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Peggy Field's  
Empty Nest Home Page

Hello  friends!   This Home Page seemed like a good idea until I had to design it!   Having had a computer only eight  months when I first did this page, I think I bit off more than I could chew!   But I have fun learning.   One thing I have discovered is that I'd rather try and do it than read HOW to do it!  That makes for a lengthy trial and error period.   I naively used to think that html stood for hotmail or some such thing--now I know it stands for HATEMAIL!! 

My husband and I are at the Empty Nest stage of our lives, and really enjoy it.  Nine years ago I started a small antiques business which I named Empty Nest.   I have more fun than money but it keeps me off the streets and out of the shopping malls and in the flea markets and antique malls.   I love American furniture, especially 18th and 19th Century pieces, both for my home and shop. The Midwest is my favorite place to shop for treasures.

My Interests

I am interested in learning to use this computer--so far I have made baby steps forward and giant leaps backward. But I keep on trying and will get the hang of it before too long. My computer unfriendly husband has started collecting children's books and now is into eBay and having fun. 

All of our children  live in Texas, but in different directions from Houston.  Seeing them fairly often is a treat. Our oldest son and his wife have our grandaughter Madeleine, and our  grandson Adam.  Our second  son and his wife just moved back to our area.   Our daughter lives near Dallas and is a graphic artist.   Wish she would help rework this webpage! 

Volunteer work takes up some of my time.   Sometime I'd like to try genealogy-my father did our family from Germany to the US after the Civil War, and he did my mother's side also for that time frame.  I think it would be neat to try tracing back beyond those original immigrants.  The family names are Kuebler, Wilkins, and Hansen.   I hope to find some websites to help me along the way.   Any help would be appreciated.  I asked for and received Family Tree Maker for Christmas.  It is a genealogy program for computer.  I am looking forward to using it.

Here are some family photos

Madeleine and Adam on July 4, 2001

Kathy and Adam on July 4, 2001

Sabrina and Jimmy 

The Field men plus Madeleine on Christmas, 2000, including Dad, who passed away this last April.

Madeleine on Easter Sunday

Adam on Easter Sunday

Field family collage, 1999

March, 2001 photos of my shop space in Queenies Antiques in Waller, Texas.





Links to My Favorite Sites

Hallmark Cards Online

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This page was last updated on July 1, 2002


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