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Index of Surnames
Includes all surnames encountered in ancestral family trees and notations about individuals.

  • Single Individuals – Where a surname has been encountered in which only one individual is known no pedigree can be established, so no further information is given. However, select the surname below to find its place in a segment of the family tree (deliniated by parentheses).

  • Pedigree Search – Where a surname has been encountered of more than one generartion, pedigrees are provided. However, this does not include ancient Wharton lines (prior to immigration). Pedigrees have been developed for the following surnames ...

    Baldwin, Bไr (Barr, Beer, Bear), Blakey, Bowater, Brooster, Brown (Lichbraun), Brubaker, Buckwalter (Bouchwalder), Conway, Dicks, Dickson, Fry, Garrett (Garat), Gibben, Groff (Graf, Grafft), Hartman, Harvey, Hatton, Hauser, Henderson, Herr, Hoover, Horton, Kauffman (Coffmann), Kendig (Kindig), Kinports, Kirke, Kreider (Greider), Landis, LeFevre, Lewis, Lintner, Maddock, Mendenhall (Myldenhall), Meyer, Miller, Mylin, Newlin, Priest, Rinier, Pusey, Ruth, Rutt (Root), Sharpless (Sharples), Simcock, Smith, Sp๖rri, Stevens, Stroud, Thatcher, Wharton, Witmer (Whitmer), Yearsley

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Index of Surnames • Pedigree Search
