
by Pepper

I'm visiting the Danville world in this story. The main characters are Fox Mulder, Walter Skinner and Mr. And Mrs. Skinner, Sr.

Fox and Walter have come to Danville to visit with Walter's parents for some R and R. Walter knew that if left on his own, Fox wouldn't leave his basement office. He would be working on some strange X-file. Fox had tried to convince Skinner that working on any x-file is a form of relaxing to him. He even had the audacity to suggest that he will be eating meals and will be getting plenty of sleep. He hadn't fooled Skinner for a moment.

"You have two choices," Skinner had told Fox. "You can come with me quietly, or you can be carried out bodily."

Given those two choices Fox decided readily to accompany Walter to see his folks and have a good time. In no time at all they were on the road and talking sports.

"Don't worry Fox, you'll be able to watch the Knicks game. My father loves basketball. We can watch the game with him" said Walter. "My mom can't wait to fatten you up with her good cooking and you can finally get the rest you desperately need. Look there is the Danville exit; we will be home in no time."

A short time later, Fox and Walter pulled up at the Skinner homestead. The Skinners came out to welcome the two men.

"Welcome home, son and I'm so glad that you brought Fox with you" said Rachel Skinner as she gave him a big hug. "Fox, come here, I have a big hug for you, too. Now is anyone hungry?" She herded them inside and seated them at the table. "I fixed a roasted chicken with gravy, rice and string beans. For dessert, we have chocolate cake with chocolate icing - only I want to warn you to get the cake, you have to finish everything on your plate. Now let me serve your plate for you, Fox. You're too skinny and I'm not sure you would serve yourself enough," Rachel continued with a knowing smile. She knew that he only had eyes for the cake and would put a small portion on his plate.

"Fox, do you want a second piece of cake?" Rachel said as she was offering him another piece.

"No thank you, I'm stuffed," said Fox as he pushed back from the table. "Mrs. Skinner, I want to thank you for the supper and for letting me stay this weekend, I hope my being here isn't inconvenient for you."

"Oh, no, not at all! I do wish you would call me mom since I consider you as being another son," Rachel said lovingly.

"Fox and I are going to the Tavern, for a game of pool and a glass of beer. We'll be back in plenty of time for the basketball game on TV tonight. Are you coming, Fox?" said Walter.

"Thanks for suggesting we go out tonight. I love your mom, but if I stayed much longer I wouldn't be able to hold back the tears," said Fox.

"The Tavern has the best draft on tap and it is the best place for a good game of pool," Walter commented as they pulled up to the Tavern. They entered and after ordering a few beers, headed to an open table to start their game.

While Walter and Fox were in the middle of a game, trouble walked in - in the shape of Tom Jenkins and Pete Wiley. Tom and Pete were old classmates of Walter, bullies who hadn't changed in the years since high school. They were big, mean and always looking for trouble. They swaggered in and looked over the crowd, the grin left their faces when they spotted Skinner.

"Hey, Pete, there's our old pal Walter Skinner... lets go over and renew our acquaintance," said Tom with a grin. They moved over to stand behind Walter and Fox. They stood so close that when Fox was making his shot, he inadvertently poked Tom in the stomach. Tom grabbed Fox and said, "You little bastard, you did that on purpose, I ought to deck you."

Before he could do it, Walter spoke up "Let him go, Tom or might just have to finish the fight we had back before I left for Vietnam."

Tom hastily let Fox go and said, "Next time watch, what you're doing! Let's go Pete."

"Lets finish this game and head back home. Seeing those two has put a damper on the evening," said Walter angrily. It was a quiet ride home. Walter roused himself from gloomy thoughts as they were pulling up in the drive. "Lets go and watch some basketball with good company."

The next day saw Walter leaving the house with his folks, having been unsuccessful in talking Fox into accompanying them. They were on their way to visit with his brother Joe and family.

"I'll be fine, I just want to go back to bed and see if I can go back to sleep. I might go for a run later, have some leftovers for lunch." Fox said with a yawn. A couple of hours later feeling more refreshed from the sleep he had gotten, Fox was getting ready to start his run.

Tom and Pete were out looking for trouble. Tom was still fussing about the run-in with Skinner last night. "I'm going to get even with him and I know how, I'm going to hurt that guy with him. What was his name? Oh yes, Fox. I saw how he was looking at him last night; he is real close to that guy, just like he was with his kid brother, Jeremy. I'm going to punish Fox harshly and in hurting Fox I'll be hurting Walter. I'm going to give him a strapping he won't ever forget."

"Hey look who's coming... it's that kid, Fox", said Pete.

Tom got excited. "Yeah, look this is what we're going to do. Stop on the turn off up the road and when Fox runs by we are going to grab him." They pulled over, waiting for the agent to run closer to their location. "Here he comes - do you have the rope? Get ready - grab him! Got him! Hold him while I tie him up. Toss him up in the back of the truck and get in with him" Tom started the truck and sped away.

"Fox, we're home," called Rachel. "Now where is that boy? Walter go and check his room, surely he isn't still sleeping?"

Walter returned in a few minutes. "He's not there, he must be on a run. Come on Dad, let's see if we can find him."

Tom and Pete had taken Fox back to Tom's cabin, since no one would hear him yelling from there. They bent him over a table and were tying him to the table's legs.

"Pete, get your pocketknife out. We're gonna cut his sweatpants and boxers off him," said Tom with a huge grin on his face. "I'm really going to enjoy this!"

