Got a vampire infestation?

I'm your answer.

My name is Samantha I kill vampires.Lately though I have had to branch out as other unholy pests have also been growing in numbers.

Vampires are real and so are a lot of other really nasty things that dwell in the night.

I am currently located in the Toronto area but I frequently travel to destroy vampire groups in other cities and countries when an overwhelming need appears.



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me staking one of the vermin

if you are also a hunter and would like to link ur site to mine email me or i can even add a section about you to my site if you don't have ur own page

for further assistance email

elizabeths links

Sam's Favorite Band

Elizabeth Ayn is my partner in crime so to speak,she keeps this site up to date and does most of the art.

She is one of the smartest people I have ever known and one of the few people i would trust with my life.

**elizabeth here some people have been asking for pics of Sam ...sorry but these drawings are the best I can do.She hates pictures of her and thinks it might hurt her undercover work if the vermin get an actual pic of her...Sorry.

please note i am not really this cutesy (my head is not that big I am not that short and my eyes are not the size of baseballs) but Elizabeth drew this pic of me


first become familiar with the differences between vampire goth and role player.Only then can you be able to find the real thing.

Some vampires CAN be a GOTH or diguise themselves as ROLE PLAYERS this is what makes vampire hunting so difficult.

And I cannot stress this enough DO NOT TAKE MATTERS INTO YOUR OWN HANDS!!! If you find a true vampire infestation contact a professional immediately the police will be of little or no help so find someone like me and we will deal with it.Don't be a hero.


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