Best if NOT veiwed with Netscape
Embrace the Chaos
Cheasapeake Shard
Guild News Members of Embrace
Rules of the Sea UO Links
Message Board
"Come, let us make a Hell of our own and try how long we can bear it."  ~Blackbeard
Embrace the Chaos has been established as a pirate guild on the Chesapeake shard of Ultima Online for one purpose and one purpose alone: the enjoyment of the game. First brought together under the leadership of Cap'n Morgan on July 26 of 2000. Haveing suffered thru the mess of changes that OSI typicaly deals to their players, he decided not to opt to quit the game as many others have. Instead he quickly pulled a small group of veteran players together with a simple idea. Take over and control the island town of Bucaneer's Den. Once a member accepts the fact that "Noto Color" no longer matters the concept becomes easier to grasp. So set the rules aside, put a ship under your feet, pass the ale and embrace the chaos.