My Favorite Tales
The Little Match-Seller / La Petite Fille aux Allumettes (English / French)
The Badger and the Magic Fan, Japanese folktale  (English)
The Little Prince (English--link, other languages--link)
The Rooster and the Fox (English)
The Frog the Traveller (Russian; English)
The Tale of Tsar Saltan by A.S. Pushkin. In Russian with illustrations. Go to
The Cat that Walked by Himself by Rudyard Kipling :
In English: Just So Stories (including The Cat that Walked by Himself). Go to Jan's Happy Page
In French: Le chat qui allait son chemin tout seul. Go to
In Russian:
Kak kot gulial, gde emu vzdumaetsia translated by L.B. Khavkina, 1907. Go to (The site also has the translation by K. Chukovskij)
Serebrianoie kopytse by Pavel Petrovich Bazhov. In Russian. Go to
Konek-Gorbunok by Petr Pavlovich Ershov. In Russian. With illustrations. Go to
Coyote Tales. Go to