Last Steps
Now that your eyelets are in place, all you need to do is lace them. Leather lacing (available at Wal-Mart) looks and works best, but you can also use cording or a thin rope. Lace the vambrace and slip it onto your arm:

It should fit snugly once you tighten the laces. If it doesn't (like mine did) try taking in one of the side seams to make it a little smaller. (Don't take in too much! It will look awful if you have to rip out stitches.)

Bravo! You just made your first vambrace! The second should be easier, because you can use the first as a pattern. Just lat it on top of the uncut boot so that the undersides are together and mark the sides with chalk.

Follow the same instructions for the second one, and you're done! (Now, maybe if you're feeling nice, you'll make a pair for your friend...)
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