Emmie's corner

Welcome to my little corner of the information superhighway.

This is my first real attempt at creating an elaborate home page so please be patient as things will be updated often.
A little about Moi. My name is Emily I hail from right outside Louisville, Ky.
I recently completed my college education with a B.A. in Psychology and human behavior. I am considering switching gears altogether and pursuing a career in film. (Yeah right.)
I enjoy chatting and meeting new people, especially intriguing people. You know who you are heh heh.
I have a variety of interests including, but certainly not limited to:
painting and drawing, dancing, music and piano, the Beatles, jogging, my dog Molly, art and film, paranormal phenomenon and the UFO phenomenon, the human mind, friends, and family.

Paranormal Phenomena


Alien Abduction

UFOs and Extraterrestrial Life

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The Beauty and Glamour Webring
The Beauty and Glamour Webring by anderson_kaci
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