 edieval imes 
A WebQuest for 2nd Grade (Cross-Curriculum)
Designed by
Lady Castro-Balboa


Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits


Hear Ye! Hear Ye! The Knights of the round table are in need of squires to partake of a grand adventure through our magnificent land. You will be asked to keep track of our journey using your journal and help innovate the construction of castles with modern day technology.  


The Task   

These are the tasks you are to undertake throughtout the course of our journey:  

  • find out about important the duties of a squire;
  • create your own artifacts;
  • design and add modern features to a castle;
  • learn about coat of arms and design one of your own;
  • read literature of the times;
  • create and write a ballad;
  • learn about the feudal system;
  • write a persuasive letter to the king as to why you should become a knight;
  • learn about money, and learn about Roman Numerals,
  • write a report on travels, discoveries, inventions, and any important information learned.

Using the web you are to find out information on inventions of the times, view different castles and parts, learn to use the abacus, print and create your own coat of arms, and learn about the duties of a squire, and much more in order to become a knight. You will become a knight after passing the test of knowledge and bravery. Good Luck on your journey to Medieval Times!

The Process  

In order to accomplish these tasks, you must follow these directions carefully.

  1. First, you'll be assigned with another student into teams of two. Each student is to create their own journal book using the directions given on the Extras section. You are to help one another in case you run into trouble. You can find the buttons for the different sections at the bottom of this page. Follow the directions given very carefully.
  2. You will then need to create your very own coat of arms using the template given in the Social Studies section. Make sure to learn about the different coats of arm and designs. Make notes in your journal. Make sure to be creative. The coat of arms should be drawn into your journal. You will need it in order to become a knight.
  3. While in Social Studies, learn about the duties of a squire, and the Code of Chivalry used by knights in the Medieval Period. Make sure to write this code in your journal for future references.
  4. You will also need to look up three sites out of those listed in the Social Studies section with information on castles. You will need to know the parts to a castle. Remember to write those notes in your journal for later use. You can also use these sites to help you create your castle, before you build it.
  5. Design your castle using cardboard, tissue paper, or any other material you would like to use. You can also use the site listed under the building of a castle in the Social Studies section to help you. Follow the directions on making a castle in the Social Studies section carefully. It will inform you of all of the requirements. Be as creative as possible, for this will be your home after you become a knight.
  6. You will need to learn about the abacus in the Math section. This is one of the most important skills you need in order to pass the knighthood test. You will also need to learn how to use, and read Roman Numerals in order to solve simple addition and subtraction problems. Write down any hints you get, in your journal.
  7. For entertainment, make sure to read a ballad and some nursery rhymes. Keep note of what you read, and also write down your ballad in your journal.
  8. One of the skills you will get most acquainted with is the feudal system. You will have the opportunity to role-play the system in class using M&M's, but you must know what it is all about. Make sure to right down any feelings you had after the simulation and draw a diagram of the system in your journal.
  9. You will also be asked to write a cinquain in order to entertain King Arthur. Write the cinquain, and a persuasive letter to King Arthur. In the persuasive letter you must tell the King why you would be a worthy knight to the round table.
  10. The Sciences were very important in Medieval times. Learn about rocks, inventions, and ink making. You will need to know about the three types of rocks. Keep some type of record of important inventions. And the mystery of making ink. You will be able to conduct these experiments in class, but will have to show the completion of the other assignments first.
  11. Now comes the fun part, learn about music, art, and cooking. Here you will be able to listen, view, and taste Medieval Life. This is the fun part of becoming a knight. You will be taking the test soon!
  12. Hooray! By now you should have made knighthood! Get ready for the ceremony and the Medieval Feast in your honor! Congratulations!

All students will be participating regardless of gender. There were many women knights that fought in wars. A good example would be Joan of Arc. You will have a total of four weeks to complete your assignments. The deadlines will be established as follows:

  1. Journal Making/Coat of Arms: 1 day
  2. Squire's Duty/Code of Chivalry: 1 day
  3. Castle Research/Model Making: 4 days
  4. Math Barter/Abacus: 4 days
  5. Making a Ballad: 1 day
  6. Feudal System: 2 days
  7. Cinquain/Persuasive Letter: 1 day
  8. Science Section: 4 days
  9. Fine Arts: 2 days
  10. Medieval Feast: 1 day

The last day of the unit will be for a Medieval Feast. On this day all of the students will receive the Test of Knowledge and Bravery. Those students that score 100 are the proud honorees at the Medieval feast. Remember that we are all winners, no matter your score. Get ready to party!


Although you will be working with a partner, you will receive a grade for your journal.

  • Journal Making/Coat of Arms: 20 points
  • Model Making: 10 points
  • Math Barter/Abacus Quiz: 5 points
  • Making a Ballad: 4 points
  • Cinquain: 3 points
  • Persuasive Letter: 3 points
  • Science Section Quiz: 5 points
  • Test of Knowledge and Bravery: 50 points

90-100 points= A
80- 89 points= B
70- 79 points= C
60- 69 points= D
00- 59 points= F


By the end of this unit, you will have a braod understanding of Medieval Times. Would you have liked to live in this period of time? Why or Why not?


Credits & References

I would like to thank my sister Gigi, without her help and support I wouldn't have completed my first webpage. You are the best! I would also like to thank the Metropolitan Museum and the Smithsonian Institute for their resources and excellent links. And all of the other excellent sites and links, which are too many to name. My page wouldn't have been the same without them.

The following books were used to complete this webpage:

  • What Your 2nd Grader Needs To Know/E.D. Hirsch, Jr.
  • Medieval Times Activities Book/Edupress
  • Thematic Unit Medieval Times/Teacher Created Materials,Inc.
  • World History Simulations/Teacher Created Materials, Inc.
  • World History/Frank Schaffer
  • A Medieval Feast/Aliki
  • Medieval Castles/Brian Adams
  • Science for Fun/Gary Gibson

  • See you real soon!!!!!
    You are the Countertraveler to visit my humble page.

    Last updated on August 15, 1999. Based on a template from The WebQuest Page

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