(generic) Message from Yahoo: GeoCities is closing on October 26, 2009.

On October 26, 2009, your GeoCities site will no longer appear on the Web, and you will no longer be able to access your GeoCities account and files.

Message from web owner:Geocities.com/ellisjamie2001 when it disappears on October 26th will be a closing of a chapter with the last service remaining from the early 2000s days on the Yahoo Network (excluding mail Calendar and Messenger - which not unique factor. The termination of Geocities my webpresence on the Yahoo Network will end but this site has been ported to the location http://jamieellis.co.cc/old/.

When i heard about Geocities closing 3 things went though my mind:
Allow the site to close the era and disappear when Geocities decide
Transfer content to Google or Office Live (Small Business)
Savage the content and place on my personal domain so it can continue.

Here will redirect to there till at least October 26th!

You are welcome to visit jamieellis.co.cc in the same way as you would had here