Welcome to KITSCH, the unofficial Placebo website. Placebo are the band responsible for giving us some of the greatest music ever written. From the  beautiful ballads to the uplifting anthems, this website is full of all things Placebo. Browse through these pages and understand more about the intense strength and wonder that is Placebo.
The Band Salutations. Well, I actually havn't updated this site for about 6 months, and to be honest, i really dont think that there is much point in me keeping up to date with the latest Placebo news. If you want to find out what is happening in the world of Placebo, then go to the official website. Because I am, in effect, leaving this site to rot, things may become out of date - ie the discography. As i write this, Placebo have already released the fourth single from Black Market Music, "Black Eyed"
So, from now on, this site will be avaliable as a resource for finding out more about the band's history. If they release another album in the near future, and i still remember the password for this site, then I will possibly come back and announce it, and maybe change the lyrics and discography pages. Wow, the site has been up for a year and ive had about 70 hits, so i dont know if anyone will ever read this. So, to all the people who read this, go and find out more about this band - they changed my life.

                   - Chris  
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