Disclaimer: I don’t own them, Jim does.


Wild Dreams





Have you ever wondered what she dreams about?...


Oh you know she has nightmares, that they all have them; The memories of being tortured by Manticore, of Missions gone wrong and of unit mates that are dead. You’ve heard her cry out in her sleep, on the rare occasion that she’d crash in your guest room, that first year you met.


But did you ever wonder what she dreams about, outside of the nightmares.


Because you’d be surprised if you knew…


She like the all of them has vivid dreams, in Technicolor with surround sound and the heightened  sense of touch, taste and smell.


They dream of the hunt, of the kill, of the sound and scent of the great jungles of Africa, the heat and humidity of the deserts of Arabia, and of the warm and liquid waters of the world’s oceans.


They take comfort from these dream-memories, as they invariably come after the nightmares, helping to ease them back to slumber, back to that moment of peace and tranquillity, where there is no Manticore, no White and no Breeding cult out to murder and destroy them.


Because when they dream these dreams, they are returning to their home, to the core of their being to where they will always be wild at heart.


So when you look at her, at the both of them; remember they are not what they appear; don’t be fooled by the bright and beautiful packaging, of the humorous banter they share or the long looks she gives you, while he watches her from the sidelines; remember that beneath everything she is wild and eventually, that part of her that takes comfort and reassurance from her dreams, will recognise that part of her that resides inside him as well; and when that day comes, you’ll have to let her go, because she’s not tame, and if you try to make her stay to make her feel guilty for being what she is; then she will turn on you…


She will rend you limb from limb, shatter bones and eat your heart.


And when she’s finished she will lick your blood from her fingers and smile with the acceptance of who she is, of who they all are; of the inevitability that he has always been her mate, as she has and will always be his.