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I'm twisted cuz one side of me is tellin' me that I need to move on
On the other side I wanna break down and cry

::song playing:: Usher - Burn


__Donnie Belleau
__Vancouver Techincal Secondary School
__xfakexkissesx [at] hotmail.com
__x.kisskiss.x [at] nexopia.com
__xfakexkissesx [at] livejournal.com

what eles more can i say.i said im fucking sorry over and over again. i didnt mean to break your heart or make you cry.you know i love you and i always will. im sorry. i know you wont forgive me for what i did. but remember i know what i did and i wasnt fair. and believe me it wasnt worth anything your the most important thing ever. i love you