Summoning Spells

Angel of Death
Book of Shadows
Creeper Demon
The Dead
The Dead
The Dead
The Dead

Evil Spirit
Mr. Right
Lost Sister
Sister's Spirit
Lost Witch
A Witch's Powers
Witch Doctor

To Summon an Ancestor
Some of your blood is required for this spell
[Name of ancestor]
Blood of our blood
Our [state relation to acestor, like grandmother]
We summon thee

To Reverse The Spell
[Name of ancestor]
Blood of our blood
We release you

To Summon The Angel of Death
Spirits of air, sand and sea
Converge to set the angel free
In the win i send this rhyme
Bring Death before me before me time

To Summon Belthazor
Magic forces black and white
Reaching out through space and light
Be he far or be he near
Bring us the demon Belthazor here

To Summon the Book of Shadows
I call upon the ancient power
To help us in this darkest hour
Let the Book return to this place
Claim refuge in its rightful space

To Summon a Creeper Demon
Demons who dwell in slivers of night
Uncloak your shadow to witch's sight

To Summon Cryto
We call on the demon Cryto
Reach back through all the ages
Humbled by his power
We invite him into our circle

To Summon the Dead
Beloved unkown spirit,
We seek your guidance
We ask you to commune with us,
And move amongst us

To Summon the Dead
Hear these words
Hear my cry
Spirit from the other side
Come to me I summon thee
Cross now the great divide

To Summon the Dead
A sage stick, five white candles and incense are needed
Hear these words
Hear my cry
Spirit from the other side
Come to me I summon thee
Cross now the great divide
Beloved spirit,
We seek your guidance
We ask you to commune with us
And move amongst us

To Summon the Dead
Unkown spirit, we call to three
Those who wish to set you free
Cross on over so that we may help
Come to us, reveal yourself

To Summon an Evil Spirit
Mix equal parts of mercury and acid with the blood of one of the Spirit's victims. Pour it over the grave of the one who is evil. Leaving an epistle of your name and a counterfeit of your face, he will seek thee out for revenge.

To Summon a Lover
Bring together my prince and me
Let him fall on bended knee
I summon him to me side
That he may take me to be his destined bride

To Summon the Halliwell Matriarchs
I call forth from space and time
The matriarchs from the Halliwell line
Mothers, daugthers, sisters, friends
Our family's spirit without end
To gather now in this sacred space
And help us bring this child to grace

To Summon Mr. Right
Write down characteristics of your idea of a perfect man and drop them into the potion while chanting:
A perfect man we summon now
Another way we don't know how
To make our sister see the light
Somewhere out there is Mr. Right

To Summon Mr. Right - an other version
Form a circle of five candles and light them
A perfect man I summon now
Another way I don't know how
Bring him now into the light
Come back to me, Mr. Right

To Call a Lost Sister
Power of the witches rise
Course unseen across the skies
Come to us who call you near
Come to us and settle here
Blood to blood I summon thee
Blood to blood return to me

To Contact the Spirit of a Sister
Sister spirit, we call to thee
Cross on over so we may see

To Call a Lost Witch
Put the following ingredients in a silver mortar: a pinch of rosemary, a sprig of cypress, a yarrow root. Grind with a pestle while chanting:
Powers of the witches, rise
Course unseen across the skies
Come to us who call you near
Come to us and settle here
Add some of your blood to the mortar while chanting:
Blood to blood I summon thee
Blood to blood return to me

To Separate a Witch from Her Powers:
In a boiling crucible of blackest lead combine gypsy blood with a mandrake's head. More of the nightshades will you boil, the henbane, daturn and from nux an oil. With hemlock root complete the draught foul and dark like the might and craft of the creator of this brew and her desire to steal from another for vengeance, power or ire.

To Summon a Witch's Powers:
Powers of the witches rise
Course unseen across the skies
Come to us who call you here
Come to us and settle here

To Summon a Witchdoctor:
Combine liverwort, pinch of dragon root and snakeskin over chant
Free us from the ties that bind
Of evil magic intertwined
We call upon the one who cures
He who's to the dark inured.

To Summon Zahn
We call upon the ancient powers
To summon one to save a soul