1::Full Name: Wencheng Huang
2::Name Backwards: Gnuah Gnehcnew. Is this supposed to mean some secret code?
3::Does your name mean anything?: Wen - intelligent; Cheng - become (or, according to one source, successful); Huang - YELLOW.
4::Were you named after anyone?: Yes, a Tibetan princess. Who was an artist, a scholar, and a seamstress. Eh...one out of three ain't bad. *g*
5::Nick Name(s): Wen, Wenny(-chuu. But only one person ever tags on the chuu), Neko,
6::Screen name(s): SpectralAesthete (space optional), SpAe (rarely, simply an abbrieviation), Mad Cherry
7::Date Of Birth: 10th December, 1987
8::Place of Birth: Northshore, NSW (Australia)
9::Nationality: Australian citizen, Singaporean memories
10::Current Location: Melbourne
11::Sign: Saggitarius/Rabbit
12::Religion: Willing agnostic
13::Height: 5'1", last I measured
14::Weight: 103 lb (47 kg), last I measured
15::Shoe Size: About a 7
16::Hair color: *Dark*. Some of it now tapers off to a light bleached. I wanted to dye the bleached part but...
17::Eye color: A cynical dark
18::What do you look like?: An often grimacing, rather forgettable small-built Asian girl in an oversized trenchcoat. ^_^
19::Innie or Outie?: Innie
20::Righty, Lefty, or Ambidextrous?: Righty/ambitiously Ambidexterous
21::Gay, Straight, Bi, or Other?: Pending

Who Is Your...
22::Best friend(s): Not sure. Possibly Sean, since I've known him for so long, and we get along well.
23::Best friend you trust more than anyone: Eh...this one I wouldn't really know. I don't spill my secrets often...I hope?
24::Best friends {your sex}: Eh, not sure. Alex and Oneesama come to mind ^^;
26::Best Bud(s): No idea. The guys at school are FUN. X3
27::Boyfriend / Girlfriend: Neither. Nobody loves me!
28::Crush: I wish Liliana read this. XD Seriously...I ain't telling.
29::Parent(s): You shouldn't use "is" if you're going for plural. :)
30::Worst Enemy: I'm sure I have a small hate club, but I don't know who's the president.
31::Favorite on-line Guy(s): Sean, Mark, Justin, Oniisan, Andrew-oniisan
32::Favorite on-line Girl(s): Cat-Oneesama, Sweety-neechan, Liz-chan
33::Funniest friend: That's probably a toss-up between Sean and the guys at school. Heehee.
34::Craziest friend: Enzo, Nick? Not sure. Heee.
35::Advice Friend: Ting. Actually, no, he's just my Math-Mentor. I don't have an advice friend per-se. Wait, I know! Enzo. ^_^
36::Loudest Friend: Jackie and Ben. ~_~;
37::Person you cry with: Don't cry with any of my (RL) friends. The guys know where the tissue box is and I'm usually busy. The girls...aren't close enough to cry in front of me. ^_^;

Do You Have...

38::Any sisters: Nope.
39::Any brothers: Nope.
40::Any pets: I once had a Tamagotchi. Now I have an Abuse Puppy (it was me what coined the concept! XD). Don't ask.
41::A Disease: I am a - wait. Nope.
42::A Pager: Naw.
43::A Personal phone number: Only a mobile.
44::A leather jacket with studs on it?: Nup. That'd be fun, though.
45::A heroin needle: Nopers. It'd be fun to threaten people with one. But I'd probably stab myself in the process. You know, like "So give me all your money or I'll-SHIT!"
46::A Pool or hot tub: Noooooope.
47::A Car: Too young even to get my Ls.

Describe Your...

48::Personality: Extremely inconsistent. I have really bad moodswings and I can be very, very moody. Most of my RL friends would know this after knowing me for some time. Sorry, but I can't help it much, and I'm not on any medication. >>;
49::Driving: Don't even have my Ls. If it gives you any clue - I'm mildly paranoid sometimes.
50::Car or one you want: Probably a 4WD. Or a VW bug. Or one of those sugoi antique cars! XD
51::Room: Pretty messy, with vague hints of organization.
52::shoes: Mostly black. Favorite are my suede boots.
53::School: Too far for easy access, I s'pose. That's not as good as it sounds.
54::Bed: Comfy.
55::Relationship with your parent(s): Mom's cool sometimes.

