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Doctrinal Statement
1. The Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament are the inspired Word of God, inerrant in the original writings, the complete revelation of His will, and the final authority for the believer's belief and practice.

2. One God, Creator, Sustainer and Judge of all things, infinitely perfect and eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.

3. Jesus Christ is both true God and man, the only begotten and eternal Son of God, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born by virgin Mary, totally sinless, who died as an atoning sacrifice for our sins, who was arose bodily from the dead and ascended to heaven.

4. Holy Spirit is a Divine person, who has an essential part in salvation, convicting the sinners, regenerating the believing sinner, indwelling, guiding, instructing and empowering the believer for godly living and a life of witness and service.

5. Man was created in the image of God, but fell into sin and became lost and totally depraved and in desperate need for the regeneration by the Holy Spirit.

6. The shed blood of Jesus Christ and His resurrection is the only ground of the sinner justification before God; that God saves sinners totally by His grace, without any respect to the sinners merits and the sinner is saved when he receives Jesus Christ as his personal Savior and Lord and turns to God from sin through repentance. Both faith and repentance are conditions for the receiving salvation. God is keeping His own secure till the end, but the believer has also, a responsability for a life of holiness and obedience.

7. The Church of Jesus Christ is composed of all born again believers, saved by blood of the lamb, regenerated and united by Holy Spirit to the Body and Christ, its Head. The Universal Church finds its expression in the local Church, who is autonomous, governing its own affairs under the headship of Christ. The purposes of the local Church are: the glorification of God by worship, the edification of saints by Word and fellowship and the saving of the lost by personal and corporative evangelism. The Church officers are of two kinds: spiritual (pastors = elders = bishops), and administrative (deacons).

8. The believer's baptism by immersion and the Lord's Supper are the only ordinances to be observed in the present dispensation. The are symbols, not sacraments.

9. Jesus Christ will come again in a personal, visible way to establish His literal kingdom on earth. We believe in the premillenial, pretribulational rapture of the Church. At Rapture the dead in Christ will be raised. After the Millenium, the unbelievers will be raised to judgment and everlasting and conscious punishment in hell, while the believers will enjoy the eternal bliss in heaven with their Lord.

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Emmanuel Baptist Church of Timisoara exists to glorify God through the individual and corporate worship of its members, the fellowship of God's saints, the spiritual growth of Christ's disciples the equipping of His servants for the work of service in the Church and for fulfilling their role as His ambassadors to a lost world.
Being led by the Holy Spirit to receive Jesus Christ as our Saviour and Lord and, on the basis of the public confession of faith through the baptism in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we are entering now, with all the solemnity and joy into this covenant with one another as a one body in Christ.

We endeavour, therefore, by the help of the Holy Spirit to walk together in Christian love; to fight for the growth of this Church in knowledge, holiness and mutual encouragement; to promote its prosperity and spirituality; to attend regularly to its services; to sustain its worship, its two ordinances, the disciplines and doctrines of the Holy Scriptures; to give God's Church a sacred preeminence above all human institutions; to give faithfully from our time and talents to its
activities; to contriburte joyfully and regularly to sustain all its ministries, its expenses, the helping of those in need, poor, sister churches, as well to the extension of the Gospel, both at home and abroad.

We endeavour, also, to maintain the personal devotion in family, both personal fellowship with God and "family altar". We understand that a good testimony starts at home, therefore, we will seek to maintain the unity and harmony in the family, through an attitude of love and mutual submission between husband and wife, creating a proper atmosphere for spiritual growth
and being models for our children.

We desire to intercede for the salvation of the dear ones; to live carefully in the world; to keep integrity in all our bussiness; faithful in all engagements and exemplary in conduct; to avoid gossip,a judgmental spirit, and sinful anger; to abstain of use and promotion of alcoholic beverages; to abstain of all form of behaviour which dishonour Jesus Christ, and is a stumbling block to someone.

We endeavour to encourage one another in the blessed hope of Lord's coming; to watch to one another; to pray for one another; to help one another in need and sickness; to cultivate Christian sympathy; to be slow at anger, ready to make peace, attentive to the commandments of our Lord, that they will have priority in our lives.

So help us God to live for His eternal glory!


Doctrinal Statement
Church Covenant
Mission Statement
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