Family Sites

(As you can see) there are six spots available on the site, where I the links to Enchanted Dreams' family sites will be. Not all spots are filled yet, which means you could be a brother/sister site!
Though we're not accepting all sites, there are a few 'guidelines'.

1) Family sites can only be Charmed sites. If you have a Charmed related awards/blend site; I'm more than willing to be affiliates! But family sites only Charmed sites.
2) And this part I hate the most, cause I never know how to explain :s Now I accept each and every site as an affiliate and I think that absolutly all Charmed sites deserve to be listed at ED, but for family sites I want something special. So the good Charmed sites with much info, updated reguraly, good looking layout, etc.
3) Please no sites with
  • dozens of pop-ups
  • constantly moving ads
    No I really don't mind pop-ups that much, and I know you can't avoid them with most free servers, hey, I've got them to on my site! Most servers only give ad-free hosting with an paid agreement, and I know most people (like me) just can't afford this and/or aren't willing to pay for this. So a pop-up or two really doesn't botter me, but just no sites where they show up everywhere, or sites with constantly moving ads in your screen (like Angelfire or Lycos)
    4) And as last (finally!) my idea of family is that I put a button link to your site visible on the homepage, so it'd be nice if you would please link me back on your homepage or maybe even in your (navigation) frame too..? :)

    Then just fill out the form below, and put up a link to me right after. You'll get a reply from me within a few days about your acceptance.
    You can use one of these banners, if you want
