Welcome to my Guestbook!

Leslie - 11/15/00 14:51:02
My URL:http://explode.to/kada
My Email:leslieann@mailexcite.com

Nice and nifty site. Keep it up!

Chris Parlad - 11/07/00 11:17:31

I would like to introduce POLLS-PH! http://www.egroups.com/group/polls-ph Here's the objective of the group: ---------------- To acquire meaningful statistics regarding various issues relating to Filipinos and the Philippines via polling. How will this be attained? ---------------- By encouraging friends and colleagues to vote in active polls as well as to create their own ones. Once membership reaches critical mass, hopefully the polls can provide meaningful statistics to different issues and concerns. Thus, in a way it can be a research source. Another means of increasing membership is by partnering with various websites. In this way, website owners would have a simple means of providing polls for their own sites for issues that are relevant to them. On the other hand, this group would benefit with the added traffic. Remember, the more members there are, the more meaningful the results will be. Polls ---------------- If you are interested in voting for and / or creating your own polls, just visit this URL: http://www.egroups.com/polls/polls-ph If it's your first time to visit the site, you will be prompted to subscribe first. To subscribe by mail: mailto:poll-ph-subscribe@egroups.com In any case, navigating through the site is a relatively simple manner. eGroups is commonly used after all. Just surf through, and check out the different tools that may be useful to you. Afterthought ---------------- Remember, the whole point of this e-Group is to provide a central polling place for all Filipino related concerns with an end of providing meaningful statistical information which we can all use. Use it responsibly. Promote it responsibly. All of us will benefit from that.

Fidel - 09/28/00 01:59:38
My Email:FidelOlivarez@msn.com

Hi. As you can see, I'm also an Olivarez. I have been browsing the internet for information regarding Hispanic Heritage, and decided to look for an Olivarez. Now that I have an Olivarez, I might as well introduce myself. My name is Fidel, born in Miss on, Texas. My wife and I currently reside in Tucson, Az. I am a Quality Engineer for the Department of Defense and getting close to retirement. Anyway, glad to have made contact with you. Your webpage is just fine. Good Luck

eeriddler - 09/23/00 06:22:17
My Email:eeriddler@hotmail.com

It's an alright page . I got bored and typed my name Eric E. Olivarez and what do you know another eric. I'am pretty sure he's cool. am from Texas right on the border with Mexico. I'am interested in other cultures and history. Iam a fourteen generation li ing here people call us Tex*Mex or Tejano maybe you heard of it.
src="//pic.oocities.com/pictures/icons/lines/blue_thin_line_2.gif" GBICON=1>
tony - 09/16/00 21:54:49
My Email:
Evie - 09/09/00 05:35:46
My Email:

Hi, I'm just browsing the internet and looking for some news in Paranaque, and click olivarez, look what I've found, a webpage from one of the olivarez family, I'm proud to tell you that you have a great website, I'd like to introduce myself to you, my hu band Oscar Rodriguez is your husband's cousin. "Tiya Charing (Eric's Mom) and my mother-in-law (Mommy Dioneng) were sister. So, you also know Ate Tess at the Olivarez Hospital Accounting Dept., she's my sister-in-law. Anyway my name is Evie and we're a Southern Calif residence (Buena Park). Please extend our regards to the Olivarez Family. I'll visit your webpage again and keep up the good work.

bong - 08/30/00 17:09:39
My Email:bgdomingo@aol.com

nice and neat webpage. hope i can make one for myself in the future.

kenneth tenebro - 08/18/00 13:43:26
My URL:http://ejt.hypermart.net/ken
My Email:k3nn3th@hotmail.com

Not bad for a first timer.It's a descent site!Please visit my site too at www.ejt.hypermart.net/ken and www.ptswu2000.cjb.net .Sign ka rin sa guestbook namin ha!

Michelle A - 07/26/00 05:38:06
My Email:Michie75@hotmail.com

Hi! Nice homepage...I went to Olivarez College and I graduated from there (batch 88), I think I know your sister in law Eva. Anyway, good luck to you and more power. God bless!

