Merry Meet!!!

Welcome to Indigo's Illusions' tribute to the Enchanted Art of Jessica Galbreth. All of the Sets you find within these pages are designed with the express permission of Jessica. They are all Linkware Graphics, meaning that if you choose to use them, you must provide the credit button with a link back to my site. Because all of these images are copyright of Jessica Galbreth, you must also include the banner included within the sets and the link back to her site. Please give credit where credit is due, this wonderful lady is an extremely talented artist and her work simply moves me beyond words. It is a great gift she has given me in allowing me to work with her prints to create these great sets. Please visit her site by clicking on the link below.
Aine:Irish Goddess of MidSummer Night
Amerissus: Spirit of Light
Faery of Good Luck
Airmid-Celtic Goddess of Healing
Spirit of the Forest

Indigo's Illusions Site

The Home of Enchanted Art