Fox opened the door he was surprised to see his Uncle Andy and Aunt Eileen standing there with the kids. He hastily opened the door and let them in. "Where is your Dad, Fox?" Asked his Uncle Andy.

"He's in the living room, Uncle Andy. We're watching football, won't you come in," and then yelled out, "DAD...Uncle Andy and Aunt Eileen are here."

His Dad came out saying, "Fox! You don't have to yell...Andy ... Eileen...How are you? Hi Brian, Haley," he greeted his brother and his family.

"Walt, Eileen and I were talking and we have something we want to ask Fox," and then turning to Fox, they said, "Fox, would you mind looking after the kids this afternoon?"

Fox was so surprised that all he could do is nod. Once he found his voice he choked out, "Are you sure?"

Eileen answered him by enveloping him in a hug and said, "Fox, what happened before was an accident and we know you will not put them in danger ever again. You made a bad decision last Saturday and you were punished for it...the matter is closed, and you are forgiven. Now do you want the job or not?"

Fox nodded with tears falling down his face and cried, "Yes...and thank you for entrusting them to me once again. I won't ever let you down again, and then turning to the kids he said, "Hey kids want to play on my play station?" and left with both kids in hand. Walt turned to his brother and sister-in-law and said "Thank You for giving him a second chance."

The End

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