Alan - 07/14/00 06:57:25
My Email:ams2@i-manila.com.ph


Aileen - 07/03/00 14:12:03
My Email:aileen_burilin@hotmail.com

I found your page while searching for my own name (Iwas bored!), and by coincidence my sister's name is Claire! All the best in life, xxAileen B.

Claire - 06/05/00 21:30:25
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/khristineclaire
My Email:khristineclaire@hotmail.com


anyhoo i found a link to ur website from yehey.com. welps, i'm here doing what i gotta do to let u know i've been here on ur sweet homepage. if u find tha time pls peep my website and tag tha g-thang also. thanx enuff said. i'm out like dis with a juicy kiss *muaaaa*


click on tha banner to go to my homepage outside asianave

Bibi - 05/12/00 19:41:11

You look like a nice person! My last name is also Olivarez.I wish you the best in law school! I admire a person that is really destined to achieve a goal.May God Bless you!!!!

Julius - 04/22/00 16:31:48
My Email:juliuswangiwang@yahoo.com

Eric emailed me your webpage so I immediately opened it. Wow! Now I know why you were so caught up with the computer while Eric and I enjoyed the movies:) What about the picture of Jed's ninong and the bestman in your wedding? (That's me:) May I invite you (and the other viewers of this guestbook) to visit our Ifugao communal webpage: www.ifugaos.org. Won't hurt if you (and the rest) will sign in the guestbook:)

turkish delight - 04/20/00 09:58:51
My Email:teodog@hotmail.com

hi..., i must be say that you are a wonderfull girl... i wish always happy life for you and your friends ... take care hassan

Ma$$imo - 04/17/00 22:22:52
My Email:maxtime33@hotmail.com

Hi, I'm Massimo from Italy I'm taking my degree in Law with a thesis in Common Law, I like to email with some girls university students in Common law. Write me!!!

jorge - 04/17/00 16:32:10
My Email:jveranga@hotmail.com

i enjoyed reading your homewebpage. galing and congrats.

Bong Cool - 04/17/00 11:19:47
My URL:http://still working on it
My Email:battadandres@usa.net

Hi there! Nice website..i know your sister in-law Eva..i used to be a Tennis Player here. more power and hope to see more pages in your site. Regards to your In laws....Bong Battad

Stephen Kennedy - 04/15/00 04:12:13
My URL:http://www.ufoundme.com
My Email:stephen@ufoundme.com

I was looking for new ideas for my own website. Check it out.

- 04/15/00 02:41:38


ewrfggc - 04/14/00 13:48:06


Buknoy - 04/13/00 08:11:39
My URL:under contructing pa eh!
My Email:acamposano_99@yahoo.com

You had a nice page...BRAVO..BRAVO!Kaw ah..Yabang neophyte ka pa lang. Its very interesting as I read ... then I was dissapointed married ka na pala! Naka-pang daya yun pic. mo sa main page anyway, "Just keep it up and success will always on your way ! Best Regards, - Allan Camposano Sales & Service Engineer

Frank - 04/11/00 17:44:17
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/Pinoy4512/index.htm
My Email:ChiTown765@aol.com

Hello! I found your website on Yehey! and I like what I saw so far. If I have it straight, you're still in the Philippines, right?? I was wondering if you've ever been to the US before. Well, keep working on your we site and don't abandon it. It will look really nice when you finish it, I guarantee it. :-)

Steve Morales - 04/09/00 06:30:20
My Email:SMORA16603@aol.com

You're so cute. Like what you said your homepage is still under construction. That means that I have to go back one day just to see your homepage and more picture of yours. Once again, you're so cute...God bless..

justme - 04/06/00 21:11:07
My Email:unknown

Hi,can i suggest that you include some of Eric's friend from Olivarez,especially his special friend that was promoted from the library. Take care always and regards to your son.

Paul - 04/06/00 11:04:48


ROMMEL - 04/05/00 06:22:23
My Email:lemport@yahoo.com

Nice site..

rhiz - 04/04/00 05:45:13
My Email:trhiz29@yahoo.com

hi! nice page you got here! just passing by....

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