
Many thanks to the below businesses and individuals who provided positive referrals to e-musementParkStore. Their testimonies were very much appreciated!

"I can not believe it, but the Roller Coaster set came today! You fine folks are the BEST I have ever dealt with! Your company will be passed on to all my friends as one of the BEST companies ever to deal with! I can not thank you enough for all you have done, the best I can do is just say, THANK YOU, and may God Bless you all!

Dale Curtis

"Your web is a great idea and I hope that it will have a big success!"

C. Boussemart
Giovanola S.A.
Amusement Rides Worldwide

"I just did a pretty thorough analysis of the e-musementParkStore website, and I must say that I am pretty impressed. It is easy to use, and everything is pretty easy to find. I hope that e-musementParkStore is a success!"

Conrad Kadel
Corporate Travel Consultant

"In just a few months I have sold over $400 of amusement park related items. All items I have sold were in very good, unused condition. I never expected to make
this much money off of items I don't use. Thanks e-musementParkStore!"

B. Figie

"The e-musemenParkStore is a GREAT idea! And other coaster buffs that I've spoken to agree with me. I am looking forward to purchasing a lot of merchandise from you. I certainly hope that most (if not all) of the parks around the country (such as Six Flags, Paramount, Cedar Fair and even the smaller parks) would post their merchandise on your web site as I would DEFINITELY buy a lot of amusement park and roller coaster souvenirs through your service!"

Don Nentwig