
This is the obligatory list of links. It doesn't really require any more explanation, does it?

The Alien Online A British e-zine devoted to news, reviews and features.
Antipodean SF This is an acclaimed flash-fiction (stories of less than 500 words) site based here in Australia. You can also vote for your favourite story every month.
Aphelion A very good fiction zine.
ASiF Australian Specfic in Focus: a growing index to the work of Australians in Speculative Fiction.
Bad Astronomy A terrific de-bunking and sceptic site for science fans.
The Border Motel This is a delightful place to stay in Queensland, Australia. It's several hours from the coast, but it does boast a beautiful statue of Gunsynd, a Melbourne Cup winner of yesteryear. And the manager is my big brother.
Equilibrium Books A publisher of unique taste and judgement based right here in Western Australia.
Fantasy Writers Wanted A site run by James Richey and populated by a very supportive group of writers (including me). There is also an anthology of original stories available called Enchanted Realms that you can purchase from Help some struggling authors make it big! Enchanted Realms 2: The Vampires Of Tinadriel & Other Tales is now available and one of my stories (it's called "Banshee's Grief") was fortunate enough to be selected. Now the group has a third anthology out, which looks to be even bigger. Go, FWW!
Flashshot A terrific idea: stories of less than a hundred words. Bite-size, enthralling and tasty for that read-on-the-run.
ilovebacon A daily collection of funny photos and jokes.
Bright Weavings is a site devoted to the work of Guy Gavriel Kay, a magnificent writer of historical novels with the names and places changed to make them look more like fantasy.
Need To Know A British digest that finds the most bizarre misprints and tech-news of the week.
Night To Dawn An excellent little magazine focusing on Vampire fiction.
The Order Of The Stick I don't know Rich Burlew, but his comic is outstanding.
The L-Space Web A tribute to Terry Pratchett and one of the most comprehensive fan sites I have ever seen.
Project Pulp A small press and bookshop that sells an impressive aray of books and merchandise.
Ralan's Webstravaganza One of the greatest listings of writing markets on the internet, run by the fabulous Ralan Conley, who isn't too shabby a writer, either.
Revolution SF An SF site featuring news, views and reviews. Impressively comprehensive and covering most areas of the genre. And some of their articles are pretty cool, too.
The SF Crowsnest Another review and news site which I use regularly.
The SF Site An excellent review and news site for fans of the genre. They host a huge amount of other great sites, too.
Snopes The perfect place to go to debunk urban myths.
Stromatolights A Western australian writers group I belong to. Heaps of folks from my neck of the woods, and some dandy writers among them, too.
Twilight Times An outstanding digest magazine with articles and short stories.
The Website At The End Of The Universe A place for news about all aspects of the genre.
WSPA The World Society for the Protection of Animals. If you have a pet or work with animals, or are interested in some way in the welfare of animals then you should visit these guys.

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