Welcome! This page does not consult the usual doctrine of pages, neither will it contain any witty information about myself, because I do not care. Firstly the few things I can mention is the fact that I'm not in the right age to be a pure artist, neither have I practised a great deal in writing. I'm not English either.

I only speak it at home.This page will consist of certain information, which is - it will contain a great deal stories from different subjects. Mainly romantic. Duh - the page is pink! If you'll be expecting any crime stories to popp up in the nearest future - you'd better wait a while.

There maybe some Fantasy ones crawling about, since I've got nothing better to do than that, and I've started on one, which I later on found out by sheer misfortune seemed rather similare to His Dark Materials, which I didn't get to read before last weekened.

Anyway I do adore the series, but I'm going to try and keep my own 'small' insignificant little trilogy (or so I hope) different from his plot, because I don't want any similarities. Plus the fact that I despise stealing. If I have taken inspiration from anything I'll credit them, especially when it comes to artistic creatitivity - there are several pages - I must thank, because I've been keeping up to trace them, well only some very few that is.

Snuggles, from Emily.