+ + frequently asked questions about LAREINE + +

1. Where can I buy LAREINE CDs from if I don't live in Japan?

--I recommend buying CDs, both indies and major-label releases, from Third Stage. Third Stage is an indies music store in japan that ships to other countries. You can reserve first-press items there as well. Sometimes you can also buy second-hand rare items from them. They've recently opened an online web-store which is very convenient. I've ordered from them before, and they were very good about my order. Visit http://www.mandrakeroot.co.jp/i/ts/info/overseas/index.htm for more information.

The other place that I recommend is CD Japan. CD Japan is an online store that is quick and has good service. However, they only have the newer CDs available.

2. I want to send a fanletter to my favorite LAREINE member. Where do I send it to?

--KAMIJO can be reached through Applause Records. The Applause Records address can be found on the Applause Records Homepage under the section "Contact." Just make sure to add KAMIJO's name to it so that they give him the letter. You can find the link to Applause Records in the links section.

--MACHI has been working on a project called Chanton L'amour. There was a contact address to send him fanletters through Float Temple on the ainsi soit il homepage, but now that he's moved to Applause Records, I'm not sure if it's better to send him letters via the Applause Records address or the Float Temple address. I'll try to clarify this as soon as I can.

--EMIRU started a new band called RIBBON recently. Although they have recently closed their fanclub, I believe that you can still send him letters through STRAWBERRY HOUSE. The address is on the RIBBON official HP, at the bottom of the RIBBON Activity section. The link to the official site is on the links section.

MAYU has left LAREINE and is no longer with NEW SODMY, so I'm not sure where you can send him fanletters. If I find anything out, I'll post it here.

If anyone needs any help with the addresses, feel free to email me.

3. How do I join the fanclub Fleur?

--The official fanclub for LAREINE is Fleur, which means flower in french. Unfortunately, membership is currently reserved only for those who have an address in Japan (this has to do with how they've arranged to do all their mailings with the japanese post-office, etc).

If you do live in Japan, all you need to do is send a self-addressed stamped envelope (80 yen stamp) to "Fleur Nyukai Kibou-kakari" at Applause Records and they'll send you the form you have to fill out to join. Membership costs 6000 yen (the entrance fee is 2000 yen). The Applause Records address can be found on the Applause Records Homepage under the section "Contact." You can find the link to Applause Records in the links section.

4. I'm new to LAREINE and heard the band's music follows a story. What's happened so far?

This is a section of this HP that I've been working on for awhile, but it still isn't quite done. Basically, the members play as characters in a story that their music tells. KAMIJO plays as the main character Jeremie (later reincarnated as Asphodel) who tragically falls in love with a maiden named Lillie Charlotte, MAYU's character represents sadness, EMIRU plays as a fairy/cupid, and MACHI is the essence of love.

I do have the whole story up to now starting with Blue Romance through Miss Carmila, and I'm trying to put it up piece by piece as soon as I can. I plan to put it up in the Library section of this homepage as I get it done. Please look forward to it~!

5. Where can I find LAREINE tabs or bandscore?

--LAREINE hasn't released an official bandscore book, but bandscore of two of their songs, Metamorphose and Gerbe, have been published in a bandscore collection book called "J-ROCK REVOLUTION PINK." The ISBN number is 4-8108-6517-7 and the publisher is DOREMI music publishing company. You can visit DOREMI's official homepage at: http://www.doremi.co.jp/

I don't have any information about LAREINE guitar tabs, etc. Sorry.

6. I want to buy a guitar like MAYU's guitar. Where can I buy it from??

--MAYU used several guitars while he was in LAREINE. The purple guitar is an ESP guitar, but I don't know what kind. The red/crimson guitar is an ESP "Mirage," which is no longer being made. The color of his guitar is CAR (candy apple red). You can have it made by special order if you contact ESP guitars. You can visit their homepage at http://www.espguitars.net

During Fuyu Tokyo he uses a Les Paul Goldtop guitar. I know there was a reissue of this guitar, but I'm not not really sure if it's available now. Inquire at the official homepage for more details. http://www.lespaul.com/

During Billet and a few other songs, he uses a classical guitar, but unfortunately I don't have specific information on it at the present time.

7. Why are there no images of LAREINE on this homepage?

--This isn't a LAREINE question, but I didn't know where else to put it, so I just put this question at the bottom of this faq. When I started making this site, a lot of my japanese friends told me that it's illegal to use LAREINE images because it is copyrighted material. If I ever do get permission to put up pictures, I'll add some to their profiles. Anyway, there are other archives on the net, but I think most people have a lot of LAREINE pictures anyway. I'd like to make a site that offers much more than pictures. I hope that all of you will enjoy it. Yoroshiku ne!