In Memory

We acknowledge the passing of the following members:

Richard Heilbrun, # 19 (Founding Member/EMT/Driver)

July 11 , 1999

Dick was a longtime member and founder of the Corps. Unfortunately, due to health reasons, Dick was forced to leave the Corps several years ago.

Josh Heisman, # 3 (Founding Member/EMT/Driver)

January 12 , 1999

Josh was a longtime member and founder of the Corps. He was also the charter member of the GOVAC Retirees Club.

Larry Feigenbaum, # 1 (Founding Member/ Past President/EMT/Driver)

September 7 , 1998

In honor of his endless generosity and commitment for over 25 years.
Thanks "Scoop".

Donald Hallerman, # 4 (Founding Member/ Past President/EMT/ Driver)

January 9 , 1997

In remembrance of a caring, generous person who had dedicated himself to the community as a volunteer for over twenty years.
His Smile and Humor will always remain bright in our hearts.

Robert E. Smath, # 78 (EMT / Driver)

October 2, 1994

"Our Street Angel"
Authored By: Irwin Shanis
The imperfect world of mortals has lost one of its stars and the heavens have gained a galaxy!That loss is so profound, that when weighed against the average person, Robert Smath Jr. stood out as a brilliant and shining star. Taken from us too young, too soon, and too abruptly, the world is now bedimmed by his passing and heaven is thereby enriched! In the short span of 25 years, a legacy was left for us, "Give of Yourself", and give he did, hurling himself body and soul into the war against pain and anguish, saving lives and saving people, most of whom were anonymous voices that cried for assistance and care, and were answered by our very own ,"Street Angel."

James Howard, # 89 (EMT / Driver)

June 28, 1993

For his dedication and distinguished service at the Glen Oaks Volunteer Ambulance Corps. His time with us is gone but will never be forgotten.

In an EMERGENCY call: 347-1600

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