The men started at the bottom of the pant leg and slit them upwards. Soon they were each holding a piece of his pants and started in on the boxers. Fox struggled and yelled, "Nooo!" as Tom produced a leather strap and moved to stand behind the bound man.

Without a word of warning, Tom began to lay the licks onto Fox's backside. "Ow, ow, no, no more, it hurts, it hurts!" sobbed Fox. After about 20 licks, Tom handed the strap over to Pete, who continued the strapping on the back of Mulder's thighs. Smack, smack, smack, smack... They continued, ignoring Fox's cries, until his backside and thighs were a bright red.

"You know, all this exercise has made me hungry," Pete said to Tom. The two men sat themselves at the other end of the table from Fox.

Walter and his father drove back to the house, hoping that Fox had arrived ahead of them.

"Is Fox here?" Walter, Sr. asked his wife as they came into the house.

"No, and I'm starting to get worried" replied Rachel.

"If that boy is getting in trouble again, I'm going to warm up his backside for him" said Walter, Sr.

A phone rang from inside the house and Rachel moved to answer it. "Hello? Oh hi Bertha. You what? You're sure it was him and he was with whom? I'll be sure to tell him when he comes back, thanks for calling." Rachel moved back towards the two men. "That was my friend Bertha, from just down the road and she is sure she saw Fox in the back of Tom Jenkins's truck a couple of hours ago. She knows what a troublemaker Tom is and she wanted to be sure to warn Fox to stay away for him. Oh yes, Pete Wiley was with him, too. Fox is in trouble, I can feel it. We are going to need help to find him."

Back at the cabin, the two bullies were continuing to punish Fox. Tom was re-heating his backside and the back of his thighs, while Fox howled in agony. Pete took his turn with the strap focusing on Fox's tender inner thighs. Whack, whack, whack! "Ow! Ow! Please, please, no more pleaseeeee!" Pete continued until the inner thighs turned the same color as his backside and thighs. Tom grabbed the strap for one last session on Fox. He soon had parts of Fox's butt bleeding as well as his thighs and inner thighs.

"Now you untie him and get him ready for the final phase of my revenge, while I get the hobbles," said Tom with a laugh. After untying him, Pete had to hold him up while Tom put the hobbles on his ankles, to prevent him from taking large steps. He then tied his hands and fastened them to the rope around his waist. Next, he got his knife out and cut the shirttail in back off at the waist. He wanted to bare Fox's well-punished hide. Tom gave Fox a push to get him started while Pete stayed with him to keep him upright, as he was unable to walk on his own. They headed out to the truck, where they manhandled him into the truck's bed. Pete put a dirty old blanket over Fox, entered the truck and they drove off. When they were about a mile from Skinner's, they pulled over. Fox was unceremoniously pushed out the back, landing in the dirt and on his backside. He screamed in agony. Tom and Pete pulled him to his feet and pointed him in the right direction and, laughing, sped away. Fox sobbed as he walked, blood streaming down his legs.

Skinner and his parents were still trying to find out the location of Tom, Pete and most importantly, Fox. Rachel was getting impatient with the delay. "I can't stand it! Let's go drive around and see if we can find him." The elder Skinners took off while Walter waited for word on the men's whereabouts. They had just started towards town, when the saw a figure struggling towards them. They raced up the road toward the stumbling man.

"Fox! What have they done to you? We have to get him to the doctor!" The two were able to maneuver Fox into the back seat of the car. Rachel climbed in and placed Fox's head in her lap. "Hurry, we haven't a moment to lose. We'll call Walter from the doctor's and let him know that Fox is found."

They soon pulled up into the doctor's backyard and with the doctor's help they got the injured man in the office and onto an examination table. While the doctor was seeing to Fox's injuries, Rachel was on the phone with her son. "He's hurt Walter, so we took him straight to the doctor, your father is in with him now."

Walter made record time in getting to the doctor. His father came out and told him of Fox's injuries. "And he told us that it was Tom and Pete who had attacked him. I've notified the sheriff and we'll let them deal with those two. Fox need us here." The Skinner's kept vigil in the waiting room while elsewhere, the law was picking up Tom and Pete. The searched the cabin and found enough evidence to put the two men away for a long time.

The doctor came out of the examination room. "Well, he won't feel like sitting for some time, and he will need help to walk and go to the bathroom but he will heal. I've sewn up the injuries that needed them, you will have to change the dressings for a few days and keep them clean and put the medication on them, twice daily. I've given him some painkillers and I'll leave a prescription with you for later. You can take him home any time you like, he'll need some loose pants and will have to not put any pressure on his backside until he heals."

During the night, Fox woke up to find Mrs. Skinner sitting next to the bed. "How are you feeling Fox," asked Mrs. Skinner.

"I hurt, mom," sobbed Fox.

"Here let me get you another pain pill." She held out a pill and a glass of water. "Let me help you. If you lay on your side you'll be able to swallow the pill. I want you to lie back down and try to sleep and know that your family will watch over you until you're better. I love you."

The next morning found "mom" feeding Fox his breakfast. "Walter will be in soon to help you go the bathroom and to assist you anyway he can."

After breakfast, Walter walked in after his mother left the room.

"I really appreciate your mother taking care of me like this. I think I might have called her Mom last night. I didn't mean to, it just happened."

Walter smiled. "You made her very happy by calling her Mom. She loves you and so does my father. You are officially a Skinner and you might as well accept it because my parents have spoken. You are as much a part of this family as my brothers and you will be treated as such. You better believe it, because when you get better, you're going to experience first hand a Skinner group hug."

The End