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February 17, 2002
I updated the lyrics page. I'm working on the Slim Shady EP lryics and Infinite lyrics. Hopefully those won't take forever to finish. I added a D12 lyrics page also-those will be up soon too.

February 15, 2002
I haven't updated this site in a while, I've been really busy. I made a new layout though, I hope it works out, I really like it. I will be updating more, so expect a lot!

September 14, 2001
I added a fanart page. If you have any pictures of Eminem or D12 that you've drawn, send them to me and I will put them up!

September 11, 2001
Today a terrible tragedy happend in New York. Please keep all the people who have died and are trapped, in your prayers.

August 2, 2001
I finally put the awards up for you to win on the awards page. If you have an Eminem website or just a general rap site, apply for one!

July 17, 2001
I haven't updated in a while. Anyways, I just added a Downloads page. There's nothing ready to be downloaded yet because I need to upload them first.

June 22, 2001
I finished the links page. If you want me to link to your website, just e-mail me and I will. I'm also starting a D12 pictures page and a D12 lyrics page.

June 8,2001
I finished all the lyrics for the Slim Shady LP. Go check 'em out! I stll have to do the lyrics for Infinite and the Slim Shady EP.

June 4, 2001
This site is finally coming together! I haven't been working on it as much as I'd like to because of school. But I'm free now for the summer and I'm going to update a lot! I've been mainly working on the lyrics page right now. All the songs for the Marshall Mathers LP are done. I'm sill working on the Slim Shady LP. I've got about half the songs done on there. More to come though!