Nazwy miejscowe Warszawy, cz.1: A-Bo, Gdańsk 1998; z.2: Br-Ch, Gdańsk 1999, ss. 20.

The author made her aim to collect local names from the area of the capital city of Warsaw within its administrative borders from 1994. Her study comprises names of towns, villages, colonies, housing and residential quarters, palace and park estates, districts, suburbs, water-mills, inns, forester`s lodges etc., including names of streets compiled earlier by K. Handke (Semantyczne i strukturalne typy nazw ulic Warszawy). The comparison of the content of works of both authors allows us to state that E. Czerniakowska gives in her study more detailed and full description of the names as regards the area, number of presented names as well as a scope of information included in particular entriers and thus, her work is more useful for researchers of Warsaw. In the introduction, the author, a linguist and a toponymist herself, presents a brief semantic and etymological description of typology of Polish local names compiled by Witold Taszycki as well as distinct structural and grammatical classification prepared by StanisÂław Rospond. Unlike in other toponymical studies the author does not confine herself only to mentioning recorded modifications of names, their chronology, classification, but she also presents their close location, history and other etymological suggestions referring to the origin of the names providing there are any data available.

from recension: E. Kowalczyk, "Kwartalnik Historii Kultury Materialnej", Warszawa 2001 nr 1/2 s.146.

Nazwy miejscowe Warszawy, z. 3

Wybrane etymologie nazw miejscowych z terenu Warszawy

Summary (German)

Publikacje Ewy Czerniakowskiej z zakresu onomastyki

Strona Ewy Czerniakowskiej

Varsaviana Ewy Czerniakowskiej

Wizytówka Ewy Czerniakowskiej

Zebrania Oddz. Gd. TMJP

Juliusz Słowacki (1809-1849)(w 200. rocznicę urodzin)

Jan Heweliusz (Hevelius) (1611-1687)

Copyright by Ewa Czerniakowska, Gdańsk 2001-2009