Welcome to my Graphics pages! As you can see, I have moved all the pages to the address http://www.oocities.org/elinasgraphics/ so please update your bookmarks and links! :)

These pages include free graphics for personal home pages. All the graphics are created by me. Please feel free to use them! The only thing I require is a link leading back to my site. Also when I have used an artist's artwork in the graphics I require a link and credits to him/her. Further instructions follow in every set.

I have removed the old sets for awhile because I have to update all the pages due to the fact that I'm moving them to the new address. You can check the updates from my Updates page. Please, enjoy the graphics! :)

Recent updates: The Frog Sets are back! :)

Web Sets

Jonathon Earl Bowser
Cicely Barker
Amy Brown
Frogs by Debbie Orlean


These are my banners - choose your favourite colour! :)

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