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                                                                                  About This Site

      If you're interested in extremophiles, you've come to the right place! This site is designed to provide you the information you need to know about extremophiles,  bacteria-like organisms. Isn't it a  very interesting topic???  Oh yes, it is.  Please stay and look around! Remember to sign our guestbook.

                                       Extremophiles : Brief Introduction 

Have you ever wondered if life exists beyond planet Earth? Yes? Let's just say you have.  We cannot assume that life does not exist elsewhere, simply because we aren't aware of their existence.  Today, scientists experiment with extremophiles to defend their belief that life exists beyond Earth.  We will tell you everything we know about "these little creatures" and how they react to their extreme environments.  Hopefully, you will find this site a useful stop in your journey through the  world of extremophiles! ^_^

                                                                                             About Us


        The people who have contributed their time to make this site possible are: Lisa Tran, Vien Nguyen, Rosie Nguyen, Lyly   Tran,   and Anna Nguyen. We've worked really hard on this site, so hopefully, you'll enjoy this site as much as we have while making it! ^_^





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