January 3, 2000

Today was another pointless day in the office. I feel like I get nothing done all day. At least I get paid. I am so damn distracted and unmotivated. What makes it worse is that now the Jr. Project Manager position that I have been waiting for has now been opened up and Kristen is going into it. I am not happy. I want to get out of coordination. I should have gotten that spot. So she was hired with that promise, that was from Scott. She didn't even interview the last time around! ME ME ME! She has a good account and a good sales person. I have a good sales person but a crappy account. Noooo! *pout* Maybe I just need to persue LA a little harder. This Teknion thing has got me interested, but who knows how long that will take and how stable it would be when it does come up. Then again, who's to say that BKM or any other dealer in So Cal is going to pay me what I want and deserve?! Steelcase still interests me, Lord knows what would be available there. Well, with a million square feet, there is prolly a whole hell of a lot! I need to call Amy and get her on it again.

Manny is asleep, half of his body laying uphill on my bag, it's cute. He is going through a clingy phase and it's kinda driving me nuts. He keeps leaving his food to follow me out of the kitchen and be with me. He did it this morning twice, I had had it. After he left it a second time I put the food up. He did it once tonight and I told him "go eat" and he went and finished. I thought his mouth might hurt or he wasn't hungry (a lab, yeah right) but, if I am in the room, he devours his food. His teeth look fine and he doesn't slow down if I am around. After his food gets taken away a few times he will stop, just like before when he thought he could play with it. I think that he knows something is up. He's getting treats by hand, he slept in the bed a few times, chasing balls. He is testing me a little here and there, and he may sense changes are afoot and is reluctant to leave me so he wont get left. I know I must sound like a total nut, but these dogs are smart. It's not uncommon for dogs going back and getting career changed to sense upheaval and emotional changes in their homes and act out in instances like these. At least he's not chewing stuff (knocking on wood).

I think I have figured out my preliminary training schedule. I need to first, stick to my damn diet! I pigged out tonight at dinner, I always do that. I need to not stuff myself, I wasn't like that before. Greed, greed is bad. Or is that gluttony? Whatever, I need to get over it. Working out will help. During the week I plan on building my stamina on the life cycle. It is a controlled and consistent, which I need to get off on the right foot. On the weekends I plan on riding more and more getting used to being in the saddle.

It is starting to hit me that I am a nut. Who am I to think that I could lug two hundred sixty pounds of lard onto a bike and get it trimmed down and trained enough to ride sixty to one hundred miles a day for seven days? I can't even discipline myself to eat right one meal a day!

Bah! I'm going to bed.

hooray for email!

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