Do You...

56::Believe in yourself: That's like believing in the tooth fairy. >.>;
57::Do you believe in love at first sight?: Not sure. It depends who you apply the concept to.
58::Consider yourself a good listener: Sometimes. Sometimes I can connect with the speaker and be a very good listener. Other times I'm more focused on the chemistry of sporks. X3
59::Consider yourself a good friend: Eh...
60::Get Along with your parents: Mom's cool.
61::Save your e-mail conversations: Not often.
62::Pray: Only when I'm forced to. I don't really know...
63::Believe in reincarnation: Kind of.
64::Like to make fun of people: Yes. Oh god, yes. Especially when they don't realise I'm using my l337 powers of s4r(45|\/|. (Apparently I sound *angry* when sarcastic, not sarcastic. Either that, or...I sound deadpan. Like I always sound. Well, damn!)
65::Like to talk on the phone: Not really. I loathe ringing people - it's kind of this inbred "ohgodamigonnaringthewrongnumber?" fear.

Do you...

67::Like to drive: I repeat - I don't have my Ls.
68::Get motion sickness: It's weird...I've started feeling slightly ill on planes. Usually I'm fine.
69::Eat the stems of broccoli: Don't like broccoli.
70::Eat Chicken fingers with a fork: Heck no. Sometimes. I don't know!
71::Dream in color: Yes. The scheme depends what dream it is.
72::Type with your fingers on home row: Home row?
73::Sleep with a stuffed animal: Not in either sense of the word. A bolster will be fine, zankyuu!

What Is/Are/Was...

74::Right next to you: On the left - posters, Winnie the Pooh plushie Jackie gave me ages back. Right - table and a hell lot of mess.
75::On the walls of your room: Posters. Because I got bored. A Gojyo poster, an Angel Sanctuary poster (the fact I've never seen it doesn't stop me from posting up two pretty boys on my wall. ^_^), a Chobits poster (Chii and Sumomo), a Trigun poster (Vash sitting on that huge ep 1 guy's head) and another Saiyuki poster (all four boys in casualwear).
76::On your mouse pad: A mouse. Eh heh...Ken and Ryu doji mousepad. No, it's not as good as it sounds - muscle bound, strange doji.
77::Your dream car: 4WD, antique car, bug.
78::Your dream date: GWAHAHAHA...I don't know. X3
79::Your dream honeymoon spot: See above.
80::Your dream husband/wife: ...I seriously can't see myself being married.
81::Your bedtime: Depends.
82::Under your bed: Old video camera, miscellany, and lots of dust.
83::The single most important question: "What's in it for me?" *worships the Oneesama*
84::Your bad time of the day: Too many! XD
85::Your worst fear(s): Complete conformity, losing my ability to create. No, not procreate. There's quite a difference.
86::The weather is like: Weird. This is Melbourne.
87::The time?: 10:34 pm, EASST
88::The date?: February 25
89::The best trick you ever played on someone: Not sure...wait, maybe last year, when Ting, Cheng and I played havoc with Jamie's keys. *grin*
90::The weirdest food or drink that you like: Anchovies? Mushrooms? Not sure. hee.
91::Theme Song: too many...okay! Perky theme: Takeuchi Junko - "Muteki na Bataashi". Angsting theme: Duvet (BoA)...wait, no, that's not it. I don't know. Ask me when I'm angsting. ^_^; Head-In-Daze theme: Pink Floyd - "Brain Damage"
92::The hardest thing about growing up: Leaving the neverland of childhood. Dammit. Still need to upload that sketch...
93::Your funnest experience: ...eh? Dunno.
94::Your scariest moment: Not really any, I guess.
95::The silliest thing you've said: (Mom:) "Stop talking to yourself!" (Wen:) "Stop eavesdropping on a private conversation!"
96::The funniest or most desperate thing you've done to get the attention of the opposite sex?: I don't even *try*, which explains my single status. ^_^; The closest I'm going to get to a relationship for a while is being shipped off like a tragic shoujo chara. XD
97::The craziest thing that's ever happened while with your friend(s): ...not a clue. there's new insanity everyday.
98::The worst feeling in the world: 1) Guilt/regret. 2) Sometimes when I get overly sad, there's this certain...emptiness I get inside. It REALLY sucks.
99::The best feeling in the world: Not sure. Eh heh...

    Source: geocities.com/empress_sakura_kasugano