~The Bestest Onez~
~*Friends are the ones who bail u outta Jail. Best Friends are the ones who are sitting next to u in the cell saying "THAT KICKED ASS!!"
~Fact: If you ever hurt me, u get it back 10 time worse.
~I love him so much, that it turns to hate...
~Can I get directions to your heart..I'm kinda lost in your eyes..<<LoL...hehe...his eyes..*sigh* I Luv "his" eyes=)>>
~I'm not smiling @ you!! I'm trying not to laugh!!
~If u treat a woman like an object that is just wrong. If u treat an object like a woman that is just discusting!!
~Guyz suck! They're just so darn cute!!
~Love isn't blind; Chances are you're the blind one.
~If grasshopper is a term of endearment, then I've got alot to learn.~*My Girl2 })i({
~I don't know weather to smile because he's my friend or cry because that's all we ever will be. <<WoW finally acknowledged Jacob...well uhh...kinda..>>
~Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.
~Which hurts worse?? Saying something and wishing you hadn't or saying nothing and wishing you had.
~The worst way to miss someone is when they're right next to you.
~Women have many faults. Men only have two...Everything they say, and everything they do.
~Men are living proof that women can take a joke.
"My Mom's a Slut"~ Hazel
"I'm not a slut!!"~Hazel's Mom
Charlie Brown: I'm afraid to be happy.
Lucy: Why would you be afraid to be happy??
Charlie Brown: Because whenever you get too happy, something bad always happens.
Sophia: My butts asleep.
Dorothy: Fine, we'll keep our voices down.