The X-Men section here has now been dismantled but don't worry,
everything X-Men is still around, just at a new site.
Or visit my
Buffy The Vampire Slayer section.
Main focus is Willow/Spike
BTVS Slash is at my
BTVS Slash Center
Or visit my Jurassic Park 3
Alan & Billy Fanfic site
Other JP3 links are at my
JP3 Slash Center
Hi guys. Yeah, my regular site turned into a Slash center. *shrugs* What can I say? I think I've lost my touch for writing Het.
So, the beautiful circles below send you to each group that I have slash fiction before.
If your cup of tea isn't found in the six main groups, go to Misc. and find either the fics you want or a link to the type you want.
email me with a submission/suggestion and I'll try to see what I can do!
A few links to my other sites. More links are in their respective groups.
Non-slash links are found if you click on this LINKS graphic above